May 21, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:

Set aside time to rest and reevaluate what you have done, what you must do, what you want to do and how you will go about it. There are places of neglect and regret that need to be rectified as you establish yourself in Divine order. 

Proverbs 3:5-6 Be yielding with your whole heart upon God and upon your own wisdom be not encouraged!

Habakkuk 3

Habakkuk’s Prayer

The prayer of Habakkuk the prophet with an ode. O LORD, I listened to Your report and I feared. O LORD, I contemplated Your works and was startled. In the midst of the two living creatures You shall be known; in the approaching of the years You shall be recognized; in the time at hand You shall be made manifest when my soul is disturbed; in wrath You shall remember mercy. God shall come from out of Teman, even the holy one from out of the mount of the shady Paran. PAUSE. His virtue covered the heavens and His praise filled the earth. And His brightness will be as light and horns in His hands. And He established a strong affection by His strength. Before His face shall go a Word and it shall go forth for a flat ground. At His feet the earth stood and shook; He looked and nations melted; the mountains were broken through by force; the eternal hills melted away  — His eternal ways. I beheld the tents of Ethiopians in troubles shall be disturbed and the tents of the land of Midian. Were You provoked to anger at the rivers, O LORD, or was Your rage at the rivers, or was Your impulse at the sea? The one riding upon Your horses and Your riding is deliverance. Stretching out, You shall stretch out Your bow against the chiefdoms. PAUSE. The land of rivers shall be torn. They saw You and peoples shall travail. You shall disperse waters of the coursing. The abyss gave out her voice — the height of His visible display. The sun was exalted and the moon stood in her order. At the light of Your arrows they shall go forth and Your weapons in brightness of lightning. By intimidation You shall make the land few and in rage You shall break nations. You came forth for deliverance of Your people, to deliver Your anointed one. You threw death onto the heads of lawless ones; for the completion You rose bonds unto the neck. You cut heads of mighty ones for astonishment; they shall shake in it; they shall open wide their bridles as the poor eating in private. You divided into parts in stupefaction the heads of the mighty. They shall shake in it. They shall open their reins as the poor chewing in concealment. And You conducted Your horses into the sea, disturbing great waters. I watched and my belly was terrified from the sound of the prayer of my lips; and trembling entered into my bones and my part beneath. My manner was disturbed. I will rest in a day of my affliction for me to ascend to the people of my sojourn.

An Ode of Belief
For though the fig-tree shall not bear fruit and there shall not be produce on the grapevines; and the work of the olive shall lie and the plains shall not produce food, and sheep cease from having food and the oxen shall not exist at the stables; yet I shall exult in the LORD; I will rejoice over God my deliverer. The LORD God is my power and He will arrange my feet unto completion; and upon the high places He shall set me, for me to overcome by His ode. 

May 21, 2024. My way will always be laced with peace. Today, I want you to pursue peace. You can be in an unpeaceful situation and simply speak peace and peace comes. It is a way within a way, a path within a path. My Son, spoke peace in an unpeaceful situation. Others around Him were afraid and He simply said to the storm, peace, be still. Do this and see the raging storm diminish – use the power within you.

Mark 4:39 “And having awakened, He gave reproach to the wind and said to the sea, Be silent! Be halted! And the wind abated and there became a great peace.” Robin Robinson Bohlin 

May 21, 2024.  One of life’s hardest lessons is learning that you may fail or at least appear to fail in doing something that is required of you. When this happens, many respond that it was someone else’s fault. Some would call it the “blame game”. Adam tried it on Eve and then she blamed it on the devil, in the beginning. All My children have a part to play in bringing about My will on earth.

Psalms 37:5 “Reveal to Adonai your way and hope upon Him! Trust in Him and He will act.” Budd Rodgers


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