Nov. 29, 23


Like an arrow that flies straight to hit its mark is the willingness of an obedient heart. You are living in perilous times that will require a listening ear and a heart of obedience to do My will, says the Lord. There is much to be done, and some of the things I require might seem unreasonable or even bizarre, but I need you to trust Me completely without wavering. 

Isaiah 50:10 Who among you is the one fearing the LORD? let him obey the voice of His Servant! Let the ones going in darkness and there is no light for them, yield upon the name of the LORD and support yourselves upon God!

November 29, 2023. You have the answer for someone today. I want you to be My mouthpiece. Call, visit, text, email someone, the person I put on your heart. You may not even have an idea of what to say to them but go ahead and do it. I will give you the words to say. You will be an encouragement to them today. Trust Me, I am guiding you and will be with you when you make the contact. Be My mouthpiece today!

1 Corinthians 14:3 “But one who prophesies speaks to men for edification and exhortation and consolation.” Robin Robinson Bohlin

November 29, 2023. I say to you, My Word will not return to Me void. Return My Word to Me by giving voice to it. I will create the fruit of your lips. As you decree My Word, I will establish it. Say what I say. Do not stay silent. Speak My Word, decree it. Acceleration will hit My Word as it comes forth out of your mouth and it will happen quickly.

Isaiah 55:11 “So shall My Word be that goes forth from My mouth; in no way shall it return to Me empty until whenever it should finish as much as I wanted; and I will prosper your ways and My precepts.”

Isaiah 57:19 “Peace upon peace to the ones far off and to the ones being near. And the LORD said, I will heal them.” Jennifer Peikert


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