Feb. 22, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:

Stay within the boundaries of your authority. You have no authority over that which you have no responsibility. Strive to walk and live in divine order and in the flow of My Spirit, says the Lord and you will be shown what to do in every situation. Avoid getting overwhelmed by what might be or what could be. Live each moment as it comes. 

Proverbs 4:23-24 Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life. Put away from you a crooked mouth and thrust away unjust lips far from you.

Return to Me – a message from our Creator YHWH
Feb. 21, 24

Daughter, share My Words. I am pouring out My truth. I am just. I am
Holy. Come, consider, let us reason together.

Return to Me. Return to Me. Return to Me. Will ye?

I afflict not willingly, neither do I cast off My sons nor daughters

Come near, consider…

Will the world go on forever?
Can ye circumvent your creator?
Can ye choose your own way?
Can ye set your own standard?

Examine all things. Prove all things. Choose the right path.

Return to Me. Return to Me. Return to Me.

Would you give up your humanity? Would you choose to
upgrade? Come, consider.

Verily, verily I say unto you the Earth and all things earthy will melt away by fire. Verily, verily I say unto you, you cannot be machine and Mine at the same time. Do you trust in technological advancements? You cannot be one with AI and Me.  

Be not deceived. Cyborgs are coming.

Be not deceived. What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and
loses his own soul?

Be not deceived.  Elon Musk is not your friend.

Be not deceived. YHWH, thy God is not to be mocked and whatsoever a man soweth that too shall you reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption.

Come near, consider. Let us reason together.

Now the serpent was more subtle.  Take heed. Come, consider, examine.

Be not one with the world wide net lest he become a seed set on corruption and a seed cast into hell and in that day shall there be many that say, “Did He really say?  Be not deceived.

Would you trade your birthright for a meal? Take heed.

Return to Me. Return to Me. Return to Me.

Don’t delay, don’t look back.
Return to Me.

In the name of YHWH,
Yahusha ha’ Mashiah (Jesus Christ),
the Ruah ha’Qodesh (Holy Spirit).

February 22, 2024. 2/22. Today is the second month and the 22nd day. Some meanings of two are: friendship, relationship, harmony and balance. The Lord says, I blessed the nation of Israel because Abraham was My friend. He listened, had belief and obeyed. Just like him you can do the same. Yes, he faltered and so have you but I still call you friend. Let’s talk every day and spend time together. I will bring harmony and balance in your life. 

James 2:23 “The Scripture passage came true. It says, “Abraham believed in God and that belief was regarded as the basis of Abraham’s approval by God.” So Abraham was called God’s friend.”Robin Robinson Bohlin 

February 22, 2024. The Lord says, I have given you the greatest tools to overcome strife and anger. Be twice as fast to listen before speaking your mind. You will find that listening is a great tool in the hand of a wise individual. Sometimes what you think doesn’t matter as much as what you say at the moment of great need. Take heed to the words you hear and I will give you the words to say. 

James 1:19-21 “Know this, my dear brothers and sisters: let every person be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger — for human anger doesn’t produce the righteousness of God. So put away all moral filth and excess of evil and receive with humility the implanted Word, which is able to save your souls.”   Budd Rodgers


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