Feb. 25, 24

The Trumpet by Bill Burns:

The wind of the Spirit will remove the fog of Satan’s distractions and lies. There will be an elevation that will bring revelation and clarity to your life and circumstances. Be alert and position yourself to see current reality, says the Lord.

Hebrews 4:12 For the Word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit and of joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thinking and flections of the heart.

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:

Beware of wolves clothed as sheep, those who pretend to be your friend, but will undermine and betray you. Keep your eyes wide open and your senses sharp. Lean on Me instead of putting your trust in those who are not worthy of trust, says the Lord. I will never lead you astray. 

Matthew 7:15-17 Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves. You can identify them by their fruit, that is, by the way they act. Can you pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? A good tree produces good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad fruit.


Daughter of Zion speak unto them, share a truth. The time is fulfilled and
the kingdom of thy God YHWH is at hand, repent and believe the gospel.

Issachar come, receive the reward of your labor, for the time of harvest is here.

Yea, a glorious time, a hidden time, even a time of justice against the evildoers.  The righteous shall Feast but the belly of the wicked shall rot with want.

Oh, come and see what has come nigh unto thee for the time of the Gentiles shall be fulfilled and many shall fall by the sword and shall be led away as captives into the uttermost parts of the Earth. This is the time of kingdom rising against kingdom.

Oh, woe to him that built a town with blood and established a city by iniquity, for it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and for Gomorrah in the day of judgment than for that city.

Read Isaiah 22.  The Ravine of Zion
The matter of the ravine of Zion. What happened to you that now you all ascended unto the roofs in vain? the city was filled up of ones yelling. Your slain are not slain ones by swords, nor your dead dead ones by war. All your rulers have fled together from the bow, they are being tied and the ones being strong among you have fled at a distance. On account of this, I said, Let me go! I shall weep bitterly. You should not grow strong to comfort me over the destruction of the daughter of My people. For it is a day of disturbance and destruction and trampling and an addiction to a delusion by the LORD of Hosts. They wander in the ravine of Zion. They wander from small unto great upon the mountain. But the Elamites took quivers and men riders upon horses and there was a gathering of a battle array. And your choice ravines will be filled of chariots and the horsemen shall obstruct your gates. And they shall uncover the gates of Judah and they shall look in that day unto the choice houses of the city. And they shall uncover the hidden places of the houses of the Akra of David. And they saw that there were many more and they turned the water of the ancient pool into the city; and that they demolished the houses of Jerusalem for fortification of the walls of the city. And you produced for yourselves water between the two walls inside the ancient pool, but you did not look to the One making it in the beginning; and the One creating it you did not behold. And the LORD of Hosts called for weeping in that day and beating the breast and shaving and girding up sackcloths. But they were making glad and leaping for joy, slaying calves and sacrificing sheep so as to eat meat and to drink wine, saying, We should eat and drink, for tomorrow we die. And these things are being uncovered in the ears of the LORD of Hosts, for this sin shall not be forgiven you until whenever you should die. Thus says the LORD of Hosts, Go into the cubicle, to Somnan the storekeeper and say to him, Why are you here? and What is there to you here? that you quarried for yourself here a memorial and made for yourself in a high place a memorial and depicted to yourself a dwelling in the rock. Behold, indeed, the LORD of Hosts shall cast out and shall obliterate such a man and shall remove your apparel and your honorable crown and will toss you into a great and unmeasured place and there you shall die; and He will establish your good chariot for dishonor and the house of your ruler for trampling. And you shall be removed from your administration and from your station. And it will be in that day even I will call My servant Eliakim the son of Helkiah; and I will put on Him your apparel and I will give to Him your crown. And might and your administration I will put into His hands; and He shall be as a Father to the ones dwelling Jerusalem and to the ones dwelling Judah. And I will put to Him the key of the house of David upon His shoulder. And He shall open and there will not be one locking. And He shall lock and there shall not be one opening. And I will give the glory of David to Him. And He will rule and there will not be one disputing. And I will establish Him as ruler in a trustworthy place and He will be for a throne of glory for His Father’s house. And every honorable one in the house of His Father will be relying upon Him, from small unto great; every small vessel from vessels of the cups. And they will be hanging upon Him in that day. Thus says the LORD of Hosts, The man being fixed fast in a trustworthy place shall be moved; and the glory upon him shall be removed and shall fall and shall waste away; for the LORD spoke.

Read Hosea 8:2-9
For Me they shall cry out, O God, we have known You. For Israel threw away good things; they pursued an enemy. For themselves they made one to reign and not through Me. They ruled and they did not make it known to Me. With their silver and their gold they made to themselves idols, so that they should be utterly destroyed.  Cast off your calf, O Samaria! My rage is provoked against them. For how long will they in no way be able to cleanse themselves in Israel? And the fabricator made it and it is not God. Because your calf was wandering you, O Samaria. For being destroyed by the wind they sowed and their final end looks out for them; a sheaf not having strength to produce flour; and if even it should produce, strangers shall devour it. Israel was swallowed down; now it became among the nations as a useless item. For they ascended unto Assyria; Ephraim flourished again according to himself; he loved bribes.

Oh Jerusalem, Oh Jerusalem. Who shall save thee from the wrath of nations set upon thee? Behold a cup of trembling. Behold a cup of trembling. A burdensome stone, a land with hands covered by the blood of the prophets. Oh will you not mourn a great mourning as you look upon Him who you pierced? Yet will I not utterly cast down My crown jewel, but as even a wayward son returns unto his father, so shall I have pity and I shall restore?

I shall redeem a city on a hill not being hid, a light to the world. A city adorned as a gift, let the redeemed of YHWH say so.

The King of glory cometh, He reigns, He is clothed with majesty and strength, He needeth not any man. He shall establish Sovereign rule that cannot nor will not be moved.  From Everlasting to Everlasting He was and is and is to come. A faithful dwelling place, oh come and adore Thee!

For before the mountains were brought forth He was. For His throne is an ancient throne, established of old, but it shall be forever, from one generation to another.

He cometh in the air and rideth upon the clouds and every set of eyes shall see Him coming with glory, honor, splendor and power. He comes to judge the Earth in righteousness, to decide among the heathen and the bodies of the wicked shall fill the land. And what shall I say unto thee, o sinner? Who shall save you from the wrath to come? Repent, be baptized everyone both great and small, for the remission of sins. Won’t ye come? For the Son of Man, Yahushua, cometh to save him who was lost.

Receive the Holy Ghost. Receive the promise of life eternal for you and for your sons and for your daughters. For unto you was given a wonderful counselor and an everlasting Father, a Prince of peace and He shall rule the nations with the rod of iron sent from Zion. Who are these? Yea, behold the time of the Branch, coming in power, might and Glory, given from on High by an Ancient Order. O behold these who fly like a cloud. Get ready for the King’s Palace is ready for the Royal festivities and His enemies shall receive their just due.

And this is in the name of the Rod and the staff, YHWH, 
Yahushua ha’Mashiach, also known as Jesus Christ,
Ruah ha’Qodesh, also known as the Holy Spirit.


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