May 19, 24

The Trumpet by Bill Burns: When the living water of the Holy Spirit becomes stagnant because of the pollution of the works of the flesh, make every effort to rise up again in the power of the Spirit to receive new life. Let the water of the Spirit flow freely and be renewed. 

Revelation 21:6 And He said to me, It has taken place — the alpha and the omega, the beginning and end. I will give to the one thirsting from out of the spring of the water of life without charge.

Small Straws by Marsha Burns: There are things that I want to reveal to you that you have not yet considered. However, you have to come to Me in the Spirit to see and understand. Position yourself to receive the revelations of this time in your life, says the Lord and I will show you things to come. 

Isaiah 26:3 You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.

Habakkuk 1

Habakkuk Complains of Injustice
The concern which Habakkuk the prophet saw. For how long, O LORD, shall I cry out and in no way should You listen? For how long shall I yell to You being wronged and You should not deliver? Why did You show to me toils and troubles, misery and impiety? Right opposite me takes place judgment and the judge takes away. On account of this the law is effaced and judgment is not administered unto  the end, for the impious tyrannize over the just. Because of this judgment shall go forth being perverted.

The LORD Replies:
Behold, O despisers and look! and wonder wonders and vanish! For I work a work in your days which in no way you shall believe if any should tell of it in detail. For behold, I awaken the Chaldeans, the bitter and quick nation; the one going upon the widths of the earth, to inherit tents not of his. He is fearful and apparent; his judgment will be of himself and his concern of himself shall come forth. And his horses shall leap more than leopards and are sharper than the wolves of Arabia. And his horsemen shall ride forth and shall advance far off; and they shall spread out as an eagle eager for something to eat. Consumption shall come unto the impious opposing their fronts right opposite and he shall gather the captivity as the sand. And he shall revel among kings and sovereigns are his playthings. And he shall mock at every fortress and shall throw up an embankment and shall prevail over it. Then he shall turn the spirit and shall go through and shall make atonement, saying, This strength is to my god. Are You not from the beginning, O LORD my God, my holy One? In no way should we die. O LORD, for judgment — You have ordered it. And He shaped me to reprove for His discipline. Pure is the eye to not see evil things and You are not able to look upon evils. Why should You look upon ones disdaining? Shall You remain silent in the impious swallowing down the just? And will You make the men as the fishes of the sea and as the reptiles not having one taking the lead? He pulled up impious consumption with a hook and drew it with his casting-net and gathered it in his dragnets. Because of this he shall be glad and shall rejoice. Because of this he will sacrifice to his dragnet and burn incense to his casting-net; for by them he fattened his portion, even his choice foods. On account of this he will cast his casting-net always to kill nations — not sparing? 


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