May 11, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:

When issues of life overwhelm you, and you feel like you are drowning in things too difficult to deal with, know that I hold you in the palm of My hand, says the Lord. Never stop believing that I am with you and for you and that I will bring you through every challenge. All you must do is have faith and believe that I will. Nothing is too big or beyond My reach. 

Luke 1:37 For with God nothing will be impossible.

Micah 1
Judgment on Israel and Judah

And came to pass the Word of the LORD to Micah the one of the Morasthite, in the days of Jotham and Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, over what he saw concerning Samaria and concerning Jerusalem. Hear, O peoples, all the words! and take heed, O earth and all the ones in it! Even the LORD God will be among you for a testimony — the LORD from out of His holy house. For behold, the LORD goes forth from out of His place and He will go down and will mount upon the heights of the earth. And the mountains shall be shaken from beneath Him and the valleys shall melt away as beeswax in front of fire and as water being carried down in a descent. All these things are on account of the impiety of Jacob and because of the sin of the house of Israel. What is the impiety of Jacob? Is it not Samaria? And what is the sin of the house of Judah? Is it not Jerusalem? And I will make Samaria for a storehouse of fruits of the field and for planting a vineyard. And I will tear down in chaos her stones; and her foundations I will uncover. And all her carved images I will cut in pieces and all her hires shall burn in fire and all her idols I shall establish for extinction, because she gathered together of the hires of harlotry and of the hires of harlotry He eradicated. Because of this she shall beat her chest and wail. She shall go barefoot and naked. She shall make a beating of the breast as dragons and mourning as the daughters of sirens. For her calamity holds firmly; because it went unto Judah; and it touched unto the gate of My people, unto Jerusalem. O ones in Gath, do not magnify yourselves! And, O ones in Baceim, do not rebuild of your house with laughter! Strew earth on your laughter! Her inhabiting well her cities did not come forth. Her inhabiting Zaanan to beat her chest for the house next to her; she shall receive from your calamity of grief. Who began to act for good to her dwelling in griefs? for bad things came down from the LORD upon the gates of Jerusalem; even noise of chariots and ones riding. Dwelling Lachish is the head of sin to the daughter of Zion; for in you they found the impious deeds of Israel. On account of this He shall grant ones to be sent forth unto the inheritance of Gath, the vain houses; for they became vanity to the kings of Israel; until they should bring the heirs to you, O inhabitant of Lachish, your inheritance. Unto Adullam glory of the daughter of Israel shall come. Shave and shear for your delightful children, widening your shaving as an eagle, for they were taken captive from you. 

May 11, 2024. There are those that I have placed in your life that deserve honor. Some because of the position that they hold in your life and some because of the impact they have made. Some, like your mother, have both…a position that God says to honor and also, in most cases, a person that has impacted your life. Step into a place of honoring the person who brought you into the world. You are surely not an accident!

Ephesians 6:2-3 “HONOR YOUR FATHER AND MOTHER (which is the first commandment with a promise), SO THAT IT MAY BE WELL WITH YOU, AND THAT YOU MAY LIVE LONG ON THE EARTH.” Jonas Bohlin


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