Jan. 19, 24


The challenges of these days for you are not to gain victory over the enemy as much as to recognize when you step out ahead of Me in presumption or take steps as a result of your own logic and personal bias. You must quiet your flesh and allow spiritual discernment to lead. Do nothing in your own strength and understanding, says the Lord. 

Psalm 28:7 The LORD is my helper and my defender; my heart trusted in Him, and I was helped; and my flesh flourished again and by my will I will make acknowledgment to Him.

Servants for His Glory 44
Jan. 18, 2024

Daughter, share My Words of truth, of comfort and of love for I speak a Word of kindness.  Who am I? I am a faithful friend.  The most faithful friend. There is no greater love than Mine.  I laid down My life for My friends.

You were My friend. Did you drift away? Return to Me.  Return to Me. Return to Me. I extend My warmest welcome. I am as a blanket of comfort on a cold night. I am as a friend both loyal and true. I am calling out, return and find rest. Return and renew.  I invite you to come. Come for an encounter. Come, invite Me to sup.

Be My friend, a friend unto Me. Learn, relearn, for I make Myself known. I am Meek, lowly in heart. I forgive sinners. I make whole. Come and receive. Lay down your burdens and pick up your cross.

Does your heart grow weary? Let Me back in.  I am as a friend that will never leave. Return to Me. Return to Me. Return to Me. Do you need a friend? Choose Me. There is no one as faithful.  

Laugh again. When was the last time you truly laughed? I am here. Come. I redeem. Remember, return to Me.

This is in the name of Yahweh, Yahushua ha’Mashiach, the Ruach ha’qodesh in Hebrew. Father, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit. 

January 19, 2024. If at all possible, so far as it depends on you, live at peace with all people. Paul is saying here…give reconciliation a double shot! If it’s possible (some won’t allow reconciliation) and as far as it depends on you (give it your best effort) Then if someone will not allow reconciliation, move on, dust off your feet and go to the next relationship. Be at peace either way, having done all you can do, be at peace.

Romans 12:18 “If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all people.”

Matthew 10:14 “And whoever should not receive you, nor should hear your words, in going forth from the residence or that city, shake off the dust of your feet!”  Robin Robinson Bohlin  

January 19, 2024. If you are still alive and breathing, then your story isn’t over. You have no days left here on earth that have not been spoken for yet. You have let anger and disappointment rule in your mind and emotions. You have unanswered questions. I say to you today, let me fortify your belief in Me. Let Me out of your box and allow Me to work through you. I have called you MINE forever and ever.

Jonah 4:1-4  “And Jonah was grieved with great distress and was confounded. And he prayed to the LORD and he said, O LORD, Were not these my words still being in my land? Because of this I thought beforehand to flee unto Tarshish. Because I knew that You are merciful and pitying, lenient and full of mercy and one to change his mind over the evils. And now, master, O LORD, take my soul from me, for it is good for me to die than live! And the LORD said, Are you exceedingly grieved?” Pam Jackson


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