Dec. 25, 23


Things that you have been fussing over will now become crystal clear. You will realize that all the angst that you have entertained was without reward. Now it is time to settle yourself in the knowledge that I am with you regardless of your situation, and take comfort in knowing that you are not alone, says the Lord. 

Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.

by Jeffrey Stewart

The Father says:

“At Jesus’ first coming, ONE was sent ahead to prepare the way for Him. Before Jesus’ second coming MANY are now sent ahead to prepare the way for Him. The way will be made ready by those who are used to help His Bride make HERSELF ready.
My Glory is the Bridal Gown. Just as I wrap Myself in Light, the Bride must also know that SHE is ALSO wrapped in Light, because She is clothed in My Son, Who IS My Glory. (Heb 1:3 The Son is the Radiance of God’s Glory). My Son is My Word. (John 1:1) As she SPEAKS My Word, which is My Glory, into Her heart, that Glory will become visible for all to see. As My Son was transfigured on the mountain top, so too will His Bride be transfigured. But while My Son was transfigured IN SECRET, His Bride will be transfigured for ALL TO SEE!”
“Revelation is My Son revealing His Glory to His Bride by My Spirit. As she beholds His Glory through My Word, Her own Glory shall become MORE AND MORE visible.
I am throwing open the doors of Revelation in this season and My Son is flooding His Bride with The SAME Light that floods Heaven. Heaven WILL BE CLEARLY SEEN UPON HIS BRIDE BEFORE I SEND MY SON TO RETURN FOR HER!

My Dear Son withholds NOTHING from His Bride and He is EXTREMELY eager to show Her His RADIANT Glory. ALL of His VAST Glory is contained in My Word.
Every Bride beholds herself in a mirror before her wedding as she makes herself ready to meet her Groom. So My Son’s Bride MUST ALSO BEHOLD HERSELF IN THE MIRROR OF MY WORD IN ORDER TO MAKE HERSELF READY to meet HER Groom.
You who are called to help His Bride make herself ready will be shown My Son’s Glory in My Word. You, working with My Spirit, will point His Bride to this Glory, to the vast revelations that I will reveal to you. You will be used in this manner, to show His Bride WHO SHE REALLY IS! You will be used to wash her eyes from the lies that man has told her, so she will see Herself as My Dear Son sees her. You will be used to SET HER FREE!
So be GREATLY ENCOURAGED! Her Wedding is sooner than most believe! The Joy that was set before Him SHALL SOON BE HIS!”


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