Oct. 25, 23


Doors are opening for unique opportunities. It may be subtle, but take extra care to evaluate possibilities. I will give you the wisdom to know how to respond to these rare moments. Maintain an open heart and mind in your consideration and reactions to situations that come your way. 

Galatians 6:10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.

to Jeffrey Stewart

Your Heavenly Father says:
This is a Holy moment. My Heart is talking to your heart. My Heart is inviting your heart into a walk with Me that you have never known.

As you sense My Presence, as you read this message, listen to what My Spirit is saying to you.

I am drawing your awareness up into My Throne. Allow it to rise in the arms of My Love. Allow the eyes of your heart to begin to see My Brightness. As My Peace flows into your heart like a River, focus the eyes of your heart on Me and hear what My Love is saying to you.

I am showing you what My Son Jesus sees when He looks at Me. I am showing you what captivates His Heart. Allow My Heart to captivate your heart as well. All true joy comes from what you are beginning to see. All true peace comes from where you now are. My Presence is My Signature that assures you that My Heart is now speaking to your heart. The flow of My River is now flowing through you.

Heaven is made glad by the River you now sense. Allow your heart to rest in My River. Allow My Joy to become your joy. Your heart has now found its home. Your heart is at home with My Heart.
My Heart invites your heart to rest in My arms.

This is Heaven, My child. Close your eyes so you can see. The Love you feel is My gift to you. The joy and peace are My gifts from My Heart to your heart. Rest your heart within My Heart. Allow My Heart to embrace your heart.

My Presence is My signature. Yes, My Child, I love you. I have shown you My Love in a new way. You see My Heart with the eyes of your heart. My Peace has become your peace. My Joy has become your joy. My rest has become your rest.

This is your invitation. Keep it with you. Write it, print it, treasure it. In your private time with Me, read it. Allow your heart to rise to meet Mine. You are now changed. My Heart has captivated you just as your heart has captivated Me. Eternity will be our mutual captivation. I am yours, just as you are Mine.

My Presence is My Signature,
Your invitation.
You will never be the same.”


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