Dec. 31, 23


Stay focused and centered on your relationship with Me, says the Lord. Do not deviate or entertain distractions that remove you from your place of peace. I am with you to bring you through every challenge. Be strong and of good courage. 

Psalm 34:1 I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.

by Jeffrey Stewart

The Bible is much more than it appears. You look at the Bible and see a book. That is not how He sees it. He sees it as a verbal expression of Himself. He has managed to translate His Glory into written form. He placed ALL the Light that floods Heaven in it, in written form. Man misses out when he looks at things through man’s eyes. He intended for us to see all things through HIS eyes.

Man is God-Breathed. Man can contain all He is. Jesus, a man, contains the FULLNESS of the Godhead bodily. The Bible is ALSO God breathed. You will notice that in the Greek, it says that the Holy Spirit BREATHED on the men of old to write the Scripture. So He placed His ESSENCE, what makes God God, in the Bible just like He placed His essence in man when He created him. Both man and the Bible are IMAGES of Him. Accurate representations of WHO He is. He uses the Image of Himself that is the Word to restore the image of Himself to MAN. That is why we use the Bible to RENEW our minds.
He recorded Himself in the Bible, if you will. Through REVELATION from the Bible by His Spirit, He imparts Himself to man. Revelation is the Light that shines from His Face. So the Bible is the Face of God in written form. As you BEHOLD HIS FACE you are transformed. As you READ HIS WORD you are transformed. By SPEAKING HIS WORD you write His Face upon your heart. God created the Face to be the revelation of the heart. The Face was designed to make the Heart VISIBLE. So as He WRITES HIS FACE upon your Heart when you SPEAK God’s Word, YOUR Face is TRANSFORMED to look more and more like HIS Face. That is what going from GLORY TO GLORY REALLY MEANS.
Since the Bible is God’s ESSENCE in written form, it is God’s Love, God’s Joy, God’s Peace, God’s Life, God’s Light, God’s Wisdom, God’s Truth – ALL God is, in written form. So when you SPEAK God’s Word, He imparts more and more of His Love, His Joy, His Peace, His Life, His Light, His Life, His Wisdom, His Truth – ALL He is – into your heart AS YOU SPEAK HIS WORD. What is invisible in your heart becomes visible in your life. So the process of SPEAKING God’s Word is God’s means of MAKING HIMSELF VISIBLE IN HIS PEOPLE.
Those who warn others about making God’s Word an idol completely miss God’s purpose for sharing His Word with man. God’s Word, a written photograph of Himself, was given to make US photographs of Himself, like Jesus is a photograph of Himself. So we all can one day say, when you have seen US, you HAVE SEEN the Father.


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