Jan. 9, 24


There is trouble all around you, but you do not have to be affected by what is happening outside of you. You need to settle yourself inside and deal with the issues that directly affect you. This will require walking and living in the Spirit instead of being consumed with flesh issues. Establish yourself in peace, says the Lord. 

Philippians 4:6-7 Let no one be anxious, but in all prayer and supplication with thankfulness let your requests be made known to God! And the peace of God, the one surpassing every mind, shall guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.

The Father says:
“I want My People to know that there is so much more to walking with Me than is commonly taught. You have been taught to expect a certain degree of things from Me, from your walk with Me. You have been taught that you grow to a certain point, then pass away and spend eternity with Me. Your time with Me in eternity started when you accepted My Son Jesus as Savior and Lord. Right now, you are seated with Me in Heaven. This is where you are NOW. (Eph 2:6) That very fact should radically change your life, but most of My children operate the same as they did before they were placed next to Me. They pray, yes, but the unsaved also pray. They read My Word, but the unsaved also read My Word. I am calling you to a higher walk that is available to ALL MY CHILDREN. People look at Wigglesworth and think that he is special. The ONLY thing he did special was say YES to Me and go through the door into FULL Sonship, the door that ANY of My children can walk through if they simply do so.
“It is SO BEAUTIFUL beyond that door. Joy made full lives beyond that door. Life and that more abundantly lives beyond that door. Walking in the SAME intimate walk I had with My Son Jesus when He walked the earth, lies beyond that door.”
“So come on into the Land I set aside for you before I created the world, where you have always wanted to linger, to walk in and explore. Take My Hand and let Me show you just what it means to be a Son of God.”
Revelation is reading the Word through My eyes.
When you read My Word through man’s eyes, you will continue to walk as men. When you read My Word through My eyes, you begin to walk as Sons of God.
This is possible for you, since we are One Spirit. Ask Me to help you do this and I will.
My Word was never meant to read only silently, but mainly aloud. The word “meditate” in Joshua 1:8 and Psalms 1:2 means speak, mutter, utter to yourself.
You are supposed to educate BOTH your mind AND your spirit. You educate your mind primarily by what you SEE. You educate your spirit primarily what you HEAR. You teach your mind what to think by what you SEE. You teach your heart what to believe by what you HEAR. Reading My Word aloud, then, is the best way to renew your mind and grow in faith at the same time.
Wigglesworth is an example of a person who walked in full Sonship.
The Lord says: “Many believed I was able to do so many mighty miracles through him because he was baptized in the Spirit. This is not true. Many are baptized in My Spirit yet see no miracles. That is because Wigglesworth walked not only full of My Spirit, but also full of My Word. He would pray in the Spirit daily and read aloud from My Word daily. That is why I was able to raise so many from the dead through him and restore missing limbs and so many other mighty miracles. These are the keys to walking in full Sonship. This is the revelation that causes the prophecy of the manifestation of My Sons in Romans 8:19 to be fulfilled in this season.”
Comments He gave to add:
The sower soweth the Word – when you READ HIS WORD ALOUD, you are being YOUR OWN SOWER. Plant HIS SEEDS in the Garden of YOUR HEART every day so that you will GROW A GARDEN in your heart that will make you begin looking, walking and talking like Jesus. Another benefit of doing this is that the seeds that the enemy has planted, such as seeds that block healing, seeds of making you fear rejection by the Lord and others, will be replaced by seeds of FAITH FOR HEALING and a new sense of TOTAL ACCEPTANCE BY THE LORD and BOLDNESS TO GO FORTH AND DO HIS WILL AS YOU HAVE NEVER KNOWN!
There are so many false teachings about healing and other subjects. That is the real reason why some, even very, very Godly, Spirit-filled people, have had issues receiving healing from the Lord. Bad seeds planted in their hearts when they were not looking, by some pastor or teacher they listened to thirty years ago. In the garden of their hearts, in some forgotten corner, is a weed that the enemy planted, that thing that made them just seem to never be able to step out into faith and receive the wonderful gift of healing from their loving Father, purchased at such a great price by His precious Son. Reading the pure Word of God aloud will uproot those foul weeds from the enemy and replace them by a plant of growing faith to receive the wonderful things their precious Father wants to give His precious children. The bad seed entered by something heard, so it must be uprooted by something also heard.
This revelation is a major part of the Awakening. The Awakening has started, the GREATEST MOVE OF GOD to ever occur on the earth. Awakening is actually a misnomer. It is “multiple” Awakenings, all at the same time: An Awakening to Who He is, an Awakening to ALL He did for us on the Cross, an Awakening of who WE ARE NOW as His Sons who are seated WITH HIM in the Heavenly Realms, an Awakening to who Jesus is IN US and who WE ARE IN HIM and an Awakening to who we are TO THE eNEMY.
Lord Jesus says:
“I AM the Beginning and the End. I, the Word, started the Church and I, the Word, will complete the church. That is why I AM revealing the message that you should not only be full of My Spirit but also My Word. It is this message about My Word that will transform My Bride into the Glorious Bride.”

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