Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: For those who have been anxious about what could or might happen in the future, put your belief in Me to help you navigate every challenge. You can overcome your worst fears knowing that I am for you and with you in all things, says the Lord.
Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you; do not wander, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will safeguard you with My righteous right hand.
“Those who fight against ME and MY Words will find they cannot win.” Susan January 6, 2014
Children, it is I, your LORD speaking: There are frightening things coming around the bend. Man has refused to grasp what is coming so near. Although I have outlined for them in the Words I have written so long ago, the people still want to believe differently. MY Words are true—they are perfect—they are on time—they are ready to come about. Many of these words have already come about—you are witnessing them daily—yet so many sleep, so many slumber. Sleeping: this is how I find MY dead church, MY lukewarm dead—those who refuse to believe they are living in the last days before the calamity that is about to befall the earth.
Children, you are playing with fire when you refuse to listen to MY warnings and MY messengers. These events are set in time to awaken you, to stir you to action. Yes it is causing many to awaken and stir but not enough. Soon people will be wanting to pursue their GOD as they see more and more pointing to My “soon return.“ I do not want to leave anyone behind, but MY Words are clear and I must be true to MY Word. If you are not submitted to ME, surrendered heart, soul, mind, and spirit with a truly repentant heart, then you are not carrying a full oil lamp and you will be overlooked when I come back for MY own.
Most are not paying attention and most do not want what I have to offer. The people would much rather play with the things of the world than to come looking for their GOD. Soon they will see that the latter choice is the safe place and the scoffers and naysayers will be silenced by the Truth and reality of the events that are about to unfold. Yet, I continue to cry out to MY lost sheep and MY Heart wrenches over the many who will be lost: both to a dark world led by MY enemy to the slaughter and to the even darker world—eternal hell. I do not want a single soul lost but MY Truth and MY Word are constant and those who fight against ME and MY Words will find they cannot win.
Come to the LIGHT, MY Truth, and MY soon rescue—don’t let the darkness come between us. Come let me expose your dark parts to the light and clean you up, make you ready. This is MY Greatest Desire to have a pure and ready bride so that I can take her home with ME to MY heavenlies. Are you ready? Will you come away with ME when I call for you—will you even hear MY Voice? Are you watching for ME, longing for ME and MY soon return? This is something you need to decide. Don’t put off what needs to be done now and not later—your attention to your own salvation and the condition of your soul and the outcome of your future for all eternity. Will you spend it with your GOD, your CREATOR? Or will you be lost in the eternal abyss with the enemy—the great deceiver? You must choose and no choice is a choice against Me. I pray you will make your way to ME, now—as you need ME more than you know. Come quickly, come under MY saving mantle and blood covering. It is yours, just for the asking. Let these Words permeate your soul into action. I am the LORD YEHUSHUA—MAKER of All
January 6, 2025. You are in the midst of evil and chaotic times. Evil is on the rise and will continue because of the last days. But fear not My child, evil will never conquer and prevail always. While the devil and his minions are hard at work, I want you to know that I and My angels are at work as well. Yes, there is a war in the heavenlies, but the end result is that WE WIN!
Matthew 24:12-13 “Evil will spread and cause many people to stop loving others. But if you keep on being faithful right to the end, you will be saved.” Robin Robinson Bohlin
January 6, 2025. I have made promises to you that have not yet become manifested in the natural realm. They are done in heaven and await My timing for them to be completed. Do not question Me and do not become discouraged. Abraham questioned Me and produced a carnal result. That decision caused much destruction and continues today. When he chose to trust Me for what I said I would do, he was blessed beyond measure. Wait for My timing!
Hebrews 6:13-15 “For when God made the promise to Abraham, since He could swear by no one greater, He swore by Himself, saying, “I WILL SURELY BLESS YOU AND I WILL SURELY MULTIPLY YOU.” And so, having patiently waited, he obtained the promise.” Jonas Bohlin
January 6, 2013. (Reposted) Look through My eyes. It isn’t about what you see. It’s about what I see. What you see is not bad. It just doesn’t have the whole scope of what is needed. This is why you wait on Me. My ways are higher than your ways. Wait until you see from My point of view. You make decisions on what others can do for you. Make decisions on what you can do for them. That’s My way. When you do this, you help them and they help you. All are blessed.
Isaiah 55:9 “For as the heavens are at a distance from the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.” Bev Robinson