May 30, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:

Even though your breakthrough is not necessarily what you wanted or expected, it is a new beginning. What is behind you is in the past, and you will have opportunities to forge ahead in unexpected ways. Continue on with the understanding that I will never leave you nor forsake you, says the Lord. Be strong and unwavering. 

Hebrews 13:5-6 Let not loving money be the manner, but being sufficient with the things at hand. For  He has said, In no way will I forsake you, nor in no way will I abandon you. So that taking courage we say, The Lord is a helper to me and I will not be afraid. What shall man do to me? 

Zechariah 5

The Vision of the Flying Sickle
And I turned and I lifted my eyes and I saw and behold, a sickle flying. And he said to me, What do you see? And I said, I see a sickle flying, the length — twenty cubits and the width — ten cubits. And he said to me, This is the curse, the one going forth upon the face of all the earth; for every thief of this one side shall be punished unto death and every perjurer of this other side shall be punished unto death. And I will bring it forth, says the LORD almighty and it shall enter into the house of the thief and into the house of the one swearing an oath by My name for a lie; and it shall rest in the midst of his house and it shall finish it off entirely, even its wood and its stones.

The Measure Basket and the Woman
And came forth the angel, the one speaking to me and he said to me, Look up with your eyes and behold what this is going forth! And I said, What is it? And he said, This is the measure basket going forth. And he said, This is their iniquity in all the earth. And behold, a talent of lead was being lifted away; and behold, one woman sat down in the midst of the measure basket. And he said, This is lawlessness. And he tossed it into the midst of the measure basket and he tossed the stone of lead into her mouth. And I lifted my eyes and I saw and behold, two women going forth and the wind was in their wings and these had wings as wings of the hoopoe bird (or stork); and they took up the measure basket between the earth and the heaven. And I said to the angel, the one speaking with me, Where are these carrying the measure basket? And he said to me, They build for it a house in the land of Babylon and to prepare. And they shall put it there upon its preparation place. (Definition added)

May 30, 2024. Comparison will “do you in” every time. I have made you, uniquely you. How then can you be compared with anyone else? Each person has a special skill set that only they are responsible for. Be your best self. Experience life every day to the fullest…carpe diem. Let Me be your standard of excellence – this way no human being will enter the scene causing comparison. Remember, you please Me, I am your plumb line.

Romans 12:1 “Then I exhort you, brethren, by the compassions of God, to present your bodies living sacrifices, holy, well-pleasing to God, the rational service of yours.”Robin Robinson Bohlin 

May 30, 2024. In life, we learn early there are right ways, wrong ways, hard and easy ways, multiple ways and only one way. I heard the Lord say, it is best that you learn “MY ways. It is always the best way. Although New Years has come and gone, it is not too late to start doing things God’s way. But in order to do them you must learn them. Start your day today of seeking the Lord and His ways. He will make your paths straight and lead you into that best way.

Hebrews 3:9-14 “There your fathers tested Me and tried My patience even though they saw My miracles for forty years they still doubted Me! This ignited My anger with that generation and I said about them, ‘They wander in their hearts just like they do with their feet, and they refuse to learn My ways.’ My heart grieved over them so I decreed: ‘They will not enter into My rest!’ “So search your hearts every day, my brothers and sisters and make sure that none of you has evil or unbelief hiding within you. Take heed, brethren, lest at any time there shall be in some of you a wicked unbelief in heart by separating from the living God. This is the time to encourage each other to never be stubborn or hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. For we are mingled with the Messiah, if we will continue unshaken in this confident assurance from the beginning until the end.” (emphasis added) Budd Rodgers


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