July 21, 24

The Trumpet by Bill Burns:

Spiritual doors are now opening, and the Lord is calling to us to come higher. All we have to do is answer His call with a Yes, Lord, I want to come up higher into your purposes. 

Psalm 61:2 From the ends of the earth I cry out to You. In the discouraging of my heart, You lifted me high in  the Rock; You guided me. 

Small Straws by Marsha Burns:

In a vision I saw a huge rock that had been chiseled to be perfectly square; it was as high as it was wide and long. And, the Lord said: I am the Rock on which you must live. My Word is your foundation. It is strong, immovable, and eternal. It represents your moral and spiritual ethic and I am establishing that same ethic in those who have strayed from spiritual truth and righteousness. I will bring them back to that solid foundation. 

1 Corinthians 3:11 For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.

Ps. 119:1-24

The Law of The LORD
Alleluiah. Blessed are the unblemished in the way; the ones going by the Law of the LORD. Blessed are the ones searching out His testimonies; with the entire heart they shall seek after Him. For the ones practicing lawlessness were not gone in His ways. You gave charge to keep Your commandments exceedingly. Ought that my ways be straightened out to keep Your  ordinances; then in no way should I be ashamed in my paying attention concerning all of Your commandments. I shall confess to You in uprightness of heart in my learning the judgments of Your righteousness. Your ordinances I will keep. You should not abandon me unto an exceeding amount. How shall a younger man keep straight his way? by the keeping of Your Words. With my whole heart I inquired of You; You should not thrust me from Your commandments. In my heart I hid Your oracles, so that I should not sin against You. Blessed are You, O LORD. Teach me Your ordinances! With my lips I will declare all the judgments of Your mouth. I delighted in the way of Your testimonies as above all riches. In Your commandments I shall meditate; and I shall contemplate Your ways. I shall meditate in Your ordinances; I shall not forget Your Words. Recompense to Your servant! Enliven me! and I will keep Your Words Uncover my eyes! and I shall contemplate the wonders
of Your law. I am a sojourner in the earth; You should not conceal from me Your commandments. My soul longed to desire Your judgments at every occasion. You reproached the proud; accursed are the ones turning aside from Your commandments. Remove from me scorn and contempt! for I inquired of Your testimonies. For even rulers sat and spoke ill against me; but Your servant meditated in Your ordinances. For even Your testimonies are my  meditation; and Your ordinances are my advice.


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