Dec. 26, 23


You are entering a season of preparation to do all that I have called and chosen for you to do. You are on a spiritual journey that will bring out the best in you both spiritually and naturally. You are becoming My emissary to represent Me and My kingdom in your place on the earth, says the Lord. Follow My lead. 

Ephesians 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

December 26, 2023. I see knots, tightly wound knots being untied. What you once thought was impossible to become straight, I will make straight in an instant! Let the untying begin. Stand back and watch Me move. Do not put your hands out to help. I AM Shalom. I AM the peace in this situation. Having done all, now stand, watch. You have trusted and believed Me and I have been moved by this. Rejoice now for the peace of this situation to become manifest.

Isaiah 45:2 “I will go before you and I shall level mountains. I shall break the doors of brass and bars of iron I break in pieces.”  Robin Robinson Bohlin  

December 26, 2023. Last week while traveling out of town, I realized I was missing a “bag” when I got to my destination. Thinking I left it at home, I dismissed the incident to “forgetfulness”. When I got home, it was not there and then I realized the bag did get loaded into the car, but it was “stolen” during the trip, when the car wasn’t locked at some point. The thought of it caused me to burn inside with anger. I heard the Spirit of God say this, “Fret not yourself because of evildoers, instead, “feed” on the faithfulness of God”. If you have been “stolen” from ever in your life, instead of getting “heated” up over it, “cool” down in the faithfulness of God and delight in HIM! 

Psalm 37:1-7 “Of David. Be not provoked to jealousy with ones acting wickedly, nor be jealous of the ones doing lawlessness! For they shall be dried up quickly as grass and as vegetation of tender shoots they shall quickly fall away. Trust in Adonai and execute graciousness! And encamp in the land! and you shall be tended by its riches. Revel in Adonai that He will give you the requests of your heart. Reveal to Adonai your way and hope upon Him! and He will act. And He shall bring forth your righteousness as light and your practice as at midday. Submit to Adonai and entreat Him. Be not provoked to jealousy in the prospering by a man doing unlawfulness in his way! Put away anger and turn from wrath.” Budd Rodgers


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