Small Straws by Marsha Burns: So you got your feelings hurt, and you feel like you need to justify your position. That would be a foolish errand. You have nothing to prove to anyone. You are a child of God and a servant of the Most High. Trying to explain yourself will only make things worse. Let it go. Your justification will be from on high.
Romans 5:1-4 Having been justified then of belief, we have peace towards God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access to the belief in this favor in which we stand and boast upon in hope of the glory of God. And not only that, but we also boast in the afflictions, knowing that the affliction manufactures endurance; and the endurance proof; and the proof hope;
March 7, 2025. Seven is My perfect number. It symbolizes completeness and perfection. Creation was finished in six days and on the seventh day I rested. So should you. In order to maintain ministry and health, you need a sabbath, a day of rest. Many do not rest and therefore burn out. Some even see this as a weakness but there is nothing weak in what I do. Follow My example and rest in complete perfection – Sabbath!
Exodus 20:8 “Remember to observe the Sabbath as a holy day.” Robin Robinson Bohlin
March 7, 2025. It is My desire to prosper you in every area of your life. But I ask you this, is your soul prospering? What do you think about daily? Where is your focus? Is your focus on situations or are you focused on My Word? When your soul begins to prosper you will see things that have been concerning to you come into alignment . When your soul is prospering, you will see it in the natural.
3 John 1:2 “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in every way and [that your body] may keep well, even as I know your soul keeps well and prospers.”
Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Pam Jackson
March 7, 2013. (Reposted) Watch your attitude. I know all is not well now but you don’t need to compound the problem by being rude. Because you are down you’re neglecting to read the Scriptures. A helpful action in immersing yourself in the Psalms is discovering the treasures the Psalmist found in laying everything out before Me. Telling all that is happening to someone you trust is good, but it doesn’t compare to telling Me the depths of what you are feeling. I already know it all but openness causes love to flourish between us. I am the One who can comfort. I am also the One who can do something about what you’re experiencing.
Isaiah 30:18 “And the Lord will again wait, that He may pity you, and will therefore be exalted that He may have mercy upon you: because the Lord your God is a judge: blessed are they that stay themselves upon Him.” Bev Robinson
March 7, 2013. (Reposted) It is time to take action. You have been putting it off long enough. Plow up the hard ground of your heart. You have received the good seeds of righteousness planted long ago. A harvest of love is coming your way. Wait patiently for it while you take action to make your heart right. You have allowed areas of your heart to become hardened towards Me and My living Word within you. A good spring shower of righteousness is all you need. But you must seek after it like a hound dog after a raccoon. Do not stop until you get the good that is stored up for you. It is yours. Go for it.
Hosea 10:12 “Sow to yourselves for righteousness, gather in for the fruit of life: light for yourselves the light of knowledge; seek the Lord till the fruits of righteousness come upon you.” Ras Robinson