Sept. 21, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:

When you are going through a difficult time, do not stop. Keep moving. Keep forging ahead even when it seems like you are moving at a snail pace. Never doubt that I am with you and that I am your very present help in times of trouble. Be strong and unwavering. 

Ephesians 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.

1 Thessalonians ​3

Timothy’s Ministry to the Thessalonians
Therefore no longer holding off, we thought well to be left behind in Athens alone; and we sent forth​ Timothy our brother and servant of God, and our fellow-worker in the good news of the Christ, for​ the supporting you, and to comfort you concerning the belief of yours; in the no one shrinking in​ these afflictions; for you yourselves know that in this we are situated. For also, when we were with​ you, ​we said beforehand to you that we are about to be afflicted; as also it happened, and you know.​ Because of this, I also no longer holding off, sent forth for the knowing your​ belief, lest perhaps​ the one testing tested you, and our toil became in vain. But now Timothy having come to us from you,​ and having announced good news to us, the belief and the love of yours, and that you have at all times​ a good remembrance of us, longing to see us, just as also we you; because of this we were comforted,​ brethren, over you in all our affliction and necessity, because of the belief of yours;​ for now we live if​ you stand firmly in the Lord. For what thankfulness are we able to recompense God concerning you,​ for all the joy which we rejoice on account of you before our God, night and day superabundantly​ beseeching for the beholding your face, and to ready the deficiencies of the belief of yours? And may​ our God and Father Himself and our Lord Jesus Christ straighten out our way to you. And may the​ Lord superabound, you and may He abound the love towards one another, and towards all, just as​ also we towards you; so as to support your hearts blameless in holiness before the God and our Father,​ at the arrival of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His holy ones. 

September 21, 2024. What is it that you have need of today. Speak it out; I am listening. I will send Heavenly Manna today just for you. I love the sound of your voice and I wait for you to speak. You have a direct line to Me. I will show you great and marvelous things. I am opening your spiritual eyes and ears. You can peer into the Heavenly realms today if that is your desire. Vast provision is yours.

Revelation 2:17 “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, to him I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, and a new name written on the stone which no one knows but he who receives it.”  Robin Robinson Bohlin 

September 21, 2024. I know that there are times when you feel that you must fight your battles on your own. You get weary and tired. I want you to know that I have been there the whole time, and I will always be there with you. Stop for a minute and rest in the fact that My Spirit is with you always and will never leave you. Block out the noise of the world and listen to My voice.

2 Chronicles 20:17 “You need not fight in this battle; station yourselves, stand and see the salvation of the LORD on your behalf, O Judah and Jerusalem. Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out to face them, for the LORD is with you.”  Jonas Bohlin


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