Feb. 8, 24


In a vision I saw a sailing ship on a calm body of water with no wind in its sails. And, I heard the Lord say: Even though you are in a time of being in the doldrums, I have not left or forsaken you. Use this time to examine your spiritual condition and draw closer to Me. This is a momentary condition that will soon pass. Be patient. 

Romans 8:28 But we know that to the ones loving God all things work together for good, to the ones being called according to His purpose.

February 8, 2024. Why not go ahead and serve someone today? What’s it going to hurt? If you are always looking to have your needs met, then YOU become your focus. Instead of doing that, choose instead to meet someone else’s needs. You have the power to make someone’s life better TODAY! Ask Me and I will show you exactly who they are and what you should do.

Galatians 5:13 “For you, brethren, were [indeed] called to freedom; only [do not let your] freedom be an incentive to your flesh and an opportunity or excuse [for selfishness], but through love you should serve one another.” Robin Robinson Bohlin  

February 8, 2024. Strength is your attribute. Not your own strength BUT MY strength in you. I have promised you multiple times that you can have MY strength. Seek ME and you will find the salvation of strength come to you. In fact, no enemy can overtake you if you operate in MY strength. No giant, no lion, no bear, no mountain can overtake you.

Isaiah 12:1-2 “And he shall say in that day, I shall bless You, O LORD, because You were provoked to anger against me and You turned away Your rage and showed mercy on me.  Behold, my God, my deliverer; I will be yielding upon Him and I will not be fearful. Because the LORD is my glory and my praise; and it became to me for deliverance.”

Ephesians 6:10 “Finally, be empowered in the Lord and in the might of His strength.” Budd Rodgers

Feb. 7, 24


Refuse to allow the stress of life to overtake you. Stress is a byproduct of fear; fear of failure, fear of poverty, fear of rejection, etc. It is not My will that you live in fear. It is my will for you to live a life of faith, believing that I am with you and will be your guide, says the Lord. 

2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

February 7, 2024. There is something that is causing you to worry. For most, this would cause worry but you are My exceptional one. Release this issue to Me and step into My realm where there is no need of fretting and worry. Would you rather hold on to Me or the situation? Will one ounce of worry change this situation? No! Freedom is to be had, choose it and live happily!

Luke 12:25-26 “But who of you being anxious is able to add unto his stature one cubit? If then neither the least thing you are able, why concerning the rest are you anxious?”Robin Robinson Bohlin  

February 7, 2024. I fight your battles for you. Stay calm. I have this. I am your vindicator. I say to you, the delay is over. What you have been believing Me for and standing for is here. I AM coming through. Breakthrough is here for you and it is time for you to break out. Believe and receive now. The victory is yours. I will not be stopped and neither will you.

I Corinthians 15:57 “But to God be favor, to the One giving to us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”Jennifer Peikert

Feb. 6, 24


In these days of chaos, it is even more important for you to stay on course and do what I have given you to do, to see what I have given you to see and to know what I want you to know. It takes very little time to come into My presence and quiet your soul so that you can perceive My will. Do not neglect your spiritual duty above all else, says the Lord. 

Psalm 42:1-2 As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the mighty living God. When shall I come and appear before God?

February 6, 2024. I just heard the Lord say, I see the forecast and your future looks sunny and stable. I am removing that which has brought negativity in your life. Stand still and watch while I do this. It will cause you to fall on your knees and worship Me. If you could only see what I see; wait, you CAN SEE what I see. I have removed the veil and you will clearly understand the brightness and stability I am bringing.

Isaiah 43:19 “Behold, I do new things which now shall arise and you all shall know them. And I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the waterless place.”   Robin Robinson Bohlin  

February 6, 2024. Do not allow the cares of this world to drag you down. The enemy seeks to overwhelm you with flurries of activities, some are good, but none are God if they weigh you down. I come to lead you into a life of rest and peace. My very nature of being a shepherd to you is to lead you into the way of peace and rest. As you feed on green pastures today, allow Me to lead you in the way you should go and refreshing will be yours.

Psalm 23:1-3 “The LORD tends me and not one thing lacks for me. In the place of tender shoots, there He encamped me. At the water of rest, He nourished me. He returned my life; He guided me upon roads of righteousness because of His name.”   Budd Rodgers

Feb. 5, 24


Examine yourself to see if you have failed to repent for being unkind, judgmental, or deceptive. And, forgive those who have come against you in any way. It is time to clear the slate so that nothing can prevent you from receiving the highest and best that I offer you, says the Lord. 

Luke 6:37-38 Judge not and you shall not be judged. Condemn not and you shall not be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven. Give and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.

February 5, 2024. The power of words is enormous. Thinking, believing and saying, all go hand in hand. As you think so shall you be as you think you will speak and as you speak you will act. If things are not “moving along” in your life, then look back at what you are thinking and saying. Remedy thoughts and words at their genesis instead of trying to fix it on the backside.

Isaiah 6:7-8 “He touched my mouth with it and said, ‘Behold, this has touched your lips; and your lawless deeds it shall remove and your sin is forgiven.’”Robin Robinson Bohlin  

February 5, 2024. The day that My people are able to remain silent has passed. I call for My Church to join together and be My voice on the earth in these perilous days. When My people decide to stand for what is My way and My standard, then I WILL give wisdom, strength and understanding. For too long My Church has been silent and allowed the agenda of the enemy to flourish…no longer. Today take your stand on My behalf.

Ephesians 6:13-14 “Therefore put on God’s complete armor, that you may be able to resist and stand your ground on the evil day [of danger] and, having done all [the crisis demands], to stand [firmly in your place]. Stand therefore [hold your ground], having tightened the belt of truth around your loins and having put on the breastplate of integrity and of moral rectitude and right standing with God.”Jonas Bohlin

Feb. 4, 24

The Trumpet by Bill Burns: You are not alone and you are not without help. I am with you to guide you, protect you, provide for you and to heal you, says the Lord. I will do these things if you will only believe. 

Romans 8:31 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: Listen for the sound of silence and be comfortable with it. When nothing is stirring you to deep thought or action, you must stir yourself so that you do not lose your edge. Take the initiative through a desire to know Me more personally and intimately, says the Lord. Explore the depths of spiritual truth and delight yourself in the light of revelation. 

Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.


Please pray if this is for you. I pray that this will be an encouragement to those whom this Word is prepared for, as it was for me and so I just ask as with everything on this channel including this particular Word that you take everything to our Heavenly Father, ABBA for your own personal confirmation and for your own understanding.

And again I give this disclaimer that this Word is for a specific group of people and so the counsel that I have received concerning this Word is to give a disclaimer to pray and to seek ABBA whether this Word is for you or not.  And I believe He is faithful to provide counsel in His timing and in His way.

As James 1:5 says, If any man lacks wisdom let him ask of Yah Who gives to all men liberally and not berating and it shall be given.  

Daughter speak this Word for a specific people group, for they will know if this is for them or not. Pray My children.  Receive My good Word of Truth for I am the Alpha and I am the Omega. I hold the keys to hell and to death.  Behold I make all things new.  

My children, it is time for a great and mighty expansion into depths where mere mortal man cannot understand.  I come to set the captives free and to open the eyes of the blind. I extend out My arms to the weary and comfort the outcast. Set aside new depths of your heart and of your time for Me and I will begin to pour into you new depths of understanding and counsel. This is the time of knowledge increasing and I would not have you ignorant. Come fill your cup to overflowing. My eyes are in all places. My seven Spirits shall be poured out upon the seven churches and depending on your level of hunger and thirst shall you be filled. So come, be satisfied, come and receive. I have so much in store for thee.

This is a new era where what was hidden is being revealed for a people with an ancient Spirit by the Ancient of Days. He is very mighty in power as One called the Rod. He is the Rod of the seven.

Daughter, now share the vision for now is the appointed time of a marking, yes for the seven churches. What do you see?  ABBA, I see in the realm of the Spirit a ladder extended upwards and at the top is One in the likeness (as what I am given in description to describe Him is as the Son of man.) I find myself traveling up in this vision as if caught up (in what I am given to describe it as a whirlwind.)  

I find myself then at the feet of Him once again. I am given a description to describe Him and this time it is as One as called the Ancient of Days, the keeper of time, as the One who sits on the throne. Lightnings and hailstones go before Him, there is no end to His power nor of His might .Who shall not fear the great and terrible day of this One called the Ancient of Days from an ancient Priestly order of One called Melchisedek. In the vision He is hovering.  In this vision of I am now bowing before Him in the presence of angels.  He radiates power and glory with hair white like snow.

I hear the words “seven stars.” And the King. This One, the Ancient of Days speaks from on high. Yes, My daughter, I share truth and I cannot, nor do not lie.  Hear what the  Spirit saith: By Me kings reign, princes rule, angels decree and carry out My decrees. I hold all things by the righteous right hand of My righteousness, for I rule in righteous power and justice; this has been since the beginning and it shall be forevermore.

I am as a fire burning which cannot be extinguished. I am as a righteous scepter. I send forth My angels, even now for much is being accomplished. There is a distinguished marking of My church taking place, a positioning of classification. But to you who this golden scroll is for, yea, a golden scroll goes before you.  Eat the scroll and taste glory for it is as the finest honey, sweet to the taste buds.

Come up hither! Draw nigh unto Me for it is a time of faith rising in new and mysterious ways, the elements between the spiritual and natural colliding.

Look unto Me and come to the deeper waters. For deep is calling to deep and I would that you throw away all expectations of how you used to operate with Me and prepare yourself to enter into Glory.

Glory revealed, Glory poured out even as the finest oil fit for a bride adorned for a fine bridegroom. Anticipate a new outpouring and seek it as you would the finest treasure. Let your faith arise and you shall have it.

We will move as one and you will fulfill what you were created to carry out. You have not known such a glory that I give unto you for I saved the best for last and I desire to give you much. You are Mine. Let’s do much together in glory and in power.

I love you. Let’s get started, for today all things begin new.

Love, the Alpha and Omega, YHWH, the Ancient of Days, The Great High Priest, Jesus Christ, Yahushua ha’Mashiah, Holy Spirit, the Ruah ha’Qodesh.

Feb. 3, 24


Think about where you are and where you are headed both spiritually and naturally. There are things you need to prepare for, and this is a time to get organized for what is ahead. Organization will simplify the process if you will take the time and make the effort now. Seek Me for the wisdom you need to accomplish what is set before you. 

Proverbs 16:9 The heart of a man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.

February 3, 2024. Dream on, Dream on, Dreamer. The enemy will come in with disappointment and maybe a disaster or two but I tell you to dream on! If you live in Me, vitally connected to Me and My Words abide in you, THEN ask for whatever you will and I will do it. Listen to Me, I will direct your dreams. I will show you the path to success. It is My desire that each of My children be successful.

John 15:7 “If you live in Me [abide vitally united to Me] and My Words remain in you and continue to live in your hearts, ask whatever you will and it shall be done for you.”  Robin Robinson Bohlin  

February 3, 2024. I created you to live and enjoy your life on earth. Do not allow the enemy to steal your joy that I provided for you. Yes, I know that sometimes there are perils and I know that sorrow comes when loved ones leave the earth to enter their eternal home. Do not be afraid. Turn to Me for comfort and peace in every situation and know that there is no need to fear the evil around you.

Psalms 23:4 “For if even I should go in the midst of the shadow of death, I shall not be afraid of evils, for You are with me. Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” Jonas Bohlin

Feb. 2, 24


You can very easily get overwhelmed if you try to do too much at once. Narrow your focus, and take one issue at a time instead of looking at the overall picture. Be reminded that nothing is too difficult for you to accomplish, and remember that you do not eat a meal in one gulp; you chew and swallow one bite at a time. 

Psalm 61:2-4 From the ends of the earth I cry out to You. In the discouraging of my heart, You lifted me high in the rock; You guided me. For You became my hope; the tower of strength from in front of an enemy. I will sojourn in Your tent into the eons; I shall be sheltered in the protection of Your wings.

February 2, 2024. Yes, I have commanded a day of rest, a Shabbat, a holy Sabbath. When you follow My ways and honor My Commandments a peace comes to you that the world cannot give. I created in six days and rested on the seventh. I want you to do the same. My holy day of rest will renew you and cause you to flourish. Consider this and take a day of rest. It will rejuvenate you and cause your creative powers to grow.

Hebrews 4:9 “Therefore, a Sabbath rest remains for God’s people.” Robin Robinson Bohlin  

February 2, 2024. Boxes, I keep seeing boxes. When I asked the Lord what those boxes represent, He said “It’s time to take the lid off the box. My children have preconceived ideas of how I should do things, they have limited My ability to operate in their lives. I want them to allow Me to do it My way and not to box Me in. My way is always the best way. Don’t box Me in.”

Matthew 16:24 “Then Jesus went to work on His disciples. “Anyone who intends to come with Me has to let Me lead. You’re not in the driver’s seat; I am. Don’t run from suffering; embrace it. Follow Me and I’ll show you how.” Pam Jackson

Feb. 1, 24


This is a time to wrap up loose ends, but you may be reluctant to do so because you are afraid to make a mistake. When you begin to panic, settle your soul in the knowledge that I am with you to guide you through this process. When you have accomplished what you set out to do, you will realize that your worry was all for nothing. Go forth in the power of assurance that you are not alone, says the Lord. 

Matthew 6:25-27  Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?

February 1, 2024. Yippee! Let’s go! We’re on the greatest adventure of a lifetime! That’s the life of belief! I look throughout the earth searching for belief and when I find it, I zero in. The one who has belief catches My attention. I say to those around Me, let’s watch him or her and see what they’re believing for. I send My angels to perform My Word. Oh what fun I have watching those with belief – it excites Me!

Psalm 53:2  “God from out of the heaven looks upon the sons of men, to behold if there is one perceiving or seeking after Him.” Robin Robinson Bohlin  

February 1, 2024. Those who persecute the people of God will find themselves in a dilemma. Several will fall to the overwhelming power of the Holy Spirit and the testimony of Jesus and join the army of God because of a supernatural encounter with Jesus. Many will even lose some of their faculties as they mock God and the things of God and then find themselves restored after they have come to the Lord with repentant hearts. Watch for these signs and give ME all the glory.

Acts 9:1-9 “Now Saul, still breathing out threats and murder against the Lord’s disciples, went to the kohen gadol. (high priest) He requested letters of introduction from him to the synagogues in Damascus, so that if he found any men or women belonging to the Way, he might bring them as prisoners to Jerusalem. As he was traveling, approaching Damascus, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. Falling to the ground, he heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?” Saul said, Who are You, O Lord?” “I am Yeshua—Whom you are persecuting.  It is hard to you to kick against spurs. And trembling and distraught, he said, O Lord, what do You want me to do? And the Lord said to him, “But get up and go into the city and you will be told what you must do.” The men travelling with him stood speechless, hearing indeed the voice but seeing no one. Saul got up from the ground—but opening his eyes, he could see nothing. They led him by the hand and brought him into Damascus. For three days he could not see and he did not eat or drink.” Budd Rodgers

Jan. 31, 24


Refuse to allow discouragement to gain a stronghold and defeat you. Stand firmly. Settle issues as they arise and stay current with the relevance of your life and times. Let Me be your guide and your very present help in trouble, says the Lord. I know your heart and the intentions of your soul. I am your strength and your shield and I will bring you through to victory in all things. 

Psalm 28:7-8 The LORD is my helper and my defender; upon Him my heart hoped and I was helped; and my flesh flourished again and by my will I will make acknowledgment to Him. The LORD is the fortification of His people and He is the defender of the deliverances of His anointed One.

January 31, 2024. My father used to step out on his sidewalk early in the morning and look up to the heavens and say, “What do You want to say to the people today?” I say to you this morning; you can do the same. Yes, prophets speak and hear…I will also speak to you. Clean out your hearing – lose distraction – settle into your listening mode. My words will come clear and pure. I desire to speak to ALL My children.

John 10:27 “My sheep listen to My voice. I know them and they follow Me.” Robin Robinson Bohlin  

January 31, 2024.  Are you prophesying My promises and My plans for your life, or your own? What are you speaking over your life? You will have whatever you say. Speak over your life My Words and My plans. Believe what I say and say what I say. I will bring it to pass. I know the plans I have for you. I have your future written down, it is time you read and say My story over your life.

Mark 11:23 “For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.’”  Jennifer Peikert

Jan. 30, 24


Refuse to allow discouragement to gain a stronghold and defeat you. Stand firmly on the Rock of Salvation and know that I am with you to give you supernatural strength to endure even the most challenging of circumstances. Keep your belief strong. This too shall pass. 

Isaiah 41:10-12 Do not fear! for I am with you. Do not wander! for I am your God; the One strengthening you and I will give help to you and safeguard you by My just right hand. Behold, all your adversaries shall be ashamed and shall be respectful, for they will be as not existing; and all your opponents shall perish. You shall seek them and in no way shall you find the men who shall insult while drunk with wine against you; for they shall be as ones not being; and the ones waging war against you shall not be.

January 30, 2024. I see some of you lost in a jungle, vines and heavy brush surrounding you. Let Me bring you up and out of the thicket. I am your north star – I am the Way! Look up, take My hand, let Me lead you to your promised land. I say to you My child, I have a sanctuary for you, where the air is clean and not musty, where the atmosphere is lovely and not chaotic. Look up!

Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust the Lord completely and don’t depend on your own knowledge. With every step you take, think about what He wants and He will help you go the right way.” Robin Robinson Bohlin  

January 30, 2024. The days of restoration are coming forth rapidly for the Tabernacle of David. I AM restoring true worship to rise up out of the mouths and instruments of My chosen ones. Evangelism in the earth will be forthcoming but NOT without the flowing of prophetic worship coming from My people. As in the days of the Tabernacle of David, the praises of God will go forth 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Watch in the coming days, as I take over the media and declare My praises in the whole earth.

Acts 15:15-18 “The words of the Prophets agree, as it is written: After this I will return and rebuild the fallen tabernacle of David. I will rebuild its ruins and I will restore it, so that the remnants of men shall seek the Lord  and all the nations upon which My name has been called upon by them, says the Lord — the One doing all these things. To God all His works  are known from the eon.”  Budd Rodgers

Jan. 29, 24


Never expect to receive more than you give. Be who you are in Me and give as I direct you to give; no more and no less. Stay on the path that I have chosen for you without regret and be content, says the Lord. 

Philippians 4:12-13 I know also to be humble, I know also to abound. In everything and in all things I am initiated, both to be full and to hunger and to abound and to be lacking. I am strong for all things in the One empowering me — Christ.

January 29, 2024. Even though you may find yourself in a dangerous situation, do not fear. The disciples feared when their boat entered the storm. Waves tossed and brought havoc on the boat but their answer was with them. I say today, call upon My name and thou shalt be saved. These Words of Mine are not just pertaining to salvation, they are also for your safety. Begin to practice calling My name. My name is a Strong Tower!

Acts 2:21 “And it shall be all who ever should call upon the name of the Lord shall be delivered.’” Robin Robinson Bohlin  

January 29, 2024. I see a jumbled mess of ideas and thoughts in your mind. You have tried to deal with this through natural means. You have even consulted those who are non-spiritual in hopes that order may come to your mind. I say to you that I am the One to turn to. I provided My Spirit to guide you and direct you into the paths of My choosing. I am the God of order so turn to Me!

Isaiah 26:2-4 “Open O gates! Enter! O people guarding righteousness and guarding truth; taking hold of truth and guarding peace. For upon You we hoped, O LORD unto the eon, the great eternal God;” Jonas Bohlin

Jan. 28, 24

The Trumpet by Bill Burns:

Many of you, My people, are being brought back to the point of your spiritual beginning. Your obedience and faithfulness will cause you to connect with your point of origin, the place of beginning and of being and will bring you to an elevated place of reflection and examination of who you are in Me, says the Lord. 

Galatians 6:4 But let each one examine his own work and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone and not in another.

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:

You are about to launch out on a brand new beginning, which will be a time of exploration and discovery. Launch Out can move ahead when you have sufficiently left the past behind. Refuse to allow anything to hold you back from this spiritual adventure. Fear is your enemy and belief is your friend. 

Philippians 3:13 Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead.

Jan. 26, 2024

Daughter, I am truth. I am the Word that was made flesh. I am the Light that shines as a beacon of hope. Daughter, stand upon the tower. Watch. Look up for your redemption draweth nigh.

Speak My counsel, watchmen on the wall. Write the vision and make it plain, for lo the vision is for the appointed time.

Daughter, What do you see? Father, I see myself on a ship peering out upon the waters. It is a gloomy atmosphere, hazy, a foggy sky. There is a Man. He is in the ship with me, the Captain. One like the Son of Man. This is the description I’m given to describe Him as. He is peering out into the water. There is a bright search light shining into the atmosphere coming from behind
me and as it is shining into the dark night sky, I see people on life rafts waiting to be rescued.  

Yes, daughter,  I am the Captain of the seas. I come to rescue the hopeless. I seek to save that which has been lost. Many are in need of a life raft. I am the life raft. If you are hearing this message, come get on board the ship of safety.

I am the Light of the world. He without Me shall stumble as a blind man stumbleth in the dark. There is no other way into the Light than through the door. Will you go through the door that brings life? Will you seek and find eternal life? It is only through Me, Jesus Christ, Yahushua ha’Mashiah.

I am the door. If you find yourself on the stormy seas considering your last breath is upon ye, cry out in My name and I will save thee.  The storm upon the sea is here. Seek the Captain of the ship. To My own I say help, seek and save as many as you can. Don’t delay. This is the Kingdom. Be a voice, I love you all.

In the name of Yahweh, Jesus Christ/Yahushua ha’Mashiah, Holy Spirit/Ruah ha’Qodesh. 

Jan. 27, 24


The mistakes that you have made will be highlighted in your life, and you will have the opportunity to go back and make corrections either naturally or spiritually. This is a time to review and repent of the things that were unbecoming a believer in Christ. Let all your sins be wiped away, and be renewed, says the Lord. 

Psalm 51:1-2 Show mercy on me, O God, according to Your great mercy and according to the multitude of Your compassions! Wipe away my violation of the law! Abundantly wash me from my lawlessness and cleanse me from my sin!

January 27, 2024. When you take time to be with Me and fellowship with Me in My presence then rivers of living water will flow from you. You will be caught up in My glory and My presence, but this can only come when you “steal away” with Me. I say, come up here, climb up higher, mount the terraced plain of My presence. My goodness, My aroma, My effervescence will change you forever as rivers flow over you from My throne.

John 7:38 “He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.’”  Robin Robinson Bohlin  

January 27, 2024. You have heard My voice, but you have believed the lie that I would not speak to you. I am telling you today that I speak to you in Words, dreams and visions. Listen carefully and I will make My voice clear to you. You will be able to distinguish between My voice and the counterfeit voice of the enemy. Do not be afraid to step out in belief to deliver the Words I reveal to you.

Matthew 10:19-20 “But when they hand you over, do not worry about how or what you are to say; for it will be given you in that hour what you are to say. For it is not you who speak, but it is the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you.” Jonas Bohlin

Jan. 26, 24


Every day can be a good day when you choose to follow My lead and depend on Me for strength and health and when you walk and live in the Spirit. Everything else dims in comparison to your spiritual service, says the Lord. Prioritize what you deem to be important so that you walk in strength, peace and prosperity. 

Romans 15:13 Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

January 26, 2024. You have allowed doubt to creep in. This can be one of the most dangerous things that you do. What happens when doubt comes, you begin to question everything. Don’t go down the rabbit hole. Keep your eyes fixed on Me. To fix doubt begin to be resolute. Assure yourself that I am real and that I still speak. The enemy of your soul will bring doubt and confusion-refuse those thoughts. Get in My Word and BELIEVE!

James 1:6 “But when you ask God for something, you must trust Him completely. Do not have other ideas in your mind. People who are not sure that God will help them are like the waves in the sea. The wind blows the water one way and then it blows the water another way.”  Robin Robinson Bohlin  

January 26, 2024. With whom and with what are you aligned? I’m telling you it’s time to reevaluate some of your relationships. There are some that are not for you. I call them distractions and it’s time to cut the cord of attachments that aren’t ordered by Me. I need you to stay focused on what I’ve called you to do. Align yourself with Me and watch situations change for your good.  

Psalms 139:1-4 “O Lord, you have searched me [thoroughly] and have known me. You know when I sit down and when I rise up [my entire life, everything I do]; You understand my thoughts from afar. You scrutinize my path and my lying down and You are intimately acquainted with all my ways. For there is no deceit in my tongue. Behold, O Lord, You know it all.” Pam Jackson