Jan. 4, 24


You can make plans for the future, but you must live and be present right here and right now. Your plans are not yet reality. Stay real and deal with the issues that present themselves today, one minute at a time. That is where you can exercise your belief and trust that I am indeed with you, says the Lord. 

Psalm 16:11 You made known to me the ways of life. You shall fill me of gladness with Your face. Delightfulness is at Your right unto the end.January 4, 2024. I have an image of people running in the street, taking shelter where they can, with YOU standing in the middle of the street unafraid. You have asked Me why you have gone through this persecution. I tell you that this persecution has made you strong and unafraid. You have learned and have grown in strength and power. This day will come and My strong Warrior Remnant will rise and point the way to salvation!

2 Timothy 3:11-14 in the persecutions, in the sufferings, such as happened to me in Antioch, in Iconium, in Lystra— of such persecutions I endured. And 

the Lord rescued me from out of all. But even all the ones wanting to live godly in Christ Jesus shall be persecuted. But wicked men and impostors shall progress unto the worse, misleading and being misled. But you abide in the things which you learned and were trustworthy! knowing from whom you learned.” Robin Robinson Bohlin  

January 4, 2024. A new year brings new discoveries. The Lord says discover the precious stones I have built you with in this new year. Learn from ME what it means to have the sapphires, rubies and other jewels embedded into your life. I will not disappoint you. I will elevate you to a new realm of revelation of MY goodness to you, saith the Lord!

Isaiah 54:10-17 “Shall the mountains change over, nor your hills be moved about; so not even mercy shown by Me to you shall fail, nor the covenant for your peace in any way shall change; for Adonai spoke kindness to you. Humble and confused, you were not comforted. Behold, I prepare for you carbuncle for your stone and for your foundations sapphire. And I will make the parapets jasper and your gates stones of crystal and your enclosure of choice stones; and all your sons instructed of Adonai and much peace to your children. And you shall be built in righteousness at a distance from the unjust. And you shall not be fearful and trembling shall not approach to you. Behold, converts shall come forward to you because of Me and they shall sojourn with you and unto you they shall take refuge. Behold, I created you, not as a brazier blowing in a fire of coals and bringing forth a utensil for work; but I created you, not for destruction to corrupt. Every weapon concocted against you shall not be prosperous; and every voice that shall rise up against you for judgment, all of them you shall vanquish. And the ones liable of you shall be in her; it is the inheritance to the ones attending Adonai and you shall be righteous to Me, says Adonai.” Budd Rodgers


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