Feb. 11, 24

The Trumpet by Bill Burns:

Come to Me and receive the blessings that I am pouring out in this season. These are indeed the days of overflowing blessings. It is My great desire to reveal to you the things that are taking place in My Kingdom and the things that are taking place in your circumstances. I want to bring revelation so that you can deal with those things and gain the victory, says the Lord. 

Proverbs 3:6 In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:

Remember that you have embarked on a new era. You have come full circle and will have opportunities to begin again. But, you will have to take every opportunity to make more righteous choices this time around. Keep your focus clearly on doing what will produce the best outcome morally and spiritually, says the Lord. Refuse to allow selfish ambition to drive you. 

Philippians 2:3 Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.

Feb. 10, 2024

Daughter, share this Word of great warning. Read Mark 4:1-28 and Gen. 6:1-13. Now read Matt. 13:1-51.

Daughter, now share your experience in Atlanta, Georgia for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. Father there was a time You had me pray in a city. A city called Atlanta in the USA.

There were some You led me to pray for and to move on their behalf in the area of evangelism. It was fruitful for Your Kingdom, however, there was one young man that approached me. He wore a sweater that alluded to him being a person of faith. He had a basket of food and he offered me some of it. At one point in our conversation he appeared not himself.  For a brief moment his eyes changed dramatically, clearly turning into the appearance of the similar appearance that you see in a snake. They turned from the normal appearance of what you see when you look at a person to slits like what you see in the eyes of a reptile. Then he appeared as if he came back to himself and his eyes were normal once again. He then carried on and he walked away.

Daughter, great change is coming upon the earth. What you saw in that man’s eyes shall in the coming days be commonplace. Many will not believe until they see with their very own eyes. Everything hidden will be revealed and there is much hidden. I tell you the truth I have been very longsuffering and longsuffering enough. Many no longer seek Me but are more interested in science fiction. They will mourn when they realize the truth and when these things are no longer hidden from their natural eyes.

They will seek help like they have never sought it. The church will not have the answers in buildings made of brick and mortar. Only those who have sought Me with all their heart.

Daughter, some will seek help from the government, but they already know and have made a pact.  Some have given themselves over and some have been infiltrated and the world has now become stranger than fiction.

Daughter, I am allowing those still not in Covenant with Me to come and I will intervene according to My righteous right hand for I am Sovereign. I desire all of My created vessels to come pray for them. Daughter, all have to make a choice. The evil ones have infiltrated all aspects of society to devour as many as they would, but My church will prevail and be with Me in pure white robes soon enough.

The battle has reached a new level of intensity. Tell My people to trust Me no matter what they see and no matter what they hear.  Do not believe the lies on the news. Turn to Me now and heed the voice of the Shepherd.  I will never leave you nor forsake you. Strange sights shall emerge but I will be your

Only believe.  

This is in the name of YHWH, Jesus Christ/Yahushua ha’Mashiah, Holy Spirit/Ruah ha’Qodesh.


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