Oct. 30, 23


To those who have been injured either physically or emotionally, access the substance of healing that is available to you through My Spirit, says the Lord. This will take quiet determination and belief and you must let go of the symptoms and how you feel. Set your heart and soul to receive. 

Psalm 147:3 He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

October 30, 2023. This life is about learning. My child, I see your trek and it is good. You are learning from your past mistakes. Remember this life is all about learning. I don’t want to see you go around the mountain…one…more…time. Be a learner, repent if necessary, put the past behind you and begin your trek once again. Be like Peter, who denied Jesus three times and then got right back up again and finished his race with victory!

Psalm 25:5 Guide me with Your truth! and teach me that You are God my deliverer! and I waited on You all the day.”Robin Robinson Bohlin

October 30, 2023. I am the God of victory! You were created in My image, therefore you are designed to live a life of blessing and victory. There is absolutely no reason for you to live in defeat. Yes, there will be trials and challenges. Those will come, but declare and confess the victory that is yours because you are the seed of Abraham. Believe that you are worthy of My best and walk in the truth of My Word.

Exodus 14:13-14 “And Moses said to the people, Be of courage! Stand and see the deliverance by the LORD, which He will do for us today! For in which manner you see the Egyptians today, you will not proceed still to see them into the eon of time. The LORD will wage war for us and you shall be quiet.”Jonas Bohlin


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