Oct. 27, 23


To those who are in need of a different outcome, you must make adjustments to your method of operation. These are days when it is imperative that you look through the lens of truth and reality regardless of how compelling deception becomes. Begin with being honest with yourself, and do not blame others for your shortcomings. 

John 8:32 And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.

October 27, 2023. I will never take away your freedom of choice. My desire is that you choose Me fresh and new this morning. You will have the choice today to do things My way or your way. My way is the way to everlasting peace and joy. It may be the harder road to choose but it is the most profitable. I love you enough to let you choose, knowing that your way will not produce the desired result.

Psalm 16:11 “You make known to me the path of life; in Your presence there is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”  Robin Robinson Bohlin

October 27, 2023. I see people spinning around and around. When I asked the Lord what this means He said, “Many of My children have been caught off guard and it has sent them spinning where they feel out of control. They have lost their focus and are looking for help. Hear Me today, the answer you need can only be found in Me. I am the true source of help, return your focus to Me and allow Me to settle you.”

Isaiah 43:2 “And if you should pass over through water, I am with you; and rivers shall not engulf you. And if you go through fire, in no way should you be incinerated; a flame shall not incinerate you.”  Pam Jackson


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