Jan. 18, 24


Troubling times create troubling circumstances. This is a time to trust Me in every situation and know that I will direct your steps. Refuse to dump down in discouragement and fear, which can be contagious, so protect yourself from going down with the crisis of others, says the Lord. Walk in belief that I am with you. 

Isaiah 41:10 Do not fear! for I am with you. Do not wander! for I am your God; the one strengthening you and I will give help to you and safeguard you by My just right hand.

January 18, 2024. Those thoughts of running away are not from Me. Did you know that moving location doesn’t really change anything? It is your thoughts and actions that must come under control. Wherever you go, your thoughts go with you. Even if you do leave, when you return things most likely will be the same. Stay put and work on the solution. Running away might feel good for the moment but your life changes when you work through issues.

James 1:2-4 “Esteem it all joy, my brethren, whenever you should fall into various tests! knowing that the proving of the belief of yours manufactures endurance; and let endurance have its perfect work that you should be perfect and entire, with nothing missing.”  Robin Robinson Bohlin  

January 18, 2024. Nobody likes bad news. When we hear the term, I can “see the writing on the wall” it normally implies some type of bad news. I venture to say that most people don’t even know it refers to a biblical incident regarding King Nebuchadnezzar and the prophet Daniel. I heard the Lord say this, I have put the “Daniel type” spirit on My people, especially those who seek after ME and who call upon MY name. Expect to hear and understand what the “world” doesn’t or even can’t understand. I will reveal to you to interpret God’s will to them. AMEN!

Daniel 5:11-13 “There is a man in your kingdom in which is Spirit of the Holy God. And in the days of your father, vigilance and understanding and wisdom as wisdom of God, was found in him; and king Nebuchadnezzar your father placed him ruler of enchanters, of magi, of Chaldeans and of astrologers. For extra Spirit is in him and intelligence and understanding of interpreting dreams and reporting things held and untying things bonded together — it is Daniel and the king put to him the name — Belteshazzar. Now then let him be called! and he will announce its interpretation to you. Then Daniel was brought in before the king. And the king said to Daniel, Are you Daniel, the one from the sons of the captivity of Judea, of which my father the king brought?”  Budd Rodgers


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