Jan. 29, 24


Never expect to receive more than you give. Be who you are in Me and give as I direct you to give; no more and no less. Stay on the path that I have chosen for you without regret and be content, says the Lord. 

Philippians 4:12-13 I know also to be humble, I know also to abound. In everything and in all things I am initiated, both to be full and to hunger and to abound and to be lacking. I am strong for all things in the One empowering me — Christ.

January 29, 2024. Even though you may find yourself in a dangerous situation, do not fear. The disciples feared when their boat entered the storm. Waves tossed and brought havoc on the boat but their answer was with them. I say today, call upon My name and thou shalt be saved. These Words of Mine are not just pertaining to salvation, they are also for your safety. Begin to practice calling My name. My name is a Strong Tower!

Acts 2:21 “And it shall be all who ever should call upon the name of the Lord shall be delivered.’” Robin Robinson Bohlin  

January 29, 2024. I see a jumbled mess of ideas and thoughts in your mind. You have tried to deal with this through natural means. You have even consulted those who are non-spiritual in hopes that order may come to your mind. I say to you that I am the One to turn to. I provided My Spirit to guide you and direct you into the paths of My choosing. I am the God of order so turn to Me!

Isaiah 26:2-4 “Open O gates! Enter! O people guarding righteousness and guarding truth; taking hold of truth and guarding peace. For upon You we hoped, O LORD unto the eon, the great eternal God;” Jonas Bohlin


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