Mar. 12, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:

You are beginning to formulate the next phase of your existence, but you must not be hasty in carrying out the first blueprint of your plan. Take your time and make sure that what you are thinking about is prudent and in the best interest of everyone involved. This is a time when you need wisdom the most. 

Proverbs 4:7-9 Wisdom is the beginning, acquire wisdom! And in all of your possessing acquire understanding! Surround her with a rampart! and she shall exalt you. Esteem her! that she should keep you; that she should give a crown of favors to your head and should shield you with a crown of luxury.

March 12, 2024. Why are you worrying about the future? My Word is clear — you are not to worry about the future because each day has its own issues. I want you to do what I’ve told you and then to be at peace and rest in your mind. One drop of worry will not change the outcome of anything! Suppositions and theories fall flat on their face and just cause more anxiousness. Your mental and physical health depends on it.

Matthew 6:34 “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” Robin Robinson Bohlin 

March 12, 2024. Many people have little or no hope. But not you! Let ME remind you that you are the “Redeemed of the LORD! You are a chosen people; you are the “Ecclesia” of God. You are “Called out” and “Set apart” for My own use to shine in the darkness and to proclaim My praises. I say unto you today, shout out your praises and walk upright in My presence.

Micah 7:18-20 “What God is as You, removing iniquities and passing over impiety to the remnants of His inheritance? His anger is not constrained for a testimony, for He is a wisher of mercy. He shall turn and shall pity us; He shall sink our iniquities and shall throw away into the depths of the sea all our sins. He shall give truth to Jacob, mercy to Abraham, in so far as You swore an oath to our fathers, according to the former days.”  Budd Rodgers


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