Feb. 4, 24

The Trumpet by Bill Burns: You are not alone and you are not without help. I am with you to guide you, protect you, provide for you and to heal you, says the Lord. I will do these things if you will only believe. 

Romans 8:31 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: Listen for the sound of silence and be comfortable with it. When nothing is stirring you to deep thought or action, you must stir yourself so that you do not lose your edge. Take the initiative through a desire to know Me more personally and intimately, says the Lord. Explore the depths of spiritual truth and delight yourself in the light of revelation. 

Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.


Please pray if this is for you. I pray that this will be an encouragement to those whom this Word is prepared for, as it was for me and so I just ask as with everything on this channel including this particular Word that you take everything to our Heavenly Father, ABBA for your own personal confirmation and for your own understanding.

And again I give this disclaimer that this Word is for a specific group of people and so the counsel that I have received concerning this Word is to give a disclaimer to pray and to seek ABBA whether this Word is for you or not.  And I believe He is faithful to provide counsel in His timing and in His way.

As James 1:5 says, If any man lacks wisdom let him ask of Yah Who gives to all men liberally and not berating and it shall be given.  

Daughter speak this Word for a specific people group, for they will know if this is for them or not. Pray My children.  Receive My good Word of Truth for I am the Alpha and I am the Omega. I hold the keys to hell and to death.  Behold I make all things new.  

My children, it is time for a great and mighty expansion into depths where mere mortal man cannot understand.  I come to set the captives free and to open the eyes of the blind. I extend out My arms to the weary and comfort the outcast. Set aside new depths of your heart and of your time for Me and I will begin to pour into you new depths of understanding and counsel. This is the time of knowledge increasing and I would not have you ignorant. Come fill your cup to overflowing. My eyes are in all places. My seven Spirits shall be poured out upon the seven churches and depending on your level of hunger and thirst shall you be filled. So come, be satisfied, come and receive. I have so much in store for thee.

This is a new era where what was hidden is being revealed for a people with an ancient Spirit by the Ancient of Days. He is very mighty in power as One called the Rod. He is the Rod of the seven.

Daughter, now share the vision for now is the appointed time of a marking, yes for the seven churches. What do you see?  ABBA, I see in the realm of the Spirit a ladder extended upwards and at the top is One in the likeness (as what I am given in description to describe Him is as the Son of man.) I find myself traveling up in this vision as if caught up (in what I am given to describe it as a whirlwind.)  

I find myself then at the feet of Him once again. I am given a description to describe Him and this time it is as One as called the Ancient of Days, the keeper of time, as the One who sits on the throne. Lightnings and hailstones go before Him, there is no end to His power nor of His might .Who shall not fear the great and terrible day of this One called the Ancient of Days from an ancient Priestly order of One called Melchisedek. In the vision He is hovering.  In this vision of I am now bowing before Him in the presence of angels.  He radiates power and glory with hair white like snow.

I hear the words “seven stars.” And the King. This One, the Ancient of Days speaks from on high. Yes, My daughter, I share truth and I cannot, nor do not lie.  Hear what the  Spirit saith: By Me kings reign, princes rule, angels decree and carry out My decrees. I hold all things by the righteous right hand of My righteousness, for I rule in righteous power and justice; this has been since the beginning and it shall be forevermore.

I am as a fire burning which cannot be extinguished. I am as a righteous scepter. I send forth My angels, even now for much is being accomplished. There is a distinguished marking of My church taking place, a positioning of classification. But to you who this golden scroll is for, yea, a golden scroll goes before you.  Eat the scroll and taste glory for it is as the finest honey, sweet to the taste buds.

Come up hither! Draw nigh unto Me for it is a time of faith rising in new and mysterious ways, the elements between the spiritual and natural colliding.

Look unto Me and come to the deeper waters. For deep is calling to deep and I would that you throw away all expectations of how you used to operate with Me and prepare yourself to enter into Glory.

Glory revealed, Glory poured out even as the finest oil fit for a bride adorned for a fine bridegroom. Anticipate a new outpouring and seek it as you would the finest treasure. Let your faith arise and you shall have it.

We will move as one and you will fulfill what you were created to carry out. You have not known such a glory that I give unto you for I saved the best for last and I desire to give you much. You are Mine. Let’s do much together in glory and in power.

I love you. Let’s get started, for today all things begin new.

Love, the Alpha and Omega, YHWH, the Ancient of Days, The Great High Priest, Jesus Christ, Yahushua ha’Mashiah, Holy Spirit, the Ruah ha’Qodesh.


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