Jan. 25, 24


Refuse to allow your life to become fruitless. Do what you can to maintain mercy and goodness. There is no reason to give up or give in to circumstances that drag you down to the depths of despair. These are days of overcoming, but they will require your care and attention. 

Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.

Jan. 5, 2024

Daughter, share My Words for My Joseph’s, for they are rising. Daughter, what do you see? I see a little boy, mostly nonverbal autistic. He is surrounded by angels.

Daughter, what else do you see? I see his faithful parents praying. I have a knowing they are resting in hope despite many challenges. Daughter, I bring beauty from ashes. I bring testimony from trial. I bring hope to the hopeless.

This family is one of My Joseph’s rising, as this is the time of many who have suffered greatly to rise up and to be a restorer of hope to those without hope. In the midst of calamity, confusion, despair, these faithful ambassadors will bring hope to many.

Daughter, you are in the midst of a fallen world under the bondage of sin. The thief cometh to steal, he comes to plunder, he cometh to break down in families, in communities, in society. There are some things a mystery. This young child is surrounded by love as are all My children.  

Daughter share the question that was asked.  (It’s not asked by the family) Father, the question was asked, Where are the Miracles? Daughter this family is a pillar of miracles because in the midst of their pain, exhaustion, trial, they have brought much hope, love and encouragement to others. That is miraculous.

Daughter, many are hurting, many are looking for answers and through the beauty seen in My overcomers, many will find hope. Hope restores. This doesn’t mean everything will be perfected in this life. Again, much is a mystery but the hope is, all that is eternal is far surpassing the weight of this temporal life.

The prayers of the righteous avail much and in the life of this family, they have brought forth a harvest even as a storehouse of corn that is the beauty of redemption.  Joseph’s life too was a story of redemption. Encourage My Joseph’s to carry on for I am with you and for you.

All shall be made new.  Again there is a moment when all shall be restored. Hold on to hope.

In the name of Yahweh, Jesus Christ/Yahushua ha’Mashiah, Holy Spirit/Ruah ha’Qodesh. 

January 25, 2024. Search me and try me and see if there be any wicked way in me. This is the prayer that David prayed and this is what caused Me to say that he was a man after My heart. I want you to examine yourself today – lay wide open your life. Allow Me, the Great Physician, to do a thorough examination of you. Only good will come – I would never hurt you. Allow Me to show you areas where change is needed!

Psalm 139:23-24 Try me, O God and know my heart! Examine me and know my paths! and see if the way of lawlessness is in me and guide me in the eternal way!”  Robin Robinson Bohlin  

January 25, 2024. Many people may say they worship Me. Some say they worship Me in their own way. I say unto you to make a place for worship in your life. Based on Scriptural foundation, your best place for worship is in the center of your life. As you allow Me to be the center of your life, you will soon find out everything in your life will “balance” out. If you only let Me into the “fringe” areas of your life, you will find that chaos and confusion tend to take over. In a nutshell, GET GOD CENTERED!

1 Chronicles 16:1-2 “They brought the Ark of God and set it in the middle of the tent that David had pitched for it. Then they offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before God. After David finished offering the burnt offering and the fellowship offerings, he blessed the people in the Name of Adonai. (The Lord.)”(emphasis added) Budd Rodgers


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