May 25, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:

Gather your strength, make a plan and do what needs to be done in preparation for the next leg of your journey. It might not be easy, but it will be necessary. There will be highs and lows in your circumstances, but you must maintain your spiritual equilibrium regardless of what you are facing in the natural realm. Your strength to endure will come from your relationship with Me, says the Lord. 

Psalm 84:5-7 Blessed is the man in whom is the assistance to him from You; in his heart he ordained ascending; into the valley of the place of weeping; into the place which he put himself. For even the One establishing law will give a blessing. They shall go from force to force; they shall see the God of gods in Zion. 

May 25, 2024. Take a moment and look at your hands. I have not only made your hands for feeling, I have made your hands for healing. There is power in your hands. All 27 bones work together as conduits of My anointing. Lay your hands upon people and objects and transfer My power. You will change conditions through your touch. Heal the sick, lay hands on and anoint and appoint. Share love and care through your hands. Touch heals.

Luke 4:40 “While the sun was setting, all those who had any who were sick with various diseases brought them to Him; and laying His hands on each one of them, He was healing them.”

Matthew 19:13 “Then some children were brought to Him so that He might lay His hands on them and pray; and the disciples rebuked them.” Robin Robinson Bohlin 

May 25, 2024. Revive the anticipation of My supernatural power in your life and in the lives of those around you. I created your mind to expect My goodness. When you expect My best, then you will speak those things that are in your mind. As you begin to declare those things, your mind will hear those words and you will believe the promises that I have given you in My Word. Anticipate, expect, speak and then receive My abundance!

Psalms 27:13-14 “I trust to behold the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait on the LORD; be strong and let your heart take courage; yes, wait on the LORD.” Jonas Bohlin


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