Nov. 21, 23


There is a higher level of spiritual purity and perfection for you to explore. Refuse to get stuck in what you already know. Reach beyond what you consider to be your limits. You are entering a season of discovery and spiritual growth, says the Lord. Make the most of it. 

Matthew 7:7-8 Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives and he who seeks finds and to him who knocks it will be opened.

November 21, 2023. My child, I am bringing justice to your situation. Some of you have even been in agony over the injustice. I am a just God, I am perfect and altogether holy. When I make a ruling it has to be carried out. Always stay on the side of truth. Never agree with or settle for anything other than that. I am about to tip the scales of justice in your favor. Stand and receive what is being given to you today!

Isaiah 30:18 “And again God will wait so as to pity you. And on account of this He shall be raised up high to show mercy on you, because the LORD your God is judge. Blessed are all those who long for Him.”  Robin Robinson Bohlin

November 21, 2023.  Too often we find ourselves in a defensive position. We are defending our thoughts, our words and our actions, but I heard the Lord say, “Move forward”, pursue your enemies and get on the offensive side. Knock down the gates of hell. Trample over the serpents and scorpions, step on them and crush their heads as you advance forward. David did not run from the giant and neither should you. Heal the sick and cast out the demons. You are on the winning side!!

Psalm 18:30, 33-43 “My God — unblemished is His way. The oracles of the LORD are tried by fire. He is a defender of all the ones hoping upon Him. …….the one readying my feet as a stag and setting me upon the high places; teaching my hands for war; and You made my arms as the bow of brass; and You gave to me a shielding deliverance; and Your right hand takes hold of me; and Your instruction re-erects me unto the end; and Your instruction itself teaches me. You widened my footsteps underneath me and my soles weakened not. I shall pursue my enemies and overtake them; and I will not return until whenever they should cease. I shall squeeze them and in no way should they be able to stand; they shall fall under my feet. And You girded me in power for war; You bound hand and foot all the ones rising up against me underneath me. And You gave to me the back of my enemies; and the ones
detesting me You utterly destroyed. They cried out to the LORD and there was no one delivering and He did not hear them. And I will make them as fine as dust against the face of the wind; as mud in the squares I will grind them. You shall rescue me from a dispute of people; You shall place me at the head of nations; a people whom I knew not shall serve to me;”
Budd Rodgers


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