Jan. 10, 24


Be still and know that I am God. Great and precious promises are yours if you will only dare to believe. The spiritual principles are simple, but applying them to life situations can be complex. Keep your vision clear and your motives pure as you focus on Me, says the Lord. The flesh always wants to muddy the spiritual water. 

Psalm 16:8 I foresaw the LORD before me always; for He is on my right that I should not be shaken.

January 9, 2024. I see some walking precariously along a tightrope. These are ones who have known God and have seen His power. They have walked in His ways and have pointed others in the right direction. They have now been fooled and are going the other way. The Lord says, “This is a caution for you. You are about to go into the enemy’s camp and into danger. Turn around and run back into the safety of My Kingdom.”
Psalm 56:8-9 “

You number my wanderings; put my tears into Your bottle; are they not in Your book? When I cry out to You, then my enemies will turn back; this I know, because God is for me.” Robin Robinson Bohlin  

January 9, 2024. To be seen or not to be seen. I say to you, that it is more profitable to be unseen. So many times, we put value in what is evident to our senses. It is easy to focus on the “seen”. The Spirit of God says look with your heart. Look for the qualities of love and peace in your dealings with people. Don’t be offended by lack of recognition. Remember the Words of the Lord that tell us our Father in Heaven “sees” in secret and will reward you because of obedience to His will and not for recognition.

Matthew 6:1-6 “Beware of practicing your righteousness before others to be seen by them; otherwise, you have no reward from your Father in heaven. So whenever you do charity, do not sound a trumpet before you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, so that they may be glorified by men. Amen, I tell you, they have their reward in full! But when you do charity (give alms), do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your charity (giving of alms) may be in secret; and your Father, who sees in secret, shall reward you. ‘When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites; for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners, so that they may be seen by others. Amen, I tell you, they have their reward in full! But you, when you pray, go into your inner room; and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father, who sees in secret, shall reward you.”  Budd Rodgers

Jan. 9, 24


There is trouble all around you, but you do not have to be affected by what is happening outside of you. You need to settle yourself inside and deal with the issues that directly affect you. This will require walking and living in the Spirit instead of being consumed with flesh issues. Establish yourself in peace, says the Lord. 

Philippians 4:6-7 Let no one be anxious, but in all prayer and supplication with thankfulness let your requests be made known to God! And the peace of God, the one surpassing every mind, shall guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.

The Father says:
“I want My People to know that there is so much more to walking with Me than is commonly taught. You have been taught to expect a certain degree of things from Me, from your walk with Me. You have been taught that you grow to a certain point, then pass away and spend eternity with Me. Your time with Me in eternity started when you accepted My Son Jesus as Savior and Lord. Right now, you are seated with Me in Heaven. This is where you are NOW. (Eph 2:6) That very fact should radically change your life, but most of My children operate the same as they did before they were placed next to Me. They pray, yes, but the unsaved also pray. They read My Word, but the unsaved also read My Word. I am calling you to a higher walk that is available to ALL MY CHILDREN. People look at Wigglesworth and think that he is special. The ONLY thing he did special was say YES to Me and go through the door into FULL Sonship, the door that ANY of My children can walk through if they simply do so.
“It is SO BEAUTIFUL beyond that door. Joy made full lives beyond that door. Life and that more abundantly lives beyond that door. Walking in the SAME intimate walk I had with My Son Jesus when He walked the earth, lies beyond that door.”
“So come on into the Land I set aside for you before I created the world, where you have always wanted to linger, to walk in and explore. Take My Hand and let Me show you just what it means to be a Son of God.”
Revelation is reading the Word through My eyes.
When you read My Word through man’s eyes, you will continue to walk as men. When you read My Word through My eyes, you begin to walk as Sons of God.
This is possible for you, since we are One Spirit. Ask Me to help you do this and I will.
My Word was never meant to read only silently, but mainly aloud. The word “meditate” in Joshua 1:8 and Psalms 1:2 means speak, mutter, utter to yourself.
You are supposed to educate BOTH your mind AND your spirit. You educate your mind primarily by what you SEE. You educate your spirit primarily what you HEAR. You teach your mind what to think by what you SEE. You teach your heart what to believe by what you HEAR. Reading My Word aloud, then, is the best way to renew your mind and grow in faith at the same time.
Wigglesworth is an example of a person who walked in full Sonship.
The Lord says: “Many believed I was able to do so many mighty miracles through him because he was baptized in the Spirit. This is not true. Many are baptized in My Spirit yet see no miracles. That is because Wigglesworth walked not only full of My Spirit, but also full of My Word. He would pray in the Spirit daily and read aloud from My Word daily. That is why I was able to raise so many from the dead through him and restore missing limbs and so many other mighty miracles. These are the keys to walking in full Sonship. This is the revelation that causes the prophecy of the manifestation of My Sons in Romans 8:19 to be fulfilled in this season.”
Comments He gave to add:
The sower soweth the Word – when you READ HIS WORD ALOUD, you are being YOUR OWN SOWER. Plant HIS SEEDS in the Garden of YOUR HEART every day so that you will GROW A GARDEN in your heart that will make you begin looking, walking and talking like Jesus. Another benefit of doing this is that the seeds that the enemy has planted, such as seeds that block healing, seeds of making you fear rejection by the Lord and others, will be replaced by seeds of FAITH FOR HEALING and a new sense of TOTAL ACCEPTANCE BY THE LORD and BOLDNESS TO GO FORTH AND DO HIS WILL AS YOU HAVE NEVER KNOWN!
There are so many false teachings about healing and other subjects. That is the real reason why some, even very, very Godly, Spirit-filled people, have had issues receiving healing from the Lord. Bad seeds planted in their hearts when they were not looking, by some pastor or teacher they listened to thirty years ago. In the garden of their hearts, in some forgotten corner, is a weed that the enemy planted, that thing that made them just seem to never be able to step out into faith and receive the wonderful gift of healing from their loving Father, purchased at such a great price by His precious Son. Reading the pure Word of God aloud will uproot those foul weeds from the enemy and replace them by a plant of growing faith to receive the wonderful things their precious Father wants to give His precious children. The bad seed entered by something heard, so it must be uprooted by something also heard.
This revelation is a major part of the Awakening. The Awakening has started, the GREATEST MOVE OF GOD to ever occur on the earth. Awakening is actually a misnomer. It is “multiple” Awakenings, all at the same time: An Awakening to Who He is, an Awakening to ALL He did for us on the Cross, an Awakening of who WE ARE NOW as His Sons who are seated WITH HIM in the Heavenly Realms, an Awakening to who Jesus is IN US and who WE ARE IN HIM and an Awakening to who we are TO THE eNEMY.
Lord Jesus says:
“I AM the Beginning and the End. I, the Word, started the Church and I, the Word, will complete the church. That is why I AM revealing the message that you should not only be full of My Spirit but also My Word. It is this message about My Word that will transform My Bride into the Glorious Bride.”

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Jan. 8, 24


You are entering a season that will be like no other. Do not be afraid of change or challenges. I have been with you every step of the way and I will continue to go the distance with you, says the Lord. Lean on Me for direction and guidance as we go forth together. 

Psalm 25:5 Guide me in Your truth and teach me, for You are God, my Savior and my hope is in You all day long.

January 8, 2024. I am the God of all consolation. I know your situation and I have compassion for you. Don’t think that just because your situation hasn’t changed that I’m not at work. There are things in the works RIGHT NOW that are moving in your favor. Keep your head high, remember that you are highly favored and a son or daughter of the Most High. We win!

2 Corinthians 6:18 “And I will be your Father and you will be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.” Robin Robinson Bohlin  

January 8, 2024. The words that you speak affect those around you. I ask you today, do your words bring life or do they bring death? Consider carefully and choose with love and compassion the words you speak. My Son was and is the personification of My Word. Holy Spirit will direct all your words. You have made the choice to bring life to every situation with the words you speak. Enjoy the fruit of life birthed from your tongue.

Proverbs 18:21 “Death and life are in the handle of the tongue; and the ones holding it shall eat of its fruits.” Jonas Bohlin

Jan. 7, 24

The Trumpet by Bill Burns:

Come and connect with Me, so we can go on this journey together. I will lead and guide you and bring prosperity and healing into your life. Be one with Me. You can be stronger spiritually this year than you have ever been before. You can fight the good fight of belief in a renewed way and be able to defeat the enemy as you go in My power and by the belief that I am energizing within you. Learn to live in My presence so that great joy and great belief will become that which you will manifest in the season that is before you, says the Lord. 

1 John 5:4 For every one being engendered by God overcomes the world; and this is the victory in the overcoming the world — the belief of ours.

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:

This is the beginning of a new trend of identification. You will develop your personal identity with greater precision and express yourself more completely apart from outside influences. The result will be that you will know who you really are in Me, says the Lord. This will be a dynamic revelation that will carry you into a new era. 

Philippians 3:10-11  that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death if, by any means, I should arrive at the resurrection of the dead.

by Jeffrey Stewart
Our Heavenly Father says:
“It is impossible for you to grasp how much I love you. Even after you get your new bodies, you will not be able to comprehend even a small fraction of its depth. For millions of years, you will wonder at the depth of My Love for you. My care for you is infinite. When you hurt, I hurt. When you rejoice, I rejoice.

The mention of your name causes such overwhelming love that I would die for you again if you needed it. The vastness of the universe can fit inside My heart, yet that vastness is nothing compared to the Love I have for EACH of My children. Creation was My Gift to you. Every good thing you see is My Gift to you. My Son is My Gift to you. You are that pearl of great price, that I would give everything to possess. My only thoughts of you are thoughts of your good. The smallest details of your life have been planned with infinite care.

Every single flower, every single sunset, every single day, is My Gift to you. You believe Heaven will be a place of great joy, but you being with Me in Heaven brings Me joy that is beyond what you can comprehend. You make Heaven, Heaven for Me. So never doubt My Love for you. Though the enemy comes against you and things look dark, the Sun always shines — and My Love always shines for you.”

James 1:17 Every good portion and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the lights, of Whom there is no alteration or shaded circuit.

Jan. 6, 24


Do not underestimate the power of My presence and My ability to intervene in your life. Allow Me to take the lead and direct every step you take. I am not a myth or a legend; I am a real and powerful being that you can interact with and trust to help you through every dilemma you face. Put your trust in Me, says the Lord. 

Isaiah 41:10 Do not fear! for I am with you. Do not wander! for I am your God; the One strengthening you and I will give help to you and safeguard you by My just right hand.

January 6, 2024. In my dream last night, I heard this statement, “God is the Keeper of Time”. I asked the Lord what it meant, He said: “I am the Keeper of Time. For Me, 1000 years is like one day. Get on My time table. I can go forward and backward in time. I can heal the things in the past and steer you away from trouble in the future. Eternity, when is it? It is now, it was then, it will be!

Psalm 90:4  “For a thousand years in Your eyes, O LORD, are as a day — yesterday which went is as a watch in the night.” Robin Robinson Bohlin  

January 6, 2024. There may be some who are slow starters. Do not let the enemy accuse you. Some are early starters, some are normal starters and some are slow starters. I have made you the way you are. No matter which category into which you fall, make the most of your time. Allow Me to use you whenever and wherever you go. The world consists of every kind of person and needs what each of you have to offer. 

Psalms 139:14-16 “I will make acknowledgment to You, for fearfully You caused wonder; the wonders of Your works; and my soul knows exceedingly. My bones were not hidden from You, which You made in secret; and my essence in the lowermost parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my unfinished state; and on Your scroll all men shall be written. Days were shaped and no one among them.”  Jonas Bohlin

Jan. 5, 24


Do not stress about what could or might happen tomorrow. Know that your place of safety and security is in My everlasting arms. I will hold you and protect you regardless of these trying times and unsettling circumstances. 

Deuteronomy 33:27 And the sovereignty of God shall shelter you and that under the strength of everlasting arms. And He shall cast out from your face the enemy, saying, May you perish.

January 5, 2023. Get ready for a wellspring of new ideas and creative thoughts that will be coming. All of a sudden you will awaken, knowing what to do. Be sure and write down these thoughts for they flow from the throne room. Just as Jacob used different colored branches to produce different colored sheep, so shall you awaken to the unusual but profitable ideas.

Genesis 30:37-39 “Jacob, however, took fresh-cut branches from poplar, almond and plane trees and made white stripes on them by peeling the bark and exposing the white inner wood of the branches. Then he placed the peeled branches in all the watering troughs, so that they would be directly in front of the flocks when they came to drink. When the flocks were in heat and came to drink, they mated in front of the branches. And they bore young that were streaked or speckled or spotted.”  Robin Robinson Bohlin  

January 5, 2024. I heard the Lord say, “Practice Gratitude! As you start this New Year, stay grateful, have an attitude of gratitude. No matter what is going on around you when you choose to find something to be thankful for, it can change the atmosphere around you. You can’t have worry and gratitude in the same thought, look for the good in all things. It will shift your perspective, practice Gratitude daily, it will change your life.”

1 Thessalonians 5:18 “in every situation [no matter what the circumstances] be thankful and continually give thanks to God; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.”

Colossians 3:15 “And let the peace of God preside in your hearts! in which also you were called in one body. And be gracious!” Pam Jackson

Jan. 4, 24


You can make plans for the future, but you must live and be present right here and right now. Your plans are not yet reality. Stay real and deal with the issues that present themselves today, one minute at a time. That is where you can exercise your belief and trust that I am indeed with you, says the Lord. 

Psalm 16:11 You made known to me the ways of life. You shall fill me of gladness with Your face. Delightfulness is at Your right unto the end.January 4, 2024. I have an image of people running in the street, taking shelter where they can, with YOU standing in the middle of the street unafraid. You have asked Me why you have gone through this persecution. I tell you that this persecution has made you strong and unafraid. You have learned and have grown in strength and power. This day will come and My strong Warrior Remnant will rise and point the way to salvation!

2 Timothy 3:11-14 in the persecutions, in the sufferings, such as happened to me in Antioch, in Iconium, in Lystra— of such persecutions I endured. And 

the Lord rescued me from out of all. But even all the ones wanting to live godly in Christ Jesus shall be persecuted. But wicked men and impostors shall progress unto the worse, misleading and being misled. But you abide in the things which you learned and were trustworthy! knowing from whom you learned.” Robin Robinson Bohlin  

January 4, 2024. A new year brings new discoveries. The Lord says discover the precious stones I have built you with in this new year. Learn from ME what it means to have the sapphires, rubies and other jewels embedded into your life. I will not disappoint you. I will elevate you to a new realm of revelation of MY goodness to you, saith the Lord!

Isaiah 54:10-17 “Shall the mountains change over, nor your hills be moved about; so not even mercy shown by Me to you shall fail, nor the covenant for your peace in any way shall change; for Adonai spoke kindness to you. Humble and confused, you were not comforted. Behold, I prepare for you carbuncle for your stone and for your foundations sapphire. And I will make the parapets jasper and your gates stones of crystal and your enclosure of choice stones; and all your sons instructed of Adonai and much peace to your children. And you shall be built in righteousness at a distance from the unjust. And you shall not be fearful and trembling shall not approach to you. Behold, converts shall come forward to you because of Me and they shall sojourn with you and unto you they shall take refuge. Behold, I created you, not as a brazier blowing in a fire of coals and bringing forth a utensil for work; but I created you, not for destruction to corrupt. Every weapon concocted against you shall not be prosperous; and every voice that shall rise up against you for judgment, all of them you shall vanquish. And the ones liable of you shall be in her; it is the inheritance to the ones attending Adonai and you shall be righteous to Me, says Adonai.” Budd Rodgers

Jan. 3, 24

The Trumpet by Bill Burns:

Proclaim the blessings of this new season. Believe and receive that which I am doing, says the Lord. It is time to forget the past and begin again. Activate your belief and walk with Me through the season before you. Become one with Me. 

Philippians 3:13-14 Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.


Quiet your soul and deliberately make Me your partner in life, says the Lord. I am with you to bring you through every situation. Lean on Me and trust Me to keep you on the path that I have chosen for you. There is no need for fear or trepidation. Be strong and resolute. 

Psalm 56:11 In God I have put my trust; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?

January 3, 2024. I hear in my mind: 1, 2, 3 – 1, 2, 3, much like the rhythm of a waltz. God says: “It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3. I have made it so simple that it can be construed as complicated. Relax and step into My rhythm. Let Me take you by the hand; I will lead. Rushing to actions or judgments have gotten you into trouble. If you will let Me lead, My dance is always easy and peaceful.

Jeremiah 31:12-13  “And they shall come and shall be glad in mount Zion. And they shall come upon the good things of the LORD, upon a land of grain and wine and olive oil and fruits and cattle and sheep. And their soul shall be as the tree containing fruit. And they shall not hunger any longer. Then virgins shall rejoice in a gathering of young men; and old men shall rejoice. And I will turn their mourning into joyfulness and I will comfort them and I will make them ones being glad.”Robin Robinson Bohlin  

January 3, 2024. Be ready, be ready, be ready. I am releasing more in 2024. More revelation, more wisdom, more knowledge, more, more, more. I am breaking out in ways never seen before. Meetings will erupt with My power and glory. Salvations across the globe will be seen in mass measures. I said it, I will do it. The greatest outpouring the world has ever seen starts this year. It is time to get drenched in Me.

Ephesians 3:20 “Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for His miraculous power constantly energizes you.” Jennifer Peikert

Jan. 2, 24


Your inclination for the new year is to make great, sweeping changes, but that will not be in your best interest. There are things that need to be adjusted in what you do, so make the adjustments in small increments instead of throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Keep your focus on Me and fine tune your spiritual ear to hear and heed My leading, says the Lord. 

Psalm 119:105 Your law is a lamp to my feet and a light to my paths.

January 2, 2024. Evil is swirling all around; you can feel it. What will you do? Succumb to the darkness or be an atmosphere changer. I encourage you RIGHT NOW to choose to be a “Light Bearer” an “Atmosphere Changer” to carry a “Breaker Anointing”. This is evil now and there has always been evil. There will be until the day of redemption. I remind you that the devil is defeated and all he can do is deceive.

Acts 16:25-28  “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God and the prisoners were listening to them and suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken. And immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s bonds were unfastened. When the jailer woke and saw that the prison doors were open, he drew his sword and was about to kill himself, supposing that the prisoners had escaped. But Paul cried with a loud voice, ‘Do not harm yourself, for we are all here.’”  Robin Robinson Bohlin  

January 2, 2024. As the new year continues to unfold from the Hebrew calendar to our Gregorian calendar, these are the words I heard from the Father. “The results of humbling and heartache have left you without the pride I despise,” says the Lord. This new year when you see your life as a “stump” of what it used to look like, I say look again, for I am causing new life, new growth and a new hope to arise from you. This year is going to produce the supernatural results that never were manifested in times past. Watch and see MY goodness flourish in you. You will be that branch that bears much fruit. Rejoice in ME and see MY Spirit work through the body of Christ!

Isaiah 11:1-5 And a rod shall come forth from out of the root of Jesse; and a flower from out of his root shall ascend. And Spirit of the LORD will be caused to rest upon Him; a Spirit of wisdom and understanding; a Spirit of counsel and strength; a Spirit of knowledge and piety; a Spirit of the fear of God shall fill Him up. He shall not judge according to the glory of man, nor shall He reprove according to the speech. But He shall judge the case of the lowly and shall reprove for the lowly of the earth. And He shall strike the earth by the Word of His mouth; and by the breath through His lips He shall do away with the impious. And righteousness will be tied around His loin; and His sides being wrapped around with truth. Budd Rodgers

Jan. 1, 24


Make this day a new beginning as you leave the past behind and forge ahead in belief that I am for you and with you every step of the way. You are never alone. I am by your side to show you the way and direct your steps, says the Lord. I am your fortress and high tower, your very present help in trouble. 

Psalm 18:2 The LORD is my firmament and my refuge and my rescuer. My God is my helper and I will hope upon Him; my defender and horn of my deliverance and my shielder.

Jeffrey Stewart

You will notice that the River of Life has its source at the Throne of the Father and the Son. The Holy Spirit is the OVERFLOW of the Father’s love for the Son.

Notice that Jesus said that He came that we might have life and that more abundantly. That’s the language of overflow. He came so that we could have that same overflowing River of Life in each of our hearts.

This explains why the Holy Spirit is so gentle, kind and tender. He IS the Father’s love for the Son, a Being separate unto Himself. On the Day of Pentecost, then, the Father’s love for the Son overflowed onto His Bride.

So Jesus is the Father’s LIGHT, Holy Spirit is the Father’s LOVE! Praying in the Spirit is Praying in Love.

The Gifts of the Spirit are the Gifts of Love. At Creation, the Father’s Love hovered over the waters.

Baptism in Spirit is the Baptism in His Love. Grieving the Spirit is Grieving the Father’s Love.
The Father’s Love is our Helper and Teacher.

Many interesting revelations come from THE ABOVE Revelation.

January 1, 2024!!!!! Breathe out the old. Breathe in the NEW. What a beautiful year 2024 will be! This is also the Hebrew year 5784 “The Year of the Open Door”. In our year, 2024, as you close doors that need to be “nailed shut”, the Lord says, I am opening doors wide to your promises! Shout now that your promises are fulfilled in this, the year of promise! Happy New Year – Expect new doors of promise to open!

Revelation 3:7-8 “And to the angel of the assembly in Philadelphia write! Thus says the Holy One, the true, the One having the key of David; the One opening and no one locks and locks and no one opens. I know your works. Behold, I have put before you a door being opened, which no one is able to lock it; for you have a little power and you gave heed to My Word and denied not My name.’” Robin Robinson Bohlin  

January 1, 2024. Today is a new day. You have been removed from a particular situation for a while, but I am reopening the door for you to minister in that arena. When the opportunity arises, do not be hesitant to speak into the lives of those from your past. Those from your past need the Me in you. You are exactly the one that I have prepared to bring about the healing and transformation needed in this particular circumstance.

2 Timothy 4:1-2  “I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead and by His appearing and His kingdom: preach the Word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction.” Jonas Bohlin

Dec. 31, 23


Stay focused and centered on your relationship with Me, says the Lord. Do not deviate or entertain distractions that remove you from your place of peace. I am with you to bring you through every challenge. Be strong and of good courage. 

Psalm 34:1 I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.

by Jeffrey Stewart

The Bible is much more than it appears. You look at the Bible and see a book. That is not how He sees it. He sees it as a verbal expression of Himself. He has managed to translate His Glory into written form. He placed ALL the Light that floods Heaven in it, in written form. Man misses out when he looks at things through man’s eyes. He intended for us to see all things through HIS eyes.

Man is God-Breathed. Man can contain all He is. Jesus, a man, contains the FULLNESS of the Godhead bodily. The Bible is ALSO God breathed. You will notice that in the Greek, it says that the Holy Spirit BREATHED on the men of old to write the Scripture. So He placed His ESSENCE, what makes God God, in the Bible just like He placed His essence in man when He created him. Both man and the Bible are IMAGES of Him. Accurate representations of WHO He is. He uses the Image of Himself that is the Word to restore the image of Himself to MAN. That is why we use the Bible to RENEW our minds.
He recorded Himself in the Bible, if you will. Through REVELATION from the Bible by His Spirit, He imparts Himself to man. Revelation is the Light that shines from His Face. So the Bible is the Face of God in written form. As you BEHOLD HIS FACE you are transformed. As you READ HIS WORD you are transformed. By SPEAKING HIS WORD you write His Face upon your heart. God created the Face to be the revelation of the heart. The Face was designed to make the Heart VISIBLE. So as He WRITES HIS FACE upon your Heart when you SPEAK God’s Word, YOUR Face is TRANSFORMED to look more and more like HIS Face. That is what going from GLORY TO GLORY REALLY MEANS.
Since the Bible is God’s ESSENCE in written form, it is God’s Love, God’s Joy, God’s Peace, God’s Life, God’s Light, God’s Wisdom, God’s Truth – ALL God is, in written form. So when you SPEAK God’s Word, He imparts more and more of His Love, His Joy, His Peace, His Life, His Light, His Life, His Wisdom, His Truth – ALL He is – into your heart AS YOU SPEAK HIS WORD. What is invisible in your heart becomes visible in your life. So the process of SPEAKING God’s Word is God’s means of MAKING HIMSELF VISIBLE IN HIS PEOPLE.
Those who warn others about making God’s Word an idol completely miss God’s purpose for sharing His Word with man. God’s Word, a written photograph of Himself, was given to make US photographs of Himself, like Jesus is a photograph of Himself. So we all can one day say, when you have seen US, you HAVE SEEN the Father.

Dec. 30, 23


Keep pushing on regardless of the difficulties you face at this moment. Stay strong in spirit, and the rest will follow. Your prayers will be answered in due season, says the Lord. Be patient and hold on to hope and belief, says the Lord. You are precious in My sight. 

1 Thessalonians 5:8-10 But we being of day should be sober, putting on the chest plate of belief and love and helmet — the hope of deliverance. For God set us not for wrath, but for the procurement of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, the One having died for us; that whether we be vigilant, or whether we sleep, together with Him we shall live.

December 30, 2023. I see many arising from their slumbering spirit. There is a SUDDENLY about to happen. Rejoice today for those that have been “asleep”, will suddenly awaken. Prepare yourself; the earth will rumble with this awakening. Don’t be surprised when what you have been praying for happens. All of heaven is rejoicing that the AWAKENING is coming!

Ephesians 5:13-14 “But all being reproved, are made manifest by the Light; for the thing manifesting all things is Light. Therefore He says, Arise, O sleeping one and rise up from the dead! and the Christ shall shine upon you.”  Robin Robinson Bohlin  

December 30, 2023. The words you speak are so very powerful and important. In My Kingdom, good and evil cannot exist in the same place. There are agents of both good and evil waiting to act on the words you speak. There are agents of the demonic and agents(angels) of My Kingdom. Angels wait anxiously to act on your words of life. You have My assurance that your positive words will open the heavens to act in accordance with your words.Proverbs 18:20-21

“From fruits of the mouth a man fills his belly; and from fruits of his lips he shall be filled up. Death and life are in the handle of the tongue; and the ones holding it shall eat of its fruits.” Jonas Bohlin

Dec. 29, 23


Strengthen your resolve to move ahead with the confidence that I am with you to succeed, says the Lord. This is a time of new beginnings when you must deliberately leave the past behind and take your first steps into a new era. There may be similarities, but it will not be the same. 

Isaiah 40:31 But the ones waiting upon God shall change in strength; they shall grow wings as eagles; they shall run and shall not tire; they shall proceed and shall not hunger.

December 29, 2023. I want to remind you that you WILL reap what you sow. This concept is true for the believer and the unbeliever. It is a life concept for all of humanity and nature. You sow corn, you reap corn. You sow love, you reap love. You sow judgment, you reap judgment. Choose this day what you will sow; choose carefully because you will reap from that action. Think of what you want to harvest and sow into that!

Galatians 6:7-8 “God will never be mocked! For what you plant will always be the very thing you harvest. The harvest you reap reveals the seed that you planted. If you plant the corrupt seeds of self-life into this natural realm, you can expect a harvest of corruption. If you plant the good seeds of Spirit-life you will reap beautiful fruits that grow from the everlasting life of the Spirit.” Robin Robinson Bohlin  

December 29, 2023. I see people walking around and around with their heads hanging low; they are almost in a slumped over position. The Lord says, “You keep going around the same mountain because you have not done what I told you to do.” It’s time to look up and allow Me to set your feet on the RIGHT path. I didn’t change My mind; your obedience will bring the change you so desire. Do what I’ve said to do.

Isaiah 55:8-9 “For My plans are not as your plans; nor as your ways are My ways, says the LORD. But as the distance the heaven is from the earth, so My way is at a distance from your ways and your considerations from My mind.”

Jeremiah 29:11 “And I will devise for you a device of peace and not evils, to give to you these things.”Pam Jackson

Dec. 28, 23


Refuse to allow the past to mar the present. Everyone has unpleasant memories, but they should have nothing to do with where you are today and what you have been called to do. Wipe your proverbial slate clean and begin again, says the Lord. Allow your heart to be cleansed and prepared for the future. 

Luke 6:37 Judge not and you shall not be judged. Condemn not and you shall not be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven.

December 28, 2023. People are watching you. They are looking for someone to imitate. Will you be an example to follow or an example of what to NOT do? I have created you in My image and I intend for you to lead others. Jesus, your big brother laid down the path for you to follow. Refer to Him if you don’t know how to behave; He will always point you in the right direction – WWJD.

1 Peter 2:21 “For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in His steps.” Robin Robinson Bohlin  

December 28, 2023. As the year 2023 ends, I believe one thing is very important to the Lord. He tells us in HIS Word to “forget” what lies behind. You and I should not carry any of our past into the new year. The past is over. Keep your good memories but remember you cannot live in that moment of time. God has a new day for you to live in every day. Part of that “one” thing to do is to also “press” into the new thing God is calling you to do. Purpose to push out that baby (metaphorically speaking) and give birth to the new vision God has ordained you to have!

Philippians 3:13-14 “Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself as having taken hold of this. But this one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal for the reward of the upward calling of Yahweh in Messiah Yeshua.” Budd Rodgers