Feb. 6, 24


In these days of chaos, it is even more important for you to stay on course and do what I have given you to do, to see what I have given you to see and to know what I want you to know. It takes very little time to come into My presence and quiet your soul so that you can perceive My will. Do not neglect your spiritual duty above all else, says the Lord. 

Psalm 42:1-2 As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the mighty living God. When shall I come and appear before God?

February 6, 2024. I just heard the Lord say, I see the forecast and your future looks sunny and stable. I am removing that which has brought negativity in your life. Stand still and watch while I do this. It will cause you to fall on your knees and worship Me. If you could only see what I see; wait, you CAN SEE what I see. I have removed the veil and you will clearly understand the brightness and stability I am bringing.

Isaiah 43:19 “Behold, I do new things which now shall arise and you all shall know them. And I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the waterless place.”   Robin Robinson Bohlin  

February 6, 2024. Do not allow the cares of this world to drag you down. The enemy seeks to overwhelm you with flurries of activities, some are good, but none are God if they weigh you down. I come to lead you into a life of rest and peace. My very nature of being a shepherd to you is to lead you into the way of peace and rest. As you feed on green pastures today, allow Me to lead you in the way you should go and refreshing will be yours.

Psalm 23:1-3 “The LORD tends me and not one thing lacks for me. In the place of tender shoots, there He encamped me. At the water of rest, He nourished me. He returned my life; He guided me upon roads of righteousness because of His name.”   Budd Rodgers


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