Dec. 17, 23

The Trumpet by Bill Burns:

If you will seek Me with all of your heart, knowing the times and the seasons in which you live, you must now hasten towards Me. You must strive to know Me in ways you have not known before. You must come before the throne of favor and receive understanding. Receiving the counsel of My will in these days will be the guarantee of the promise that you can go forth into destiny and receive that which I have laid aside for you, to be revealed at this time. Come in belief and receive all that I have for you in this season, says the Lord.

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:

Many of you, My people, have allowed fear to creep in and overtake you. You must quiet your fears and come to Me for assurance that I am your protector. When you do not know what to do, ask and I will assuredly impart wisdom and guidance. I will lead you in the way you should go. Be calm and trust Me to do what I have promised. 

Romans 8:15 For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out Abba, Father.

Pastor Randy C. Brodhagen                                      

“For I say to you this day that the Son has risen. Yes, I have risen and I am the Lord, the Lord of all, the King of kings. I am in My position of power and authority and I have given that power and authority to you to work the works of God while there is still time. In Jesus’ name destroy the work of the devil.

Advance forcefully. Take back what belongs to Me, saith the Lord. And I will rejoice and you will rejoice, people will rejoice. Great rejoicing will be heard in the midst of all the commotion. The thief is throwing the dirt in the air to create confusion and to confound and he is trying to steal, to kill, to destroy.

Forces are joining together that I laugh at, for they will come to nothing in their evil plotting and planning. For who are they to thwart the plan of God? I kicked their leader, the devil, out of heaven and destroyed his work at the cross.

I am coming in all glory and honor to establish My new kingdom forever. So live in the hope of your calling, that there is a true hope and a true future. In the meantime, overcome evil with good. Be not overcome by the evil. Fret not over evildoers, for in due season you will look for them and not find them. They have gone the way of the dirt. They have not gone the way of the Spirit of life. And so, they have no life, even though they walk around and say things and do things. They will have no fruit in their life that will come to anything. They will be shown for what they are and exposed to an open shame, just as I did the devil at the cross.

Therefore, realize ‘risen, risen,’ rise up and be the saints of God. Rise up in holiness and purity and justice and truth. Think on the things that are true, just and beautiful, the things of virtue and worthy of praise, the things of Me, says the Lord. For I am the Lord.

Be content in whatever situation you are. Be not moved by fear or by force, for I am moving on your behalf and you will not be moved from your position. It will last. So, having done all to stand, stand and overcome when the evil day comes. You have been prepared for this hour. You have been equipped for this hour. You are being sustained in this hour to complete everything that I have given you to do.

Rejoice and be glad in Me. And say to another, ‘Be not afraid, for the Lord, strong in battle, strong and mighty, is in us.’ He is for us. He is not against us. ‘Nothing can separate us from the love of God that is ours in Christ Jesus.’ Know that whosoever calls upon Me, I will answer and show great and mighty things, things you know not of.

I am the Lord of the nations. I move the nations as I will to bring things together to the fullness of days. Therefore, don’t get caught up in fear about this or that happening. All you need to know is that I am in charge and I reign. I will bring the evil down on the evil and I will bring the blessing upon the blessing. For the evil will be consumed by their own actions, their own words, their own thoughts, their own deeds. They are not in unity.

But My people are in unity. One in spirit, one in heart. Those are of My Spirit and those who have not yet received all that I have intended, I am making a way for them. Their eyes and their hearts will be open to the Good News. So, get My Word out there to My people and continue to teach My truth so My truth can set My people free, in Jesus’ name.”

Pastor continued with this: Thank You for enabling us to do everything that You have given us to do and that Your great provision is coming in spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, financially and relationships to do all that You have given to do. We thank You, Lord, that You preserve us from every attack of the evil one. Someday we will be with You in Glory, in Jesus’ name. The Lord and you and I are in agreement, so it will be what we speak on earth. He is honoring it in heaven and He gave us a Word from heaven to encourage us today as well.


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