Mar. 8, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:

Take time to rest and rejuvenate when you are running low on energy. Come into My presence and allow Me to renew your spirit, soul and body, says the Lord. Quiet your soul and be still until refreshment comes. 

Psalm 23:1-3 The LORD tends me and not one thing lacks for me. In the place of tender shoots, there He encamped me. At the water of rest, He nourished me. He returned my life; He guided me upon roads of righteousness because of His name. 

March 8, 2024. I heard the word recompense this morning and I said to the Lord, I know You are a rewarder. He said back to me: I am the God of Recompense. I repay and compensate those who have been stolen from; I restore the years the locust have eaten. Remember, I am the Great Judge and when I give a judgment, it is forever. I “tip the scales” on your behalf. Your Advocate (Jesus) argues your case and I have heard Him.

Joel 2:25-26 “And I will recompense to you for the years which the blight devoured and the grasshopper and locust and the caterpillar, by My great force which I sent out unto you. And you shall eat with solid food and shall be filled up and shall praise the name of the LORD your God, Who did wonders among you. And in no way shall My people be disgraced into the eon.” Robin Robinson Bohlin 

March 8, 2024. There is a song we sing at church, I am a Friend of God. As I was listening to this song I heard the Lord say, “I am not just your friend, I am your Father, I am your Mother, I am your brother, I am your sister. I am your healer and your provider. I am your comforter, I am your lover, I am your strength, your peace, your joy. I am everything you need if you will trust Me to be the I AM.”

James 2:23 “And so the Scripture was fulfilled that says, Abraham believed in [adhered to, trusted in and relied on] God and this was accounted to him as righteousness [as conformity to God’s will in thought and deed] and he was called God’s friend.” Pam Jackson


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