Nov. 14, 23


Follow My lead in making changes this season. Change should never be the product of boredom or a whim, but should be well thought out and a necessary improvement to your life. It should have an element that simplifies and fortifies where you are and where you are going. 

Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that in the trying of yourselves in what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

November 14, 2023. I tell you right now, YOUR FUTURE IS BRIGHT. I am a Rewarder of those who diligently seek Me. I’ve seen the years of plowing and sowing; your harvest is here! These next coming days you will see the fruit of your labor. Yet, it is not time to rest. Enjoy your reward but continue doing what you’re doing and the harvest will remain a blessing to you. Congratulations on your efforts! You have earned it!

Hebrews 11:6 “But apart from belief it is impossible to well-please; for it is necessary for the one coming forward to God to believe that He is; and to the ones seeking after Him He becomes a paymaster.”  Robin Robinson Bohlin

November 14, 2023. It is of extreme importance that all who have been born again focus on their position in Christ. I heard these words: the “ascension dimension” is as important as the death, burial and resurrection dimension. Do not just focus on one aspect of My redemption for you. Die to sin and self, bury the “old” man, leave the tomb, rise to new levels of living AND by all means Ascend to the throne of Jesus and find your position in HIM, so you can rule and reign with HIM. HIS ways are higher than your ways. Get in position so you can operate in your proper authority.

Ephesians 2:4-7 “But the God being rich in mercy through the great love of His, which He loved us and we being dead in the transgressions, are made alive together in the Christ  (by favor you are being delivered and raised up together and seated together in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus, that He should demonstrate in the eons, in the ones coming, the exceeding riches of His favor, in graciousness upon us in Christ Jesus.”  Budd Rodgers


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