Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:
You fuss and worry about too many things. You need to settle into a place of trusting Me in every situation and know that I am not only aware of what is happening, I will lead you through every valley and place you on a mountain top where you can see clearly, says the Lord. Worry will lead to presumption and can take you off course. Put your trust in Me.
Psalm 56:3-4 Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You. In God (I will praise His Word), in God I have put my trust; I will not fear. What can flesh do to me?
October 31, 2024. I want you to remember that there is a war in the heavenlies over you. You are that important to the world. You may not realize your strength, but the enemy does. Do everything you can to close any open door to the enemy. Remember that the devil only has the power you give Him. The greater power lives in you! Daily do a self-check, an open-door check. Repent and close them quickly so you can thrive.
1 John 4:4 “You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.” Robin Robinson Bohlin
October 31, 2015. (Reposted) You are frustrated. I know that. Something is causing real anxiety. You know anxiety is not good for your health. You forget this from time to time. You know what to do. Draw back into Me. Get your mind on the things for which you are thankful. Show Me your perseverance. Trust Me, knowing that in the right time you will see a breakthrough. It is coming for sure; do not despair. Trust Me.
Hebrews 10:35-37 “So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised.” Bev Robinson
October 26, 2013. (Reposted) God wants you always to be the best follower of Jesus you can be. He wants you perfect in every way. He says to you, “Be ye holy as I am holy.” He would not give that command if it were impossible for you to achieve. He is confident that you will achieve it through receiving and following ever so closely the Lord Jesus living inside you. Let Jesus be Jesus in you. He is perfect in every way. Lay aside your own claims. You will never be sorry.
Psalm 26:2 “Examine me, O LORD, and try me; test my mind and my heart.” Ras Robinson