July 28, 24

The Trumpet by Bill Burns:

Religious tradition maintains an outward appearance, but has no depth of relationship with Christ. It is time to not only know about Jesus, but to know Him personally. Strive to find and maintain that personal relationship that is so vital to your spiritual well being. 

Acts 17:28a In Him we live and move and have our being.

Small Straws by Marsha Burns:

There are challenges that you must work your way through, but it is My desire that you confront those issues without getting into conflict. Refuse to play the blame game, but rather seek to find what it is in yourself that needs to be brought into divine order. Only through maintaining peace will you gain the understanding necessary to overcome. 

Titus 3:9-11 But avoid foolish disputes, genealogies, contentions, and striving about the law; for they are unprofitable and useless. Reject a divisive man after the first and second admonition, knowing that such a person is warped and sinning being self-condemned.

Psalm 119:73-96

Your hands made me and shaped me. Bring understanding to me! and I shall learn Your commandments. The ones fearing You shall see me and shall be glad; for in Your words I raised hope. I knew, O lord, that Your judgments are righteousness and in truth You humbled me. Let Your mercy indeed be to comfort me according to Your oracle to Your servant! Let Your compassions come to me! and I shall live; for Your law is my meditation. Let the proud be shamed! for unjustly they acted lawlessly against me. But I shall meditate in Your commandments. Turn towards me the ones fearing You and the ones knowing Your testimonies! Let my heart become unblemished in Your ordinances! so that I should not be shamed. My soul is wanting for Your deliverance. In Your Words I raised hope. My eyes failed for Your oracle, saying, When will You comfort me? For I became as a leather bag in
frost; Your ordinances I forgot not. How many are the days of Your servant? When will You execute for me a judgment against the ones pursuing me? Lawbreakers described a meditation against me, but not according to Your law, O lord. All Your commandments are truth. They pursued me unjustly; help me! In a short time they would have finished me off entirely on the earth, but I did not abandon Your commandments. According to Your mercy enliven me! and I shall guard the testimonies of Your mouth. Into the eon, O Lord, Your Word abides in the heaven. Unto generation and generation is Your truth. You laid the earth’s foundation and it abides.  The day abides by Your disposition; for all things are Your subservient. Were it not that Your law is my meditation, then would I have been destroyed in my humiliation. In no way should I forget Your ordinances into the eon; for by them You enlivened me. I am Yours, deliver me! for I sought after Your ordinances. Sinners remained behind for me, to destroy me; I perceived Your testimonies. I beheld the end of every completion; Your commandment is exceedingly spacious. 


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