Jan. 9, 25

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: Do not be disheartened if others do not appreciate your efforts. What you do is not because of them; it is because I have called you to be all you can be and to do all that you do, says the Lord. 

Revelation 22:12-13 And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.

January 9, 2025. Get ready for the supernatural to explode in your life. You have been faithful, you have obeyed and followed My Word, now get ready. Things you have been believing for are going to explode through portals from My realm into your realm. They’ve been held at bay for a while but now are going to be released. There will be no explanation for why these things happened – there will be supernatural manifestations! 

Matthew 16:19 “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will have been bound in heaven, and whatever you untie on earth will have been untied in heaven.”   Robin Robinson Bohlin

January 9, 2015. (Reposted)  Stay on course. You’re moving in the right direction. There have been obstacles but I see you have handled them one by one very effectively. Because of the way you have addressed these things, you are increasing in spiritual strength. These problems are preparing you for greater things. I have many blessings on the horizon. Of course there will be challenges. Haven’t there always been? Keep believing, keep speaking belief and keep right on course. 

Matthew 21:21 “And answering Jesus said to them, Truly, I say to you, If you should have belief, and should not examine, not only the thing of the fig-tree shall you do, but even if to this mountain you should say, Be lifted and be thrown into the sea! it shall come to pass.”  Bev Robinson

January 9, 2013. (Reposted)  You bring faithfulness to My table. This makes you more than welcome to sit with Me. It does not matter to you whether you sit to My right or to My left. What matters is that you know your faithfulness leads to obedience. With these two tracks running side by side your load is not so heavy. Everyone will benefit from you being in their presence. Your presence is to be representative of My presence. Do not think it out of order when people see you in this light and honor you as they honor Me. In the Trinity, we represent each other for We are One. I say unto you, “Be like Us!”

Deuteronomy 6:4  “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD.”  Ras Robinson

January 9, 2013.  (Reposted)   It is okay to ask for help. In fact it is essential to send out an SOS signal when you are in distress and under duress. Find a way to tell others to come quickly when dangers arise. As a Christian you are vulnerable to the blatant attacks from the enemy. Threats and hazards can appear without a moment’s notice. Don’t allow pride to obstruct your relief when times get difficult. Don’t let your stubborn self get in the way. I am here for you at your beck and call. Admitting you need help is the first step. Humble yourself and see how My favor appears so quickly for you.

Jeremiah 33:3 “Ask Me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come.”  Kevin Robinson


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