Dec. 5, 23


When you get overwhelmed, dumping down into self-pity does not help. You need to be quiet and calm your inner turmoil. Be pragmatic instead of entertaining theoretical considerations. Maintain sensibility as you consider your options and stay present with Me, says the Lord. 

Isaiah 30:15a For thus says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and confidence shall be your strength.

December 5, 2023. How can life be this good, you say? Enjoy this time of euphoria. Don’t be expecting things to go badly. When you have joy, you are really entering into My Kingdom. Jesus endured the cross with joy, knowing the final result. Even in the midst of bad you can CHOOSE to set your mind on good and disregard the negative. Try it, I think you’ll like it.

Hebrews 12:2 “looking to Jesus the head and perfection of the belief Who, instead of the joy being situated before Him, endured the cross, disdaining the shame and at the right of the throne of God has sat.”  Robin Robinson Bohlin

December 5, 2023. I heard the Lord say, “Take care of business. Do not let your business be unfinished or go undone.” The Lord has given us victory over the evil one. Yet we must individually appropriate those victories in our lives through His Word and by His Spirit. As the Ecclesia of God, we are to prevail against the gates of hell. Gates are defensive, but the church (Ecclesia) is on the offensive. Don’t wait around for the devil to attack you. You take the fight to him until he “flees” from you.

Psalm 18:32,34,37- 42 “God is the one girding me with power and makes my way unblemished; teaching my hands for war; and You made my arms as the bow of brass; I shall pursue my enemies and overtake them; and I will not return until whenever they should cease. I shall squeeze them and in no way should they be able to stand; they shall fall under my feet. And you girded me in power for war; you bound hand and foot all the ones rising up against me underneath me. And You gave to me the back of my enemies; and the ones detesting me you utterly destroyed. They cried out to the LORD and there was no one delivering and He did not hear them. And I will make them as fine as dust against the face of the wind; as mud in the squares I will grind them.”   Budd Rodgers


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