Nov. 12, 23

The Trumpet by Bill Burns:

November 12, 2023: In a vision I saw people taking the joy of their heart and hanging it on a weeping willow tree. And the Lord said: Many of My people are in captivity because of the attacks and hardships of this time. They are mourning their losses to cause the song of their heart to be one of sorrow, but I will restore My people to joy and gladness. 

Psalm 137:1-2 By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept when we remembered Zion. We hung our harps upon the willows in the midst of it.

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:

November 12, 2023: Our dwelling place in heaven is not a house of rooms filled with all the conveniences and accoutrements of earthly living, but is a place in the Spirit where we can be one with God the Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for all eternity. Live your life worthy of reward. 

John 14:2 In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.


The Lord Jesus says:

“Just as the Light from My Face floods heaven, so shall the Light from My Face flood the Church. I am restoring to the Church all things that the enemy has stolen. And one thing he has stolen is the Light that I meant to shine forth from My Bride. That Light is the Light that comes from My Face. Just as ALL THINGS are clearly visible in Heaven, all things are also going to be clearly visible in My Church as the Light from My Face shines on and through her. 
Every work of the enemy will be exposed and made plainly seen. Every deception, every stronghold, everything that the enemy is doing in My Church will no longer be hidden. And every person who has been WORKING WITH the enemy in My Church, opposing My Bride making herself ready, shall also be exposed. And not only will the works of the enemy be exposed, so shall the works of MAN be exposed. All man-made things will be seen as they are. Man-made doctrine. Man-made order. Everything man- made will be seen as it is. The Light from My Face will shake ALL that can be shaken, so that the only thing left IS THE LIGHT from My Face, shining forth from My Bride. So that people on earth can see Heaven on Earth IN and THROUGH My Bride!

If you are in leadership and have been seeking My Face, the good things you have been doing, the things that My Spirit led you to do, will ALSO be exposed. And you will be promoted before men. For the Light from My Face exposes ALL things, both good and bad. So this is a Word of encouragement to those who have been faithful in doing My Father’s business. My Bride will shine forth with My Glory before I return. All I AM shall be visible in and through her. For this is the season of preparation. The season My Bride is about to marry her Groom. A time of rejoicing for those who love My Appearing. For I will have My Bride. And My Bride shall be an accurate reflection of Her King.”


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