Nov. 27, 23


When you feel overwhelmed, remember that I am with you to lead, guide, direct and protect you, says the Lord. All you have to do is take one step at a time; one day at a time. Refuse to worry about tomorrow. Just do what has been set before you to accomplish today. 

Matthew 6:24-27 No one is able to serve two masters; for the one he will detest and the other love; or the one he will hold to and the other he will disdain; you are not able to serve God and mammon. On account of this I say to you, Be not anxious for your life! what you should eat and what you should drink; nor what you should put on your body. Is not life more than nourishment and the body more than a garment? Look at the birds of the heaven! for they do not sow, nor do they harvest, nor do they gather together into storehouses; and your heavenly Father maintains them. Are you therefore rather different than them? And who of you being anxious is able to add unto his stature one cubit?

November 27, 2023. These are days of acceleration and manifestation. You will begin to QUICKLY see those things that you have prayed and believed for come to pass. There is nothing else you need to do. I am going to manifest Myself in miracle ways. Things will happen so quickly that your head will spin. Rest and watch. Don’t stop believing because My plan is already in action. Begin to thank Me now for that which I will do. No man can stop it.

Amos 9:13-15  “Behold, days come, says the LORD and the threshing shall overtake the gathering of crops; and the grape shall grow dark in the sowing; and sweetness shall trickle down the mountains and all the hills shall be planted together. And I will return the captivity of My people Israel and they shall rebuild the cities having been obliterated and shall inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards and they shall drink their wine; and they shall make gardens and shall eat their fruit. And I will plant them upon their land. And in no way shall they be pulled out any longer from their land of which I gave to them, says the LORD God.”  Robin Robinson Bohlin

November 27, 2023. There are some very important people in your life who deserve honor and respect. They “fly under the radar” of the attention and recognition that I have for them. I am calling you to quietly humble yourself and serve those who normally serve you. My Son did not call attention to Himself, served and respected those who surrendered their lives to follow Him. So today, deny your own desires and honor those servants worthy of your honor.

Proverbs 22:4  “The fear of the LORD is the generation of wisdom and riches and glory and life.” Jonas Bohlin


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