Jan. 2, 24


Your inclination for the new year is to make great, sweeping changes, but that will not be in your best interest. There are things that need to be adjusted in what you do, so make the adjustments in small increments instead of throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Keep your focus on Me and fine tune your spiritual ear to hear and heed My leading, says the Lord. 

Psalm 119:105 Your law is a lamp to my feet and a light to my paths.

January 2, 2024. Evil is swirling all around; you can feel it. What will you do? Succumb to the darkness or be an atmosphere changer. I encourage you RIGHT NOW to choose to be a “Light Bearer” an “Atmosphere Changer” to carry a “Breaker Anointing”. This is evil now and there has always been evil. There will be until the day of redemption. I remind you that the devil is defeated and all he can do is deceive.

Acts 16:25-28  “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God and the prisoners were listening to them and suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken. And immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s bonds were unfastened. When the jailer woke and saw that the prison doors were open, he drew his sword and was about to kill himself, supposing that the prisoners had escaped. But Paul cried with a loud voice, ‘Do not harm yourself, for we are all here.’”  Robin Robinson Bohlin  

January 2, 2024. As the new year continues to unfold from the Hebrew calendar to our Gregorian calendar, these are the words I heard from the Father. “The results of humbling and heartache have left you without the pride I despise,” says the Lord. This new year when you see your life as a “stump” of what it used to look like, I say look again, for I am causing new life, new growth and a new hope to arise from you. This year is going to produce the supernatural results that never were manifested in times past. Watch and see MY goodness flourish in you. You will be that branch that bears much fruit. Rejoice in ME and see MY Spirit work through the body of Christ!

Isaiah 11:1-5 And a rod shall come forth from out of the root of Jesse; and a flower from out of his root shall ascend. And Spirit of the LORD will be caused to rest upon Him; a Spirit of wisdom and understanding; a Spirit of counsel and strength; a Spirit of knowledge and piety; a Spirit of the fear of God shall fill Him up. He shall not judge according to the glory of man, nor shall He reprove according to the speech. But He shall judge the case of the lowly and shall reprove for the lowly of the earth. And He shall strike the earth by the Word of His mouth; and by the breath through His lips He shall do away with the impious. And righteousness will be tied around His loin; and His sides being wrapped around with truth. Budd Rodgers


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