Jan. 28, 24

The Trumpet by Bill Burns:

Many of you, My people, are being brought back to the point of your spiritual beginning. Your obedience and faithfulness will cause you to connect with your point of origin, the place of beginning and of being and will bring you to an elevated place of reflection and examination of who you are in Me, says the Lord. 

Galatians 6:4 But let each one examine his own work and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone and not in another.

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:

You are about to launch out on a brand new beginning, which will be a time of exploration and discovery. Launch Out can move ahead when you have sufficiently left the past behind. Refuse to allow anything to hold you back from this spiritual adventure. Fear is your enemy and belief is your friend. 

Philippians 3:13 Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead.

Jan. 26, 2024

Daughter, I am truth. I am the Word that was made flesh. I am the Light that shines as a beacon of hope. Daughter, stand upon the tower. Watch. Look up for your redemption draweth nigh.

Speak My counsel, watchmen on the wall. Write the vision and make it plain, for lo the vision is for the appointed time.

Daughter, What do you see? Father, I see myself on a ship peering out upon the waters. It is a gloomy atmosphere, hazy, a foggy sky. There is a Man. He is in the ship with me, the Captain. One like the Son of Man. This is the description I’m given to describe Him as. He is peering out into the water. There is a bright search light shining into the atmosphere coming from behind
me and as it is shining into the dark night sky, I see people on life rafts waiting to be rescued.  

Yes, daughter,  I am the Captain of the seas. I come to rescue the hopeless. I seek to save that which has been lost. Many are in need of a life raft. I am the life raft. If you are hearing this message, come get on board the ship of safety.

I am the Light of the world. He without Me shall stumble as a blind man stumbleth in the dark. There is no other way into the Light than through the door. Will you go through the door that brings life? Will you seek and find eternal life? It is only through Me, Jesus Christ, Yahushua ha’Mashiah.

I am the door. If you find yourself on the stormy seas considering your last breath is upon ye, cry out in My name and I will save thee.  The storm upon the sea is here. Seek the Captain of the ship. To My own I say help, seek and save as many as you can. Don’t delay. This is the Kingdom. Be a voice, I love you all.

In the name of Yahweh, Jesus Christ/Yahushua ha’Mashiah, Holy Spirit/Ruah ha’Qodesh. 


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