Dec. 1, 23


Believe Me when I say no weapon formed against you shall prosper. I am with you to bring you through even the most difficult of circumstances. Find your strength in Me and stand strong on the truth of My Word. Never doubt that I am with you and I will bring you through to victory. 

Isaiah 54:17 Every weapon concocted against you shall not be prosperous; and every voice that shall rise up against you for judgment, all of them you shall vanquish. And the ones liable of you shall be in her; it is the inheritance to the ones attending the LORD and you shall be righteous to Me, says the LORD.

December 1, 2023. Today, let nature be your healer. I did not create nature for Myself; I made it for you. Heaven is My abode. You, on the other hand, have had nature in the earth’s realm created for you. Go outside, breathe in the fresh, crisp air, allow the sun to penetrate you, listen to the birds, look at the fall colors, feel the rain, taste the new snow, allow nature to minister healing to you today. It is My gift to you!

Job 12:7-10 “But indeed ask the four-footed beasts! if they should speak to you, or birds of the heaven, if they were able to report to you.  And let the earth tell in detail! if it should expound to you; and the fish of the sea shall describe to you. Who knew not among all these, that the hand of the LORD made these? Except in His hand is the life of all the living and the breath of every man.” Robin Robinson Bohlin

December 1, 2023. I am bringing you to a place of soaring like Eagles, a place where no matter what you are facing you won’t be moved. Your vision will become 20/20, your ears will only hear the wisdom of My Spirit and your mouth will only speak those things I whispered to you in the higher places. Come soar with the eagles and let Me take you on a new journey. Let Me show you great and mighty things as you fly with Me. Are you ready to soar? It’s time, My child!

Isaiah 40:27-31 “For you should not say, O Jacob and why did you speak, O Israel, saying, My way was concealed from God and my God removed judgment and departed. And now, did you not know? Have you not heard? the eternal God, the God carefully preparing the tips of the earth, He shall not hunger nor tire, nor is there a finding out of His intelligence; giving strength to the ones hungering and distress to the ones not grieving. For younger men shall hunger and the young shall tire and the chosen men will be without strength. But the ones waiting upon God shall change in strength; they shall grow wings as eagles; they shall run and shall not tire; they shall proceed and shall not hunger.” Pam Jackson


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