Dec. 28, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: You will find ways to solve problems that have plagued you for a while. It will most likely be something simple that you have not thought about until now, but it will be efficient and effective. 

Matthew 7:7-8 Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.

December 28, 2024. You are tempted to return to your old ways. The enemy has pierced your soul, telling you that things will always be this way. I want you to be aware of his tricks. He is enticing you to go back and forget your spiritual path. You have worked hard to get where you are, don’t go back! Remember there is a war going on over you – don’t play into the devil’s hand. I want you spiritually aware.

1 Peter 5:8 “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:”   Robin Robinson Bohlin

December 28, 2024. Do not look at the past. There have been some things in the last year that have caused you stress and turmoil. As you move into the new year, allow My Spirit to cut the ropes of bondage that have tied you to the past. You cannot change what has already happened and you are not able to tell the future. Today, in this moment, allow yourself to live and move and have your being in Me!

Isaiah 43:18-19 “Do not call to mind the former things, or ponder things of the past. Behold, I will do something new, now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.”  Jonas Bohlin

December 28, 2013. (Reposted)  Peace at all costs is not My way. Peace sometimes calls for truth and truth is not always easy. Truth can be best received in the right timing. My way of peace often involves forgiveness. And forgiveness is not always easy. But unforgiveness causes misery and keeps you and others who have not forgiven in bondage. Walking in peace and forgiveness doesn’t always depend just on you. It often involves others. I have called you to walk in peace with everyone as long as it depends on you. Hear Me.

Romans 12:18-19  “If possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave the way open for [God’s] wrath; for it is written, Vengeance is Mine, I will repay (requite), says the Lord.” Bev Robinson

December 28, 2013. (Reposted)  Women have a special place in the heart of Jesus. The women who traveled with Him while on earth were at the front lines to serve and worship Him. When they were in the hot sands of some deserts in Israel, they made life easier for Jesus. Women were the first at His grave for the resurrection. They informed the Apostles of the event. God honors women when others do not. Gender is not an issue with Jesus. Thank God there are men who are as tender and full of worship as are women.

Matthew 28:8-9 “And they left the tomb quickly with fear and great joy and ran to report it to His disciples.And behold, Jesus met them and greeted them. And they came up and took hold of His feet and worshiped Him.” Ras Robinson

Dec. 27, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: Set yourself to have a positive attitude as you forge ahead. Remember that I am with you every step of the way. You are not alone. I am truly your very present help, and you can rely on Me. 

Psalm 46:1-3 Our God is a refuge and power; a helper in afflictions, to the ones having found us exceedingly. On account of this we shall not fear when the earth is disturbed, and mountains are transposed in the hearts of seas. Their waters sounded and were disturbed; the mountains were disturbed by His force. 

December 27, 2024. Singing is SO very good for you. Science has proven it…did you know that? Singing takes your mind off your situation and causes you to focus on words. I want you to be careful what you are singing because in that focus you are speaking to yourself. Sing words of life, words of fun, words of encouragement! When you sing, you literally are exercising your lungs and diaphragm! Sing with all your heart and watch things change.

Psalm 47:6 “Sing praises to God, sing praises; Sing praises to our King, sing praises.”  Robin Robinson Bohlin

December 27, 2024. Who is in your circle? Are you surrounding yourself with like-minded people? Those are the ones who will sharpen you; they will always direct you to the I AM. If you surround yourself with those that are not of Me, they will influence you with their opinions and ways that are not of Me. You are in charge of who you allow in your circle, so make sure you choose wisely.

Proverbs 22:24-25  “Make no friendships with a man given to anger, and with a wrathful man do not associate, Lest you learn his ways and receive nooses for your soul.”

1 Corinthians 15:33 “Do not be so deceived and misled! Evil companionships (communion, associations) corrupt and deprave good manners and morals and character.”   Pam Jackson

December 27, 2013. (Reposted)  I came to earth over two thousand years ago. My main purpose in coming was reconciliation. Today this is still My main purpose. I am a minister of reconciliation, and My main purpose for you is to become a minister of reconciliation.  Wherever you are and whoever you are with, you are to keep this attitude of reconciliation front and center in your being. If you maintain this attitude, it will soon lead into actions. There are people around you, some in your own family, who need Me and our ministry of reconciliation.

2 Corinthians 5:18  “It is all the doing of the God who has reconciled me to himself through Christ and has permitted me to be a minister of his reconciliation.” Bev Robinson

December 27, 2013. (Reposted)  Those close to you are the most effective in sharpening you. This applies to family and friends alike. Whom do you blame for sending those who are so effective in sharpening you? You complain and speak against them, don’t you? The sooner you recognize them as those I sent to you, the sooner you will be happy, happy, happy again. Therefore, rejoice that the Lord is on your case to sharpen you. Turn away from your pride and arrogance and do the right thing.

Proverbs 27:17  “You use steel to sharpen steel, and one friend sharpens another.”  Ras Robinson

Dec. 26, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: Contemplate your errors in judgment, but refuse to dump down in condemnation. Mistakes are part of life that you can learn from and make adjustments, but condemning yourself does no good at all. Move on knowing that you will do better next time. 

John 8:9-11 Then those who heard it, being convicted by their conscience, went out one by one, beginning with the oldest even to the last. And Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. When Jesus had raised Himself up and saw no one but the woman, He said to her: Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you? She said, no one, Lord, and Jesus said to her, neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.

December 26, 2024. You become more like Christ when you don’t reject someone who is rejecting you. By doing this, you enter into His fellowship of His sufferings. Never repay evil with evil, repay evil with good. Christ was severely rejected and cast aside and yet He continued His trek to the cross, dying for the very ones that rejected Him! When you love through rejection, you become His true friend. Remember He became like you so you could become like Him!

Philippians 3:10 “that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death;”  Robin Robinson Bohlin

December 26, 2013. (Reposted)  You dodged a bullet you don’t realize you dodged. There is a lot of ammunition whizzing by. You’re dodging bullets by wisdom and belief. But My armies of heaven are also deflecting bullets and fiery darts. You realize one has flown by. That causes thankfulness. I see the slight smile on your face. You are doing well with walking in thanksgiving. Don’t give up and don’t lag in being grateful. There is more ammunition to come, but you will continue to hold the shield of belief and we will continue to deflect.

Ephesians 6:16  “With all having taken up the shield of the belief, in which you shall be able to extinguish all the arrows of the wicked one being setting on fire;” Bev Robinson

December 26, 2013. (Reposted)  Trim and pare down for the journey ahead. You don’t want to carry any baggage, good or bad. See to it that you face the reality of your feelings toward others that have become like a ball and chain. This is not of God nor does it even make human and logical sense. Who, in their right mind, would want to carry either garbage or other unnecessary burdens for a journey? You need to think hard about unforgiveness, resentment and retaliation. Cross the tees and dot the i’s. Seize the moment.

Luke 10:3-4 “On your way! But be careful-this is hazardous work. You’re like lambs in a wolf pack. Travel light. Comb and toothbrush and no extra luggage. “Don’t loiter and make small talk with everyone you meet along the way.Ras Robinson

Dec. 25, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: Set aside time to spend in My presence and receive the benefits of being in the Spirit where you will find restoration and renewal. Whether you are aware of it or not, you need to refocus and reset. 

Colossians 3:1-3 If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.


Oh what a joyous time to celebrate THE BIRTH OF CHRIST! It is because of this one event, eventually leading to His death and resurrection, that our sins are forgiven and our infirmities are healed. He understands us because He became one of us!

John 1:14  “And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of favor and truth.”

Blessings to you from Fullness in Christ Ministries, the Staff, the Writers and the Board of Directors.

December 25, 2014. (Reposted)  I left all that I possessed, all the riches of glory, to come to earth over two thousand years ago as a tiny baby. I followed all that My Father said because of you. I love you enough that I laid down My life so you can be relieved of the burden of sin all your life and then you can have eternal life and live with Me forever. Because of Me you can also live life every day on earth abundantly and to the fullest. I love you.

John 10:9-11 “I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and sacrifice and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.”

Bev RobinsonDecember 25, 2014. (Reposted)  You would do well to live an expectant lifestyle. On this Christmas Day 2014 what are you expecting? Mary, soon to be mother of Jesus, had just witnessed the birth of John, but now it was time for Jesus to come. She had carried Him for nine months, not knowing exactly what day she would deliver the Savior of the whole world. She had waited and waited. There was pressure and discomfort but Who she expected was imminently to manifest Himself. Do you have belief to imminently expect God’s promise to you to be manifested? Expect it so!

Luke 2:6-7  “While they were there, the days were completed for her to give birth. And she gave birth to her firstborn Son; and she wrapped Him in cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.”  Ras Robinson

Dec. 24, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: Make today a day of forgiveness for those who have sinned against you. Prepare yourself to be free of agitation and resentment so that you can enjoy the true meaning of Christmas. Jesus Christ was born, lived, and died to give us everlasting life in Him. Let your best gift to others be that of freedom from your own wrath. 

Matthew 6:14-15 For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

December 24, 2024. On this eve, all over the world, the Light of the World is being celebrated. Even those who don’t know Me decorate their trees and homes and businesses with lights. They are being directed by Me to celebrate the Light that indwelt Mary thousands of years ago, the Light that guides men to Me, the Light that saves men from their sin. Oh, holiest of nights when the sky lit up with My messengers announcing His birth!

John 8:12 “Again then Jesus spoke to them, saying, I am the Light of the world; the one following Me in no way should walk in the darkness, but shall have the Light of the life.”   Robin Robinson Bohlin 

December 24,2024. I want you to know as My children you have already been given the BEST gift that’s ever been given in history. My Son was born just to lay down His life for you and those around you. The best gift you can give is to share My love with those around you. You are a reflection of My Son so give the gift that keeps on giving and will last for an eternity – JESUS. 

Romans 6:23 “But now that you’ve found you don’t have to listen to sin tell you what to do, and have discovered the delight of listening to God telling you, what a surprise! A whole, healed, put-together life right now, with more and more of life on the way! Work hard for sin your whole life and your pension is death. But God’s gift is real life, eternal life, delivered by Jesus, our Master.”  Pam Jackson

December 24, 2013. (Reposted)  Circumstances are not as bad as they once were and you are not seeking Me as you once did. Do you need things to go bad before you seek Me? I would never cause something bad to happen for you to seek Me. I have nothing but good in store for you. Yes, things do go bad from time to time, but that is not My purpose. My plan is for us to become closer and closer. My desire is for our camaraderie to flourish in good and bad times.

Proverbs 18:24 “The man of many friends [a friend of all the world] will prove himself a bad friend, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.”   Bev Robinson

December 24, 2013. (Reposted)  There is a deeper and more exquisite joy and fulfillment awaiting you. I have a great gift for you. The fellowship you and I enjoy together is going to burst forth into a new level of goodness and joy. In addition, you will embrace a few very good friends I have recently brought into your life. You have received Me as our fellowship has grown deeper. So shall it be with these selected friends. Let your guard down. Dare to love them as you love Me. Your great gift awaits you.

1 John 2:13-14 “I write to you, fathers, because you have known the One from the beginning. I write to you, young men, because you have overcome the wicked one. I write to you, children, because you have known the Father. I wrote to you, fathers, because you have known the One from the beginning. I wrote to you, young men, because you are strong, and the Word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the wicked one.”  Ras Robinson

Dec. 23, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: It is time to get caught up on tasks that you have neglected. Otherwise they will weigh you down and hinder your progress going forward. Begin again with a clean slate, knowing that there is nothing that can hold you back or trip you up. 

Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.

December 23, 2024. Go ahead and forgive them one more time. When you think of this person, does your heart seize up just a little within you? Then there is still room for forgiveness. Your mind will say “But I’ve already forgiven them.” Yet your body is telling you there is more forgiveness needed. Until you can think of them without a physical or emotional response, there is still a lingering unforgiveness.

Ephesians 4:31-32 “Stop being mean, bad-tempered, and angry. Quarreling, harsh words, and dislike of others should have no place in your lives. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God has forgiven you because you belong to Christ.”   Robin Robinson Bohlin 

December 23, 2024. Celebrate! Celebrate the birth of My Son who came to earth to give Himself as a sacrifice for your sin…past, present and future. There are times that you feel you are too “bad” to be forgiven. My Son’s birth, life, death, burial and resurrection was not in vain! As perfect and sinless, He is the only one who can pay for your sin. There is only one way to be in right standing; receive My forgiveness!

Colossians 1:13-14 “He has rescued us completely from the tyrannical rule of darkness and has translated us into the kingdom realm of His beloved Son. For in the Son all our sins are canceled and we have the release of redemption through His very blood.”  Jonas Bohlin

December 23, 2013. (Reposted)  There is a choice before you. It’s like two sides of a coin. One side is heads and the other is tails. One side is peace, the other is trouble. I have made you the head and not the tail, but you still get to choose. I have defeated the enemy on your behalf. That has paved the way for you to walk in peace. It is up to you to take advantage of what I have done. Don’t waste time trying to figure it all out. Choose peace.

John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”   Bev Robinson

December 23, 2013. (Reposted)  Not sure who this is for. Please consider that it might be you. There is great reward for the one to whom the Lord speaks these words: “You are full of the goodness of God the Father. Your cup is overflowing with the riches and pleasures of a rewarded servant. Your belly is filled with anointing from Me. You lack adequate expression for the exquisite quality of wine that was once new and now will be ruined unless vented. Give the tap to those who need it most, having been seasoned and prepared.”

Job 32:19 “Behold, my belly is like unvented wine, Like new wineskins it is about to burst.”   Ras Robinson

Dec. 22, 24

The Trumpet by Bill Burns: In a vision of the path of life I saw resting places where self-examination was to take place. These were places that were designed to examine what we believe. Each rest stop was for the purpose of challenging our belief and an opportunity to strengthen our belief. 

2 Corinthians 13:5 Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the belief. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?–unless indeed you are disqualified.

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: For those who acknowledge and walk with Me, I am making a way that you can follow. Do not be afraid to miss what I am doing in your life. I truly am for you and not against you. You are My own special treasure. Embrace this spiritual reality, and do not doubt the love that I have for you, says the Lord. 

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

December 22, 2014. (Reposted)  I have plans for you. They are better than you can imagine. You made a commitment to follow Me. Now seek My plan to bring in the many blessings that accompany the commitment. Don’t strike out on you own or many mistakes will be made and much time will be wasted. When I called you forth I also supplied the provision to carry out your destiny. The plans I have will not always be easy but they will be simple. I’m not complicated. You will seek Me and follow.

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”   Bev Robinson

December 22, 2014. (Reposted)  Surely you know God chose you to be His child from before the foundations of the earth. You were always on His mind and in His eyes. All your life, He has kept you as the apple of His eye. As you have grown physically, He has counted you more and more special in His sight. He has made an eternal covenant of protective love with you. You will be eternally blessed by God. Your enemies become His and He fights your battles for you. Become one on a daily basis with your Lord.

Psalm 22:9-10 “You are He who brought me forth from the womb; you made me trust when upon my mother’s breasts. Upon You I was cast from birth; you have been my God from my mother’s womb.”   Ras Robinson

Dec. 21, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: If you want things to be different, you must take the first step to make them different. Unless, of course, change is not within the boundaries of your authority. There are things you can do something about and things you cannot. Stay within the confines of your limitations. 

Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

December 21, 2024. Obedience brings blessings! Just as a trained animal gets rewarded for his obedient behavior – so shall you. Why? Because obedience to My ways and My Word must result in blessings. It’s My good pleasure to bless those who follow in My ways. I will not lead you astray – listen and follow. My way is made clear in My Word. Read, absorb, learn and be blessed.

Proverbs 10:6a “Blessings of the Lord are on the head of the righteous,”

Luke 11:28 “Jesus replied, ‘That’s true, but the people who are really blessed are the ones who hear and obey God’s message!’”  Robin Robinson Bohlin 

December 21, 2024. I have done what I promised. I promised a Savior of the world and I delivered. I promised Holy Spirit, I delivered. I promised that My chosen, Israel, will be victorious and I delivered. Trust Me and believe Me that I will accomplish the promises that I have made to you. Celebrate the promise of My provision for all your needs by way of My Son, Jesus. Embrace the promises that I have proven over and over!

Isaiah 7:14  “Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel.” Jonas Bohlin

December 21, 2013. (Reposted)  A breakthrough is coming. There will be some things which happen which will shake you, but keep your mind focused on the breakthrough which is already on its way. I am the Breaker and I break loose the works of the enemy which have a strong hold. The stronghold is evident, but so will be the Breaker. He will lead the procession of good things to come. He will parade multiplied blessings before you. At first you won’t recognize what is happening, but then you will see and begin rejoicing.

Micah 2:13 “The Breaker [the Messiah] will go up before them. They will break through, pass in through the gate and go out through it, and their King will pass on before them, the Lord at their head.”  Bev Robinson

December 21, 2013. (Reposted)  Telling people about the goodness and wonders of Jesus seems to make the Father in Heaven happy. That is why the Methodist minister who led me to Christ when I was 12 years old immediately told me to be baptized the next day. He said that in doing so, I was telling those who saw me being baptized that Christ was preeminently important to me and that I wanted all to know about it. It was my chance to brag on God’s Son Jesus and make Him look good.

Matthew 10:32-33 “Everyone who acknowledges Me publicly here on earth, I will also acknowledge before My Father in heaven. But everyone who denies Me here on earth, I will also deny before My Father in heaven.”  Ras Robinson

Dec. 20, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: You will be inclined to think about the past and all of the ways you have been hurt, but this will not be helpful. Those times are behind you, and dwelling on them will not change anything. You must forgive and move on. Otherwise, you will get stuck in a cycle of never-ending remorse. 

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy–meditate on these things.

December 20, 2024. You have been smelling a scent – it is beautiful and fresh – even aromatic. You check your home for lit candles, there are none. You check other possible sources, there are none. I tell you I am the fragrance that has invaded your home. The sweetness of Holy Spirit has descended. Enjoy it while it lingers; it is a reminder to you of your good life given to you by your Good Father! 

Song of Solomon 1:3 “The aroma of Your oils is fragrant and pleasing; Your name is perfume poured out; Therefore the maidens love You.”  Robin Robinson Bohlin 

December 20, 2024. Do you know that you can prophesy to yourself? When you declare My Word over your life you are prophesying to yourself. Take the authority that I have placed within and begin to decree it over every circumstance and situation. You can speak defeat, or you can speak victory. Declare you are healed, nothing lacking, nothing broken and nothing missing in your life. Watch things begin to change as you declare My Word. 

Job 22:28  And He will restore to you a habitation of righteousness, and upon your ways will be brightness.  Pam Jackson

December 20, 2013. (Reposted)  Cling to the hope I have given. Don’t take lightly the spark of hope in your heart. I work from the inside out. You know the saying, “It’s an inside job.” That’s the way I work. Real change comes and remains when it is first on the inside. When change comes on the inside, it works its way outward to action. Action is on its way. Don’t give up. Another saying to remember is, “It’s the darkest before the dawn.” This is exactly where things are. Hope in Me.

Romans 11:36 “For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen.”  Bev Robinson

December 20, 2013. (Reposted)  A prominent doctor recently told me, months after my prayers, that from the moment I prayed for him, the healing started and is continuing today. The Lord says, “I want stories of My healings that come as a result of the prayers of My believers to be told. Tell the testimonies, faith will grow and more healings will occur. Many hesitate to testify of healings they have seen because they have received no feedback from those for whom they prayed. Testify of My healings that came as a result of your prayers, even when the results came later. Testify and build the faith of believers.”

Matthew 20:32-34 “And Jesus stopped and called them, and said, “What do you want Me to do for you?” They said to Him, “Lord, we want our eyes to be opened.” Moved with compassion, Jesus touched their eyes; and immediately they regained their sight and followed Him.”  Ras Robinson

Dec. 19, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: Rise up out of the dead ashes of the past to face a brand new day. Begin again with renewed hope, and refuse to allow the devil to steal your sense of value and commitment to life in the Spirit. 

Ephesians 6:10-11 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

December 19, 2024. Jesus was gentle and humble. I desire these same characteristics for you. Do you remember that the meek will inherit the earth? Ask Me and I will show you areas that need more gentleness, humility and meekness. You may see these as signs of lack of strength, but I tell you Jesus had enormous strength while displaying these qualities. Become like Him and walk in His power!

Matthew 11:29-30 “Wear My yoke—for it fits perfectly—and let Me teach you; for I am gentle and humble, and you shall find rest for your souls; for My burden is light.”

Matthew 5:5 “Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth.”  Robin Robinson Bohlin 

December 19, 2013. (Reposted)  There is no need for worry. Worry does you no good and certainly can’t change anything. You will see what you thought was about to happen won’t happen. Remember when you prayed and prayed but could see nothing happening? It was happening, but in ways you could not see. It wasn’t clear. It was all happening where no one could really see and put things together but nevertheless it was happening. I heard your prayers and they lined up with the things I wanted. Precious, I’m blessing those you love.

James 5:16 “Acknowledge to one another the transgressions and make a vow for one another, so that you should be healed! The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”  Bev Robinson

December 19, 2014. (Reposted)  Partnership is apt to change your life forever. Well-chosen partners are often a ticket to greater success and happiness. Be wise and choose to be a good partner yourself. Seek to submit yourself and your gifts to and with the one(s) with whom you can live in full agreement and unity. You and they together can immediately multiply your possessions and future. Jesus taught Peter and the disciples an enriching message about unity and agreement among partners. Blessings always follow those who take His lessons seriously. Be a good partner. Be happy and successful.

Luke 5:7 “So they signaled to their partners in the other boat for them to come and help them. And they came and filled both of the boats, so that they began to sink.” Ras Robinson

December 19, 2015.  (Reposted)   I have sent you help. You haven’t known you needed help, but I’ve known. Deep down you’ve suspected, but it hasn’t completely bubbled up in the forefront of your mind, and you won’t completely understand yet. Just accept the help. Don’t resist. You will see it later and appreciate what I have done. I will never leave you or forsake you. Some others have. They didn’t do it on purpose; they just didn’t realize they were doing it. Be at peace and accept My love. 

John 14:27  “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.”  Bev Robinson

Dec. 18, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: You will have an opportunity to help someone who needs to be encouraged and to know that someone cares. I will fill your heart with compassion for those less fortunate. Go forth in the strength of My Spirit and Love to be My emissary, says the Lord. 

Luke 6:38 Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.

December 18, 2024. I know you are tempted to judge a certain person. Your thoughts about them are critical. I ask you, “Why do you do this when I have shown you so much grace? Do you want to be judged in the same manner you judge? Change and become more like Me. How would it make you feel if I “nitpicked” every little thing you did wrong? Remember this when you are tempted to judge and it will help you change.  

Matthew 7:1-5 “Don’t judge, and then you won’t be judged. For others will treat you as you treat them. And why worry about a speck in the eye of a brother when you have a board in your own? Should you say, ‘Friend, let me help you get that speck out of your eye,’ when you can’t even see because of the board in your own? Hypocrite! First get rid of the board. Then you can see to help your brother.”   Robin Robinson Bohlin 

December 18, 2024. It is time to enter. Time to enter My Presence. Time to enter My rest and time to enter My joy. Many have been carrying burdens that aren’t theirs to carry. Cast them off and enter in. Stop carrying false responsibilities. Cast them off of you and leave it all behind. Cast all your cares on Me. Move on over into this new realm. Rest, joy and peace are yours, enter in. 

I Peter 5:7 “casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.”

Hebrews 4:3a “For we who have believed do enter that rest, as He has said…”  Jennifer Peikert

December 18, 2013. (Reposted)  I have what is needed. But it is not needed until it is needed. My grace is sufficient in your time of need. Don’t presuppose what will happen. I give light enough to see in darkness. When you get to a place where you need more light, it will be there. This way we stay connected and you stay mindful of Me. You look to Me for your way and strength and I look to you as the one who presently gets the job done. You are my hands and feet.

John 14:6-7 “Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me. If you had known Me, you should have known My Father also: and from henceforth you know Him, and have seen Him.”   Bev Robinson

December 18, 2013. (Reposted)  No matter what you feel today about what is happening in the world around, God is at work to bless, increase and multiply you. You are at a time in your life at this moment when things have not measured up to what you were promised. There is the possibility of just running away and hiding until the storm is over. But the Lord is saying to you, “Do not run from your enemy. Face him square on and rebuke him. Command him to leave you, your family and ministry or business alone. Stand firm, raise your shield and use your sword. Win this battle.”

Psalms 18:20-21 “The LORD has rewarded me according to my righteousness; according to the cleanness of my hands He has recompensed me. For I have kept the ways of the LORD, and have not wickedly departed from my God.” Ras Robinson

Dec. 17, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: This is a time when your perspective of life and relevance will undergo an adjustment. You will be able to see the cycle of life with greater understanding and clarity. Use this time to do all that you can to fulfill your destiny in Me, says the Lord. I am your past, your present, and your future. 

John 16:13 However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.

December 17, 2024. “Tis the season to be jolly…” is a line in the Christmas Carol “Deck the Halls”. Today – choose joy! For what can you be thankful? There is plenty to lament over…but why do that? It is easy to think on the bad. But what good does that do? Choose joy. It’s a simple flip of the switch. Find something good to focus upon and watch your attitude change! Fa la la la la la la la la!

Philippians 4:8 “Now my friends, I want to say this to you. Fill your minds with thoughts about good things. Think about things that are true, clean, right and lovely. Always think about things which people know are very good.”  Robin Robinson Bohlin 

December 17, 2024. I was admiring a tree we have that turns a beautiful yellow orange in the fall. As I was looking at it, I heard the Lord say, “Just as I cause the leaves to change colors, and fall to the ground I am bringing change to My church. Trust the process, just as the old leaves fall away, they make room for the new growth. I am cutting away the old to make room for the new.”

John 15:5-8  “I am the Vine, you are the branches. When you’re joined with Me and I with you, the relation is intimate and organic, the harvest is sure to be abundant. Separated, you can’t produce a thing. Anyone who separates from Me is deadwood, gathered up and thrown on the bonfire. But if you make yourselves at home with Me and My Words are at home in you, you can be sure that whatever you ask will be listened to and acted upon. This is how My Father is glorified—when you produce much fruit, when you mature as My disciples.”  Pam Jackson

December 17, 2013. (Reposted)  Fight your fear with belief. This will cause you to go from the ridiculous to the sublime. I know things look bad and you have made mistakes, but you aren’t the only one. Don’t take all the blame. Repent just for your part. You can’t repent for another. You have to let them be responsible for their actions. You are learning, but you can’t do the learning for them. Your thoughts, words and actions can move you into belief. Don’t rehearse what is wrong over and over and over.

Philippians 3:13-14 “Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”   Bev Robinson

December 17, 2013. (Reposted)  It is time for the church to grow up, according to the Apostle Paul’s examination. He wrote to the church at Ephesus where both He and Timothy pastored. Both those pastors knew that God’s Word would mature the saints of their church if they would practice it as both of them had done. The church had been given the ascension gifts of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher. These gifts are to flow and work together. There is enough power here to change the world. Get it done.

Ephesians 4:14-16 “As a result, we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming; but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ,  from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love.”   Ras Robinson

Dec. 16, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: There are plenty of people who will beat you up for making a mistake, but that does not mean that you must whip yourself also. Fix what you can when you can and move on. Nobody on the earth is perfect, but that does not mean that you should not try to do the best you can in every situation. Gather your strength and forge ahead. 

Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will establish you with My righteous right hand.

December 16, 2024. Remember you are to not mourn as those without hope! I know your sorrow and I feel your pain but you must remember that I am working things for your good – even the bad events – they are working for your good. Begin to think on the good. A positive outlook in a negative situation will eventually lead to joy. Give yourself permission to be happy and smile, it will change your whole outlook.

1 Thessalonians 4:13 “We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, concerning those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve like the rest, who have no hope.”  Robin Robinson Bohlin 

December 16, 2024. Your life is full of choices. Today I say to you, be very careful about the choices that you make. The right choices will lead you down the right path to Me and the wrong choices will lead you into the direction of the world. The enemy is cunning and will use fear and lies to entice you down the wrong path. My Spirit is with you and will always lead you into what is best for you!

Galatians 5:16-17 “But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh. For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please.”  Jonas Bohlin

December 16, 2013. (Reposted)  Put your hope in Me. Your hope placed in anyone else will lead to disappointment. I always know what is best for you. I have plans that have been working since before you were born. Make your choices in line with those plans. Seek Me, and do what I say even when you don’t know if you have heard Me exactly. If you stay in My stream and your heart is to obey, I will turn you to walking in My path and you will eventually arrive at the right destination.

Jeremiah 7:23 “But this is what I commanded them, saying, ‘Obey My voice, and I will be your God, and you shall be My people. And walk in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well with you.’”  Bev Robinson

December 16, 2013. (Reposted)  Giving thanks continually as a part of your daily prayer is as good a spiritual discipline as you can find. Do you have a difficult time being thankful in all circumstances? Though difficult, I choose to join the ranks of King David in the early morning prayers. I repent (our pastor stressed this yesterday in his sermon and prayers). Scripture clearly says we are to continually be thankful “in” (but does not say “for”) all things whether in a festival, prison, high worship service or when there is great loss or gain financially or an unexpected medical issue.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 “Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”  Ras Robinson

Dec. 15, 24

The Trumpet by Bill Burns: Because God loves us He is always instructing and correcting us so that we can prosper in His kingdom. So, we must do that which will enable us to prosper in all things. Opportunities will be given, which will present a favorable time for advancement. 

Proverbs 8:17 I love those who love Me, and those who seek Me diligently will find favor and Me.

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: I am with you in times of trouble and in the midst of difficulties. Know that if you look for Me I will be found. If you will take one step towards Me, I will take a giant leap towards you. I will present Myself in ways that you would never expect, but in ways that will be exactly what you need at this moment, says the Lord. 

Psalm 27:13 I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the end of the living.

December 15, 2014. (Reposted)  A new relationship gives you the feeling of Deja vu. It was good in the past and leaves you with the feeling that it will be good again. Yes it will be good, but it isn’t the same, even though it appears the same. Be prepared to learn and grow. It’s exciting because it feels like you have been here before. It seems to be familiar, but this is a completely new situation. New revelation will come. Grow in maturity. Learn from the past and be blessed again.

Proverbs 18:24 “A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” Bev Robinson

December 15, 2014. (Reposted)  You are wise and you are increasing in wisdom. The Lord is pleased that you recognize His truth and want more. He knows you as one who is willing to be taught His wisdom rather than the wisdom of the world. You see your salvation as coming from God and not the world and its systems. This attitude and mindset has firmly established His hope deep inside your body, soul and spirit. Hope has never left you. This is why you always believe and place your trust for the future in God only.

Psalm 25:5 “Lead me by Your truth and teach me, for You are the God who saves me. And I waited on You all the day.”  Ras Robinson