Jan. 6, 24


Do not underestimate the power of My presence and My ability to intervene in your life. Allow Me to take the lead and direct every step you take. I am not a myth or a legend; I am a real and powerful being that you can interact with and trust to help you through every dilemma you face. Put your trust in Me, says the Lord. 

Isaiah 41:10 Do not fear! for I am with you. Do not wander! for I am your God; the One strengthening you and I will give help to you and safeguard you by My just right hand.

January 6, 2024. In my dream last night, I heard this statement, “God is the Keeper of Time”. I asked the Lord what it meant, He said: “I am the Keeper of Time. For Me, 1000 years is like one day. Get on My time table. I can go forward and backward in time. I can heal the things in the past and steer you away from trouble in the future. Eternity, when is it? It is now, it was then, it will be!

Psalm 90:4  “For a thousand years in Your eyes, O LORD, are as a day — yesterday which went is as a watch in the night.” Robin Robinson Bohlin  

January 6, 2024. There may be some who are slow starters. Do not let the enemy accuse you. Some are early starters, some are normal starters and some are slow starters. I have made you the way you are. No matter which category into which you fall, make the most of your time. Allow Me to use you whenever and wherever you go. The world consists of every kind of person and needs what each of you have to offer. 

Psalms 139:14-16 “I will make acknowledgment to You, for fearfully You caused wonder; the wonders of Your works; and my soul knows exceedingly. My bones were not hidden from You, which You made in secret; and my essence in the lowermost parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my unfinished state; and on Your scroll all men shall be written. Days were shaped and no one among them.”  Jonas Bohlin


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