Dec. 10, 23

The Trumpet by Bill Burns:

This is the Word of the Lord: Love your enemies, pray in secret, forgive people, seek first the kingdom of God, do not judge and fight the good fight of belief. Be a doer of the Word. 

John 15:11 These things I have spoken to you that My joy may remain in you and that your joy may be full.

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:

Things will come to light that will require an adjustment in your thoughts and plans. Make these adjustments with the favor that I provide. My favor will keep you in a place of righteousness and safety as the new season unfolds before you. You will not regret your position of integrity, says the Lord. 

Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this eon, but be transformed in the renewal of your mind, in the trying of yourselves, in what is the good and well-pleasing and perfect will of God!

by Jeffrey Stewart

The Father says: 
“I allow My Children to go through tests because man’s natural tendency is to believe that what they SEE is more real than what they cannot see. The opposite is true. Everything you see around you will be gone a billion years from now. But Spirit, which is INVISIBLE, will REMAIN forever.
I am Spirit and I remain forever. You and other people are Spirit and will remain forever, somewhere, as well. My Word is also Spirit (John 6:63) and My Word remains forever.
My Word is INFINITELY MORE REAL than ANYTHING you see with your eyes, because My Word created everything that you see with your eyes.
Job 9:8 “The One stretching the heaven alone and walking upon the sea as upon a floor.”

Jesus walked on this promise when He walked on the water. He could do this because this promise in My Word is INFINITELY MORE REAL than the water He walked on. This Promise in My Word is infinitely more solid, sturdy and reliable than ANYTHING in ALL Creation, because My Word created All Creation.
So If you STAND on My Word, nothing IN ALL CREATION can move you. My Promises, which ARE MY WORD, are settled FOREVER in Heaven.
My Promises to you are INFINITELY MORE RELIABLE than what your eyes tell you. So you can STAND ON THEM and your heart can be forever settled on the matter.  

This is why I allow trials to come. I am training you to rule and reign. AS you learn to rely on what My Word says, on what My Spirit says ALONE and not on what your eyes and other senses say, you become the type of Leader My Son Jesus is.
Isaiah 11:2-4
“And Spirit of the LORD will be caused to rest upon him; a Spirit of wisdom and understanding; a Spirit of counsel and strength; a Spirit of knowledge and piety; a Spirit of the fear of God shall fill him up. He shall not judge according to the glory of man, nor shall He reprove according to the speech. But He shall judge the case  of the lowly and shall reprove for the lowly of the earth. And He shall strike the earth by the Word of His mouth; and by the breath through His lips He shall do away with the impious.”

When you learn to TRUST in My Word, I will in turn trust you with levels of My Anointing that you cannot comprehend right now. I will cause your life to glorify My Son. And through you, I will shake the world.”


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