Oct. 29, 23

The Trumpet by Bill Burns:

Come into My presence and I will reveal things that are and that are yet to come. Mysteries will be made clear and the plans of the enemy will be revealed. You will know My plans and purposes. Knock and the door will be opened to you, says the Lord. 

Matthew 7:7-8 Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives and he who seeks finds and to him who knocks it will be opened.

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:

When you are in a holding pattern where there seems to be no change or progress, this time of waiting can either be fruitless or fruitful. You can do nothing, or you can take advantage of this time to examine your attitudes and motivations and make positive and lasting changes. Do not let this opportunity pass you by. 

Galatians 6:4 But let each one examine his own work and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone and not another.


by Jeffrey Stewart

Everyone in Heaven sees ALL things by the Light from the Face of Jesus. Since Jesus prayed, “Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven”, God wants us to see ALL things by the Light from the Face of Jesus as well.

The Light from the Face of Jesus is contained in His Word in written form.
Speaking God’s Word aloud releases that light into your heart, enabling you to see things with the eyes of your heart, illuminated by the Light from the Face of Jesus. Revelation is simply seeing something with the eyes of your heart illuminated by the Light from Jesus’ Face. In the Greek, Paul prayed that the eyes of our hearts be FLOODED with that Light, in Ephesians 1:18. The best way to achieve this is to speak God’s Word into your heart, as Holy Spirit leads.

The Light from the Face of Jesus is the source of ALL revelation. Revelation
means REVEALING. We have confined the word REVELATION to a much smaller area than God intended. Revelation means more than just seeing something in God’s Word.
The Father says:

“Right now, you are seated with Jesus in the Heavenly Realms. (Eph 2:6) Most are not aware of this reality because they do not know how to see through the eyes of their hearts. Just as light is required to see through your physical eyes, you need Light to see through your spiritual eyes. That Light is contained in My Word and is released into your heart BY SPEAKING.

Once you fill your hearts with the Light from My Word by speaking it, you will be able to see things in Heaven just as My Son Jesus did. You will know you are seated with Me because you can see My Face with the eyes of your heart, just as you might see someone you are seated with using your physical eyes. You will be able to see Me speaking and repeat what I say in the earth realm. By seeing with the eyes of your heart, you can take the things being said and done in Heaven and repeat them on earth. This is exactly as My Son Jesus ministered. You can minister just as He did when your hearts are filled by the Light of My Word.

When My People fill their hearts with My Word by speaking it, the SAME Light
that fills Heaven will fill their hearts and they will see ALL things as My Children in Heaven see them. My Word IS Light, the same Light that shines from My Face is contained in My Word. As you speak My Word, you are speaking “Let there be Light” into your hearts. The more Light in your heart, THE MORE YOU CAN SEE.

Everyone in Heaven sees all things absolutely accurately, because they see ALL things by the Light from My Face. As you SPEAK My Word into your hearts, you will begin to also see things more and more accurately, since you will be seeing things by the Light from My Face as well.

The Gifts of the Spirit are seeing things by the Light from My Face.

The Gift of Discerning of Spirits is seeing the true spiritual nature of a thing by the Light from My Face. 

The Word of Wisdom and Word of Knowledge are seeing the nature of a matter by the Light from My Face.

The Gifts of Healing cause healing to occur because your spiritual eyes SEE the true nature of sickness AS laid on the back of Jesus.

The Gift of Faith causes GREAT FAITH to be imparted to you because you see the PROMISE in My Word for a situation by the Light of My Face.

The Gift of interpretation of Tongues occurs because you see what was said IN
tongues by the Light from My Face.

The Gift of Tongues occurs because your Spirit sees what I am saying from
Heaven by the Light from My Face and you repeat it in an unknown tongue with your spirit on earth. (Jesus only said what He heard Me saying.)

The Gift of Prophecy occurs because you are seeing what I am saying in Heaven by the Light from My Face and repeating it on earth in a KNOWN tongue. (Jesus only said what He heard Me saying).

The Gift of Working of Miracles occurs because you SEE what I am DOING in
Heaven by the Light from My Face and repeating it on earth. (Jesus only did what He saw Me doing.)

As you begin to fill your hearts with My Word by speaking it, you will begin to
minister as Jesus ministered. That is because He did all things by the Light from MY Face. He knew EXACTLY what to say and do, because He saw all things accurately. He operated as a Heavenly Citizen in the earth realm. It is My Will for YOU to ALSO begin operating as a Heavenly Citizen in the earth realm, because when you were born-again, you BECAME a Heavenly Citizen.”

“But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ,” (Phil 3:20)”


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