Mar. 17, 24

The Trumpet by Bill Burns:

This is a time when the rulers of darkness will attack us to get us off of our Divine path. Distractions will come, so we must fight the good fight of belief and keep our God connection alive. 

Ephesians 6:11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:

You are about to shift from what you deemed important, or even vital, to a value system that reflects spiritual reality more completely. The shift will be subtle enough that you might not be aware of it until some time passes. You are receiving spiritual training through the things you suffer. Do not lose your balance in this time, says the Lord. 

Hebrews 5:8 Though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered.

MARCH 2, 2024 7:08 PM

“Remember that I said in the LAST DAYS there were going to be SIGNS in the HEAVENS, STARS, SUN and the MOON? These signs have been given over the last few years, though most do not notice or care. These signs will increase and many people will start paying attention.

America, America, America, you were MY shining treasure….
MY beacon on a hill…
MY favor before the storm…
MY help to the hurting…..MY people!

But you have wandered astray and have become a cesspool of wickedness and a haunt for demons.

You have spread your evil and rebellious ways all over the world….and they gladly followed. You have become the Pied Piper leading all the nations down the path to destruction and soon despair!

Now all will change and things will never be the same again….for I bring MY ultimate judgment upon you. This judgment is a convergence of many things…coming all at once and from many different directions. It will be like it says in the Book of Isaiah:
“And it will be the one fleeing the fear shall fall into the pit; and the one going up from out of the pit shall be captured by the snare; for windows from out of the heaven were opened and the foundations of the earth shall be shaken.”  Isaiah 24:18

There will be nowhere to run….. nowhere to hide….except for under MY WINGS for safety!

To those who are MY remnant children….. who follow the LAMB wherever HE goes….. you will find protection in MY pastures….for I will shepherd you and care for you….. though you walk through the valley of death, you will fear no evil, for My rod and staff will comfort you! (Psalms 23)

Have belief that I will rescue you from the FIRES, like I did with the 3 boys who were thrown into a fiery cage. So, too, I will help you find an escape, where there seems to be no escape!

X marks the spot! CROSS out your sin and REPENT! For if there is no repentance, then I will bring the disasters that have been planned for this ungodly nation that once was Mine.

Just as MY Hebrew people sinned and served other gods and followed their self-seeking ways….I brought upon them pestilence, famine and war. So shall it be again…..on those who called themselves by MY NAME.

[Then I heard “2 Chronicles 7:14,’ which says:]
“if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

America, you choose your destiny….for you have been warned over and over again! This ECLIPSE is another warning from heaven.

Will you BELIEVE and turn from your evil ways….or will you walk away and let it all come tumbling down??


“The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to toward us, not willing that any should perish, but for all to have space for repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9

Read Jeremiah 25

Here are a FEW facts concerning this Great American Total Solar Eclipse 2024:
1) Not only is the LORD putting HIS SIGN through the ECLIPSE…..but HE is also topping it off, like a ‘cherry on top,’ with a GIANT COMET that will also start to be visible about that time. It is called 12P/Pons-Brooks Comet……with the nick-name of the ‘DEVIL’s COMET,’ because it has gas and dust that forms what looks like devil horns. Apparently, it will be visible during the Solar Eclipse event!

2) ‘X MARKS THE SPOT……this is where the 2 Eclipses intersect and form an X.….specifically at LITTLE EGYPT, ILLINOIS!  An interesting fact is that Little Egypt was so named because it resembled Biblical GOSHEN in Ancient Egypt. Apparently the Mississippi had flood plains that were fertile like Nile Valley, as well as Indian Mounds that reminded the founders of Little Egypt of the pyramids of Egypt. Also, in the early 1800’s, poor harvests drove people to southern Illinois where there was plenty (like it was in Goshen).  This ECLIPSE and the one from 2017, that completes the ‘X” over America, is SOUNDING THE ALARM of future events. This TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE has many similarities to the event of JONAH and the city of Nineveh. Partly because this ECLIPSE goes over JONAH, TX. and 7 other towns called NINEVEH!


This ‘X MARKS THE SPOT’ in southern Illinois also is near the New Madrid Fault. Coincidence or not… is an interesting fact. There are many prophets and watchmen/women who have received dreams about the New Madrid Earthquake…..including myself.:


This ECLIPSE is a WARNING of what is to come and we are NOT GIVEN any timeframe……. so it does not mean that anything will happen during the eclipse. However, in JONAH’s days, they WERE given a time period of 40 days!!

4) It is interesting, to also note that on September 17, 1811, there was a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE and 3 months later, there was a massive New Madrid Fault Earthquake.


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