Nov. 25, 23


Evaluate where you have been and where you are going spiritually as you prepare for entry into the new season. Make peace with yourself and others so that you do not take any baggage from the past with you. A new day is dawning, so deal with issues that will hold you back from optimum harmony and joy. 

Isaiah 55:12 For with gladness you shall go forth and in joy you shall be led. For the mountains and the hills shall leap out favorably receiving you in joy and all the trees of the field shall clap with their tender branches.

November 25, 2023. I see some of you feeling numb. You’re not sure what has happened, but you feel isolated and that scares you. I say to you this day, lift up your heads for redemption is coming. Let Me be your Advocate and Judge. I am the only one who can judge correctly. Lean into Me, put your head on My chest and let Me wrap My arms around you. I will fight your battles; let Me love you with Agape Love.

Luke 21:28 “Now when these things begin to occur, stand tall and lift up your heads [in joy], because [suffering ends as] your redemption is drawing near.”  Robin Robinson Bohlin

November 25, 2023. Have you grown weary of hearing the same prophetic word that you have heard for some time? My mind does not change nor do I turn My face from you. Trust the words of the prophets that have spoken into your life. I sent them to you to reveal My plan for you. Act on the Word that has been delivered and see the power of that Word be activated in your life. I will not change!

Psalm 119:89-90 “Into the eon, O LORD, Your Word abides in the heaven. Unto generation and generation is Your truth. You laid the earth’s foundation and it abides.”  Jonas Bohlin


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