Nov. 26, 23

The Trumpet by Bill Burns:

Eternal life, relationship with God, provision, help, empowerment, healing, deliverance, guidance, wisdom, revelation, visions, dreams and gifts of the Holy Spirit, everything should cause us to be thankful to God in demonstration of our love for Him. 

Psalm 26:7 That I may proclaim with the voice of thanksgiving and tell of all Your wondrous works.

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:

I have sanctified and set you aside for Myself, separated from the world and worldly values to spiritual and eternal values. I am raising up a people whose hearts wholly belong to Me without compromise or hypocrisy. You are called by My name and no other. Be one with Me, says the Lord. 

Isaiah 43:7 Everyone who is called by My name, whom I have created for My glory; I have formed him, yes, I have made him.

Author unknown!

I want to give you a new perspective. I want you to see yourself differently, through the eyes of your heavenly Father.

Will you listen to Me and let Me explain?

I see you as accomplished by the hand of the Almighty God, a prized vessel of honor. I see you as lovely, lovely in My sight, nothing is missing and all is perfection. I see you through eyes of love, dear one. I see you clearly, more clearly than you have ever seen yourself, or could ever imagine seeing yourself.

I know that this is a startling concept. I know that it is difficult for you to see yourself the way that I see you, but know this with certainty: What I see when I look at you is truth. There is no untruth in Me and when I see one of My own, one that I bought and paid for, one that has been cleansed by My saving blood, I see clearly and there is no flaw present, no flaw in My vision and no flaw in you.

Now! Ponder that, beloved.  Ponder that wonderful truth and thank Me for it!

Jeffrey Stewart

God’s definition of decently and in order is very different than man’s. David dancing before the ark of the Lord was orderly in God’s eyes. People being allowed to share a message in tongues or a prophecy during a church service as described in I Cor 14 is orderly in God’s eyes. What man often calls “decently and in order” is what God calls “quenching the Spirit.” Order in God’s eyes is everyone flowing in the Holy Spirit, which may or may not involve sitting comfortably in the pews. It may involve people singing their hearts out to God AFTER the “three songs” have been sung. It may involve people praying at the altar with all their heart. It may involve people praying together in small groups for a lost or sick loved one.

Man too often is afraid to let the Holy Spirit have His way in a service and clamps down on what the Lord wants to do and justifies that type of rebellion by calling it “decently and in order” The Holy Spirit is Lord of the church. He loves the people in the church infinitely more than any pastor or leader. He wants to help the people in the church infinitely more than any pastor or leader. He knows the needs of each member of the church infinitely more than any pastor or leader. So we really ought to trust Holy Spirit and let Him have HIS way during our church services. You will see the lost saved, the sick healed, marriages restored and the church grow way more when you allow Holy Spirit to have His proper place.


The Lord is an ALL-KNOWING and ALL-UNDERSTANDING GOOD Person who ABSOLUTELY LOVES YOU WITH ALL HIS HEART. When you pray in the Spirit, THAT is the Person who gives you the words to pray. And since HE is the One giving you the words to pray, you are assured of an answer to that prayer.

Can you imagine how your life would be if EVERY PRAYER that you ever prayed was a prayer designed by an ALL-KNOWING and ALL-UNDERSTANDING, GOOD Person who LOVES you with ALL His Heart?

Did you know that the Lord loves your children infinitely more than you do? So if you pray in the Spirit for your children, those prayers would be for GOOD THINGS for your children that YOU COULD NEVER IMAGINE.

Did you know that the Lord exists OUTSIDE of time? So when He looks at a person, He can see them as they are now and also as they will be five years from now, fifty years from now, and even as they will be five hundred and five million years from now. So when you pray in the Spirit for your children or yourself, A Timeless All Loving Person is giving you the words to pray for ALL PHASES of your life, not just for today.

Did you know that, since the Lord is ALL-KNOWING, He knows everything that the devil IS PLANNING or EVER WILL PLAN against you? So praying in the Spirit will INSURE that THESE PLANS FAIL.

Did you know that the Lord knows THE EXACT PURPOSE for which you were created? So praying in the Spirit will ENSURE that this purpose is fulfilled, ensuring that your life makes THE MOST POSITIVE POSSIBLE IMPACT in creation and that when you stand before Him, you receive the MOST POSSIBLE REWARDS, rewards that go with you throughout ALL Eternity and bring you joy forever in ways YOU CANNOT COMPREHEND right now?

Are you starting to see the IMPORTANCE of praying in the Spirit and the things you miss out on when YOU DON’T?


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